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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LapBandJourney

  1. LapBandJourney

    Fridays the day

    My surgery is tomorrow too! My surgery is at noon and I have an overnight stay. I didn't think about posting on this website until I saw this. I'm bringing my laptop and some dvd's to watch while I'm there. I've pre-researched as much advise as I could and so far everyone's saying walk, walk, and walk some more. I've read and been told that Gas X strips, Chapstick, and a prefill prescription are the best things to have before going into surgery. After your released you should still have everything and include peppermint tea, benefiber, and shoulder packs for things to have for your at home recovery. Hope everything goes well and that you have an amazing lap band journey. Good Luck!
  2. LapBandJourney

    Help! I SOO want to cheat!!!

    I just started my diet a couple of days ago. I know what your going through. My family decided that they're going to make a huge dinner for superbowl sunday and I know its going to be hard but I keep telling myself that I can't start a healthy life if i'm not willing to give up the unhealthy one. I open up my pantry and look at all the Snacks and tell myself no. I know that my surgery date is close (feb. 12) and I know that sabotage will only make my journey more difficult. Goodluck. I hope everything goes well and that you have an amazing weight loss journey
  3. Hi. I just started my pre-op diet 3 days ago and i've already lost seven pounds. I've been using SECURE protein shakes (pina colada flavor) with one serving of yogurt blended with ice and whole milk. I LOVE IT. You can buy some on Hsn.com or Qvc.com but dont get peanut butter flavor. yuck. GoodLuck with your journey

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