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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Giby97

  1. Amanda, great job too, your doing great like me. Yes the doc's scale gets me one or two more kg's too, but they are nearly correct-on average. I am fluctuating now between 109 and 110. Now with some exercise this next two weeks I will see some difference. I don't plan on going to the doc's till the 4th Sat in April. What about you? I will get my fourth fill then, I have 6 cc's in now, and 2 more will be 8 cc's in my 10 or 11 cc band. I feel more hungry but I don't eat all of the calories we are suppose to. Although my clothes sizes are shrinking. I've swithced belts already too. Stomach is getting flat, no more table-hehehehe. Now I will have to find another location for my remote control for the tv-haha. Glad your doing ok too. The norm is only a few #s a week but if more is lost, welcome right. Good luck and hope to see you soon. Ken

  2. It's been Two months and one week, 9 weeks since my surgery. :glare: Two more weeks to go before I will get my 4th Fill, another 2 cc's.:bored: Currently I have 6 cc's in my 10 cc band. :tt2: Started exercising everyday and should have some good results in two weeks.:tt1: Eating habits are controlled and maintaining water intake. :rolleyes2:Drank too fast today, Water and had some trouble, MUST REMEMBER TO DRINK SLOW, SIPPING, NOT GULPING. :tt2: But I was thirsty for something cool to drink.[ATTACH]322[/ATTACH]
  3. Mechelle, I read your comments and I am like you and the others with a goal of 100 in a year, but I know that's adjustable and we must be flexible. I sure would like to be friends and to share that rotation diet of yours. If you wish to share, my email is: giby97@hotmail.com.

  4. Giby97

    Last Meal Syndrome & The Scale

    Hi, I had my last supper at TGIF and it was a nice juicy steak, salad, soup and a coke. I had this the night prior to my surgery as the doc told me no eating after 12 midnight--who eats at midnight. I had my meal at 7 to 9 with family and relatives...it was fantastic. So Enjoy while you can because after surgery you will be a different person for sure. But remember that eventually after you settle in with the surgery, you will again get to eat good but in small amounts of course, but that's when you reach your ultimate goal which is why we all have the surgery. I don't regret my surgery, its the best thing that's ever happened to me, I feel energetic, and my self esteem is coming back, plus the fact that as one gets smaller, the opportunity to buy more selections of clothing is out there. Love this. Welcome to the bander's club, you will not regret it. Best wishes.
  5. Giby97


    It's time for a fill...once you get one you'll be on track and untill then stay postive and keep on the protein diet with lots of water.
  6. Giby97

    The count down....

    Congrats, and don't loose your patience, cause after your banded for about 3 days stay on liquids, tomato soup, or V8, chicken noodle soup broth, or shakes, at my third day I went to mushies, mashed potatoes 1/2 cup and pork and beans 1/2 cup. Even oat meal, or omelet for breakfast. I was light headed for a few days after surgery, walked a little and drank-sipped water. Water is a key player so replenish it. My pain-soreness lasted until day 8 or 9 then ok. That was the pain in the shoulder from the gas. From day 10 to now I have been on food, small amounts of chicken, fish, and beef. Remember to eat enough protein foods. You will loose some weight until your first fill. You can tell when you need one your appetite is strong and your weight loss has coasted at one weight limit for a about a week to 8 days. I am at 31 pounds loss since 4 Jan 10. It's slow and steady. Rem to be patient, maintain your food intake and exercise some. One key point to rem after the surgery is walking, walk around as this eases the pain. Good luck and have a great year loosing the #s. ken
  7. Amanda, when will you make your next trip to the doc's, I was suppose to go 27 Mar but I will make it 3rd week in Apr. If your going up on a Sat in Apr let me know.

  8. :thumbup:Well it's been 5 days since my surgery. How I feel is lightheaded and weak, but I think its due to the meds. I finished my meds yesterday, but still have some discomfort in my mid section, and as if your burping it hurts the worst.:eek: I have been sticking to the liquid diet and lots of water in between. :cool: I have a thrist for water all the time.:tt2: So far I have been loosing about 1 kg a day.:laugh: Started at 123.1 and now down to 117.5. I also began walking and riding a stationary bike for about 30 minutes. I have added juices to my diet to quench my thirst but the right ones. Additionally, I am using high protein vitamins effective today.:tt1: I hope my lightheadedness goes away prior to my beginning to work again in 8 more days. Does anyone know how long the soreness stays with you under the sterndom and on the left side. I do keep tabs of what I eat and drink, which is little. I am very happy that I chose LAP-BAND® surgery, as now I will feel great soon, my goal. Does anyone have a recipe list they wish to share with a beginner here. What do you eat each day for a week, at the 4 week point. I am on my second week next Monday so it's puree time and lots of soups. You may send any replies to giby97@hotmail.com. Thanks for listening.
  9. Giby97

    1-4-10, Giby97 Surgery Progress 9 Jan 2010

    Amanda, I have been buying on base, Ensure choc and vanilla 6 packs. I drink one in the morning with two vitamins. Korean multivitamin but you can use US, or any multivitamin. I normally eat two with my shake, that fills me up from 6:30 am to 12 noon. The name on the vitamins is: CHLORELLA 100%, the wife bought it for me, two 300 tablet containers for 85,000won, purchased at a korean pharmacy.
  10. Hi Patrick, How you doing? Hey can you share what you eat during a week or month since your kind of a mentor. I have been doing ok but want to see what else is out there. Still going strong here. Down to 109.3 kg from 123.1kg. Hope your doing well?

  11. Giby97

    Damn you Stress!

    Hello, very interesting about your weight loss. Great I think. You are only 14 pounds from your low, so just go back to the basic's and have shakes, and a cup of soup for meals a few days, maybe one week, then you might be back on target without seeing the doc. We are similar and your at where I want to be in one year. I was banded 4 Jan 10. I am down 31 pounds so it's working slowly. Remember one will loose only 1 to 2 pounds at least a week. Once your back on track then go to mushies, soups, mashed potatoes and pork and beans-only for a short while. You should be proud cause you did it, you reached a remarkable goal. Apply what you have learned being a lapbander-eat three times a day-small amounts. Your story is amazing, you made it. Good luck.
  12. Giby97

    Thank God it is Fill Day.

    Hi, I am Ken and I was banded 1-4-10. I read the posts daily and try to use the information to adjust my life style. I was at a stand still for a few weeks and I weighted myself daily, still do. I was not loosing anymore, but this morning I lost nearly 2kg. I don't eat the full 1500 cal a day, shake in morn or omelet with cheese; lunch is tuna salad and five crackers; I did have a banana yesterday mid morning; drank on bottle of water in 4 hours. For dinner I had soup, about a bowl, with veggies-potatoes, corn-like a chowder. Evening time I had two popsicles. It's too cold out to exercise here-walk, but I did manage to walk for 45 minutes at lunch. We lapbander's will loose the weight, possibly at 2 pounds a week when all is said and done. I look at a year and a half to reach my goal of 170. I started at 270. Don't get discouraged and keep up the great work, it will come. I did go nearly a week and a half at a constant weight--time for a fill-my 3rd. Possibly this Sat I will go for a 4th but that is determined by the weight I loose this week. Oh I did gain one or two pounds but that went down as yours will, so don't fret too much. It takes time so patience is our way of life now. Feels great to loose too and I am one who is very happy with my band. Glad I did it. You should be too. We are on our way to becoming new people in life, so hang in there. I am Giby97 on my posts. Have a great day and week. Ken
  13. Giby97

    Nervous about procedure

    Hi I am Ken and i had my surgery 4 Jan 10. Being nervous and having second thoughts right before surgery will go through your mind, but believe me, it's a worthwhile experience and pretty much quick and safe. I was up the night prior off and on all night long, but when I got to the Doc's office, it was no turning back--what an experience. After the surgery I was tired, but up wrapped in a stomach brace with an IV in my hand. The thing is to walk around as much as you can prior to departing the office. I was light headed for a few days following the surgery, but I was off work for a week so I just relaxed. I ended up staying the night due to snowfall and my home was 5 hours away. I brought tomato juice, and sipped water-a little sip too I did try some veg soup-soft veggies. Your still on liquids for a few days so chicken noodle soup worked well for me. There is some discomfort from the gas used but it will go away in a few days-mine took 6 ot 7 days. They should provide pain meds for a few days-so that will ease the pain-healing process. Drink plenty of water too. I did manage to lay down at night and sleep on either side but I favored my non-portal side. I posted my experience under Giby97. I have had three fills already and am anticipating my fourth. Getting fills is determined on you and how well your body is adjusting, when your weight starts to stop dropping and remains constant for 5 days, then it's time to get a fill. Right now I am constant with my 6 cc's in my 10 cc band. I will be ready for another real soon. Hope this helps you. Welcome to the year of the weight loss.
  14. Giby97

    OMG liquid diet sucks!

    Hi, I had juices, tomatoe,orange at first, then after a few days went to chicken noodle soup in a box-added peas--they are soft. Moved on to mashed pot and fish or chicken baked or boiled. Lots of mashed pot's in 1/2 cup containers. Also used was shakes, Ensure with two multivitamins. Shakes can be ok for two meals. Did this for first 9 days. Drink water in between and eat at 4 hour intervals, 3 times. Oh I added sugarfree jello and pudding and popsicles for late snacks- 7 or 8 pm.
  15. Hello I am Kenneth Gibson, and I am residing in South Korea. Monday I had my LAP-BAND® surgery done-very successful from a doctor in Seoul, Korea, his name is Soo In Kwon, MD.PHd. I am looking forward to learn about the diet plans and to finally reduce my weight. I have started at 270 pounds with a BMI 44.7. Now I am joining this site to learn about good eating habits, particularly what I can eat and what not. If anyone has any inputs as to a good diet plan please email me at giby97@hotmail.com. I want to make this a great final effort to reduce my weight and to live longer.
  16. Giby97

    Third Day Banding

    Welcome to the bandster arena...my doc had me scheduled two week intervals for my fills. It depends on you too, so keep that in mind. I extended my fills another week, making it every 3 weeks. I had three already and now am considering my 4th fill by 27 Mar 10. That will be 8 cc's in a 10 cc band for me.
  17. Giby97

    Giby97, 9 Weeks Since Surgery 123.1kg to 110.3 kg

    It's been Two months and one week, 9 weeks since my surgery. :smile2: Two more weeks to go before I will get my 4th Fill, another 2 cc's.:glare: Currently I have 6 cc's in my 10 cc band. Started exercising everyday and should have some good results in two weeks. Eating habits are controlled and maintaining water intake. :rolleyes2:Drank too fast today, Water and had some trouble, MUST REMEMBER TO DRINK SLOW, SIPPING, NOT GULPING. But I was thirsty for something cool to drink.:wink2:[ATTACH]322[/ATTACH]
  18. Giby97

    1st Day Post Op - Having Major Issue

    Hello, maybe some reassurance. I drink water fast and I have the after affects, burping, DRINK SIPS of Water SLOWLY. After surgery I was sipping only like one sip, very tiny, then some soups, remember small amounts. Today I decided to drink three big fast gulps of water, big mistake. Some discomfort and burping. Afterwards I sipped the water-ok. Remember that whatever you eat, make sure it's small, bits and pieces. After surgery or any fill your tight and as should be, eat and drink slowly, small amounts. Hope this helps.
  19. Giby97

    day 3 post surg.

    Amanda it took me around 7 to 9 days after surgery. After that you feel ok. You will be alright. Take care
  20. Giby97

    Mar10th,2010... Just signed in

    Dr. Kwon, how goes it? Nice that your on here now. Folks will probably started contacting you for your services. Your a great Doctor and I am glad I have met you. Your staff is the best and most polite. They treat patients with respect and cater to their needs. Thank you for your services as I am sure I will reap the benefits in a year for my surgery. Sincerely, Ken
  21. Giby97

    Lap Band Surgery in Seoul Korea

    Hello All,:thumbup: Here is another source for anyone who wants to pursue Lap Band Surgery in Seoul, Korea. Address and information: YEDAIN SURGICAL CLINIC 2nd Floor Sinsa Bldg 567-23 Sinsa-Dong, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul Korea Tel. 82.2.3445.8617, fax. 82.2.3445.8618 Email: fatmaster@fatsurgery.co.kr. Director: Soo In Kwon, MD.PhD English Speaking Staff:thumbup:
  22. Giby97

    Daughter needs to know

    Cheaper in Seoul Korea, see Giby97 blogs. Under 7K. Even with hotel expense and flight it would be considerably less. Vacation time in Korea.
  23. Giby97

    Broth suggestions

    Hi, the soup that I used was chicken noodle in a box-I added peas(they are mushy and soft) No problems. You may try creamed soups but it's recommened that they be strained- just cook then run through a strainer into your bowl. I have had various soups immediately after my fills, but on my 3rd fill recently I could only eat 5 or 6 bites, cause I was tight. After that 1/2 to 3/4 cup soup fill's me. After two days I moved on to mashed potatoes and pork and beans. 1/2 cup each. By not eating too much I included a drink or two of water or milk with my meal. Washes down alittle. Check the site out more and you will find recipe's from other bander's. Today I made chicken and dumplings in a crockpot and added celery, carrots, onions, and potatoes. Of course I only eat about 1/2 bowl at meal time. I will save the rest for work this upcoming week. Mornings for breakfast, I either have a shake and two vitamins, or a cheese omlet(2 eggs and cheese). Lunch I have tuna salad with 5 crackers. Drink water inbetween, and for dinner I have my wife fix me cooked cabbage, olives, greenbeans, and a meat, chicken, fish, or beef. Small. Less that 2 oz meat. Basically remember to eat protein type foods. Hope this helps.
  24. Hi Patrik, yes I rem you and our conversation on the tele. I am having a great time now, loosing the #s. More energy too. Can't wait untill I reach my goal now. It was the best move ever to have this surgery, it works. How about sharing what you eat on your meals, Ken

  25. It's time for a my third Fill. :thumbup: Traveling to Seoul Korea again early Sat.:smile: This "Fill" will mean I have 6 cc's in a 11 cc band. And liquids for a few days.:smile2: Can't Wait as I am sure the weight loss will occur. Weight has decreased to 243#s from 270, 4 Jan 10.:smile: Not bad with some exercise thrown in.:thumbup: Feeling more energetic everyday, wearing old clothes stored away during the past few years and feeling great about myself is the positive results of having lap band surgery.:thumbup: Glad I did it.:thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
