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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Giby97

  1. Giby97

    New Blogger

    Congrats to you. It works so just be patient.
  2. Giby97

    Please Help!

    Rebecca if you send me the survey as I don't see it here, I will be happy to partake. Send to Giby97@hotmail.com. My self-esteem has risin alot since my surgery.
  3. Giby97

    Two small goals fulfilled!!

    Fantastic!!!!I like that. I am happy for you and glad that now I too can enjoy those things with a smile.
  4. Great Scale News: Today, 18 Apr 10, down to 107.8 kg from 123.1 kg. 33 #s lost. Goal is 100 #s lost by Jan 2011. Ready for my 4th FILL, having it on 24 Apr 10. That will be 8 cc's in a 10 cc band. RESTRICTION, RESTRICTION, RESTRICTION. I welcome it. Weight was maintaining for a week then all of a sudden, weight loss. Breakfast: Shake and 2 Vitamins, or Eggs and Toast; Lunch: Tuna salad and crackers, or Lasagna with meat sauce(Stouffers 350 cal, 24g protein); Dinner: Rice w/chicken, or steak or fish (4 oz) and a vegetable--peas, peas and carrots. If Hungry in the evening two popsiciles-sugarless, or a hand full of cashews and a 1/2 glass of milk. When I am out with the wife and daughter, I have eaten a Big Mac-taking out the middle pieced of bread--I eat it very slowly--30 to 40 chews per bite, one sip of Diet Coke. Then while out at the store, walk for an hour. I don't feel I am cheating the sytem, I just adjust my schedule for the oversight. Only do this sparingly like once a month. With the 4th Fill I will resort back to soups for one to two weeks, you know back to the basics. Start fresh and have fun loosing these unwanted #s. Will provide an update one week after my 4th FILL. Good luck to all bandsters.
  5. Giby97


    Just hang on, keep up your status, after your fill you will probably go to liquids for 2 days, then mushies for a few days then back to food. Weight loss is a steady thing, with some pausing like for a week to 8 days (for me) but it kicks in and average loss per week for me since Jan has been 2.64#s. I feel great, and I don't get frustrated if I don't loose for 5 days. When I am outside all day, I loose about 1 to 2 kgs. Unbelieveable. Your ok, I am going for my 4th fill next month, I was suppose to get it yesterday but my weight loss kicked in this week--loosing so when your loosing don't get a fill. Sure I may have to pay for it, but ok so be it, not a problem. I eat under 400 cal per meal three times a day. Hope this helps.
  6. Giby97

    Nausea and vomiting question

    Eating small amounts after surgery at proper intervals, 4 hours, will maintain normacy as it did for me. You will only experience the after affects of eating too much or something that was now chewed correctly and got stuck. I took my surgery as a positive sign and at only three times did I purposely eat to get stuck to see what happened, yes I did the "v" and then did not eat afterwards. I was worried about work but if like me you have a shake and vitamins, or eggs for breakfast, then eat something like tuna salad or mashed potatoes, with a veggie like peas, or peas and carrots, when evening comes you are not that hungry. The first few days and weeks the lap band is adjusting and you will probably not be as hungry. To off set the hunger should it occur and it will as did I, I bought popsicles, and pudding sugarless. I drank plenty of water. At work at 1000 or 1100 i have tuna salad on crackers, about 5. 30 minutes later I drink water till time to go home. When home I either have a small plate of spaghetti, and a veggie. two hours later maybe a popsicle and drink some water. A hand full of peanuts is good too. Remember that you should try to have 60 to 80 grams of protein a day. I sometimes eat boiled, broiled chicken one cup or fish with a veggie. Lately i have been eating steak and a veggie. I have continued to loose and while eating I have not got stuck or had an incident. One thing is I have alot on energy now, as I tend to get up at 3 or 4 and 5 each morning. You have the energy, and you do get tired some days late in the eveing. So it's not all that bad. Hope this helps.
  7. Giby97

    One week to go

    Stay focused as there is nothing to worry about, if you want to loose the pounds just be positive and don't anticipate situations. Yes I was nervous and up the night prior but in the morning in cold wintery January, I went in and did as I was asked, and now I do not regret one thing. The doc's and staff know what they are doing, so just follow their guidance. My journey has been a positive one for me with some minor delays in weight loss but the scales from a weekly basis has been totalling a 2.64 #'s for a grand total of 31 #s so far. It's exciting and builds up your self esteem again. You feel alot of energy and can do alot of things. A few months after your surgery you will tell the difference. Good luck.
  8. Giby97

    how do i pick a doctor

    First consider cost factors, then consider travel distance. Did you know that in Seoul Korea, the Lapband surgery is about 6,800.00. Of course plus air fare and lodging arrangements. May be cheaper if the cost of surgery is 25K. People travel from Canada and all over the world to have the surgery done here in Korea. I know this if further away but it is an option as you may want to see the world too.
  9. Giby97

    Stupid Question

    Click on the pic where the box is, a check mark will appear, then click save. This is at your profile page for you You can see all of the friends in a screen shot box.
  10. Giby97

    GIBY97, DOWN 33 #S (123.1kg to 107.8kg-12 wks)

    Great Scale News: Today, 18 Apr 10, down to 107.8 kg from 123.1 kg. 33 #s lost. Goal is 100 #s lost by Jan 2011. Ready for my 4th FILL, having it on 24 Apr 10. That will be 8 cc's in a 10 cc band. RESTRICTION, RESTRICTION, RESTRICTION. I welcome it. Weight was maintaining for a week then all of a sudden, weight loss. Breakfast: Shake and 2 Vitamins, or Eggs and Toast; Lunch: Tuna salad and crackers, or Lasagna with meat sauce(Stouffers 350 cal, 24g protein); Dinner: Rice w/chicken, or steak or fish (4 oz) and a vegetable--peas, peas and carrots. If Hungry in the evening two popsiciles-sugarless, or a hand full of cashews and a 1/2 glass of milk. When I am out with the wife and daughter, I have eaten a Big Mac-taking out the middle pieced of bread--I eat it very slowly--30 to 40 chews per bite, one sip of Diet Coke. Then while out at the store, walk for an hour. I don't feel I am cheating the sytem, I just adjust my schedule for the oversight. Only do this sparingly like once a month. With the 4th Fill I will resort back to soups for one to two weeks, you know back to the basics. Start fresh and have fun loosing these unwanted #s. Will provide an update one week after my 4th FILL. Good luck to all bandsters.
  11. Giby97

    little restriction after 3rd fill

    My situation was like yours, but my fills since my surgery in Jan 2010 has been at 2 wk intervals and now my 4th coming this Sat at over a month and a half. I waited purposely to see if I could loose on my own. I was at a constant weight without any loss but only with a pound gain or so. Just this past week my weight loss stepped automatically in the high mode again, with me losing about 3 to 4 pounds this week. My loss per week since Jan is about 2.65 pounds a week. Everytime I went for a fill, I knew I needed it cause my eating habits changed, as I was getting hungry more. I get the hungar syndrome now but I am controlling it. Drink water and go out to the store and walk around for an hour. I am not a persistant exerciser but will eventually pick up the pace this week and after I get my 4th fill. I have lost 33 pounds since my surgery and feel great about it. I am looking forward to the 4th fill which would bring my total amount to 8 cc's in a 10 cc band. My intervals was 2 cc's per visit on all my previous fills. I too travel about 4.5 to 5 hours to my doctor's location in Seoul Korea. Ride the bus for 3.5 hours, a train for about 30 min and a 20 minute walk, for a 20 to 30 min appointment, then back again. I do not dread this time as it is R and R time from the daily hassles of work. Anyway I feel great and after reading several other lapbandster's stories, the 4th fill may be my glory fill. My goal is to loose 100 #s by Jan 2011. You can check my progress any time as I posted them. Lately I have felt I had little restriction but I challenged myself, it's there believe me, I purposely over indulged and guess what, I had to stop eating. The band is there and it's working. Be patient and positive as the average weight loss per week will be about 2 #s. Some will have more and some less. Stay strong and enjoy your journey like I am.
  12. Giby97

    Does it really work??

    Pretty much like mentioned above, but to restate it: you loose some #s, then you may have a plateau and stay constant for about a week then it starts to drop again slowly, about 2.64 #s a week for me. Some weeks I loose 4 to 5 but on average for 12 weeks now it's 2.64 #s. When you eat the max and you get stuck, you pretty much bring it back up. Three times for me, but that's a sign too telling you that your full, stop eating. This week I have lost 2.2 #s but there may be more lost in a day or two. I weight myself daily and keep tabs on what I eat. The more active you are, walking will tend to be a plus. I walked for an hour in a store and lost. This weekend I am going to see my doc for my 4th Fill. I will have 8 cc's in a 10 cc band. I gradually got my Fills, monthly, except for this one, its been two months. I should have good restriction. This is what I want, as it will help me loose more quickly. I have lost 31 #s since 4 Jan 10. My goal is 100#s by Jan 2011. I just might reach my goal earlier this year, hope so. Feelings are great, more energy, dropping the sizes, and starting to buy new clothes-a great feeling. Self-Esteem is high and will be higher when my goal is reached. Glad I chose to be a lapbander. Good luck, you wont regret it.
  13. Giby97

    102 POUNDS Today

    Congrats. Would like to know how you lost 15 #s. Please share your secret.
  14. Giby97

    What I eat...

    Thank you for sharing your selections. It's great. Add's variety, think I will try some. Thank you again.
  15. Giby97

    The Season is Over?Get Ready for the Playoffs

    Like your analogy. Great Job, and enthusiasm. Thanks for sharing. Very True. Good Luck.
  16. Giby97

    Getting rid of "fat" clothes

    Yes it does feel good. I have done what your doing now. Making room for all the new clothes during the journey. Stay positive and enjoy the ride.
  17. Your Welcome. Anytime you wish to discuss anything about the journey, I will be more than happy to pass on my experiences. Good Luck on your journey as well. I am enjoying my journey.

  18. Giby97

    1 month until "B"-day. Band date 05-12-10

    Your journey is exactly like mine to the letter. I shared all those feelings but none to worry about, it's a piece of cake. Read mine blogs, each step in the journey is fun, and you will succeed. You yourself have to do it for you and only you. I am in week 12 now and I am eating steak and veggies and still loosing. I am averaging 2.6 #s a week. Going to the doc's on the 24th for a 4th Fill. Looking forward to it. I have had good experiences and I purposely over indulged the other day to challenge the limits of my lapband, welll I now know where to stop. I will be more than happy to share my experiences with anyone. Good luck and best wishes on your lapband journey
  19. Giby97


    Your not suppose to drink while eating, but wait untill 30 to 40 minutes after PER GUIDANCE. If you do like I do, I always have a glass of either milk or water and take a slow nice smooth sip--no problems. I don't drink alot just a few sips. 30 minutes later I do start drinking water one gulp at a time, making it a smooth soothing one. You will be ok.
  20. Giby97

    My inner thoughts, I don't share.

    Being large sure has hampered my life some the past few years. I have not talked about it to anyone, but now I can relate and will share my thoughts. I was in the military and my last few years was trying as I had a vigorous exercise routine but was gaining weight. I was riding a bike for three hours a time, three times a week cross country. Anyway I finally retired and for the next few years I just laid back and relaxed and put on the #s. It took me 10 years to decide to change my life at 270 #s. The feelings I felt was loss of self esteem, did not want to go anywhere, had difficulty tying my shoes, and having to buy expensive tailored clothes. I rode a viking boat one year and when the bar was pulled close to my body, I could not breath, my circulation was cut off. After that I did not ride it again. As far as the airplane seats, I took a connecting flight once and had problems hooking the belt, yes I admit it. Now with my lapband in place i feel more confident, more energy, high self esteem, and feel great about dressing in nice fit clothing. Being a lapbander is FANTASTIC and I know the results will be achiebved. You will look great too, so just hang in there. I wish you much success.
  21. Giby97

    Giby97 T-Bone Steak, NO Sides Week 12

    Prepared T-Bone Steak for the family and baked it. Remembering the rules of lapbander's, eat small amounts, so I brought out the trusty scissors and cut mine cup of steak into bite size niblets. Ate slowly and chewed eat piece about 30 times. I was challenging my band, and behold no problems, but that's without any veggies or sides. I have been on soups and mashed potatoes, peas, and pork and beans so i wanted to try something different. I am full and satisfied. In two hours will drink nothing but water prior to retiring for the night. My progress for weight loss is about 2.84 #s a week. Just Sunday I dropped a kilogram (2.2#s) and have maintained it. I was due for my weight had maintained at 109 kg for a week. I am ready for my next FILL too. On 24 Apr 10 I am head to the doc, three hours away for my 4th FILL. Others who have had their 4th have been satisfied and had great restriction, and that's what I am searching for. Thought I would share my experience with you. Wish all lapbanders much success.
  22. Giby97

    Giby97 T-Bone Steak, NO Sides Week 12

    Prepared T-Bone Steak for the family and baked it. Remembering the rules of lapbander's, eat small amounts, so I brought out the trusty scissors and cut mine cup of steak into bite size niblets. Ate slowly and chewed eat piece about 30 times. I was challenging my band, and behold no problems, but that's without any veggies or sides. I have been on soups and mashed potatoes, peas, and pork and beans so i wanted to try something different. I am full and satisfied. In two hours will drink nothing but water prior to retiring for the night. My progress for weight loss is about 2.84 #s a week. Just Sunday I dropped a kilogram (2.2#s) and have maintained it. I was due for my weight had maintained at 109 kg for a week. I am ready for my next FILL too. On 24 Apr 10 I am head to the doc, three hours away for my 4th FILL. Others who have had their 4th have been satisfied and had great restriction, and that's what I am searching for. Thought I would share my experience with you. Wish all lapbanders much success.
  23. Giby97

    Question about restrictions

    I will share with you my experience. I am going on 11 weeks now and initially I had my FILLs scheduled for two week intervals. At first there is restriction but as you get used to it, and you notice your eating more, then that's a sign to get another FILL. I purposely delayed by 3rd FILL for up to three weeks, and now I feel I am getting used to it, so I am getting ready to head to the doc's for my 4th FILL on the 24th. Some bandsters say it's not untill the 4th FILL that the right amount of restriction is achieved and that's what I am hoping for. I have currently 6 cc's in a 10 cc band and will soon have 8 cc's. I purposely have waited more than a month for this FILL cause I felt I could do it on my own, and slowly but surely I am. It was just this week, Sunday that I dropped 2.2 #s. I have been maintianing so far. I was at a standstill for about a week and a half. I am averaging 2.84 pounds loss a week since 4 Jan 10. I weighted 270 and now I am at 233. I am showing progress in the sizes of clothes I wear, getting there. Some bandsters have indicated that the 4th FILL did it for them, but I think too it depends on the person, as it could be just one or two FILLS. My feelings are like yours I feel the hunger stage now at night, so it's time for a FILL. When you get your FILL make sure you can drink water at the doc's. YOU NEED WATER. Hope this helps some.
  24. Giby97

    I cheated on my pre op diet

    Its your decision and you should weight all the pro's and con's. I and all bandster's have done this. Some of the surgery eating habits, liquids, mushies, solids, in that order are for a reason. If you desire to loose like I am, then prepare yourself. Note the night prior to my surgery I had a T-Bone Steak at OUTBACK, my first trip to OUTBACK TOO. Enjoyed it, but by morning I was on my way for surgery. I could have backed out but it's my strong desire to not be BIG, all my life and to live longer. After 11 weeks I am down 33 pounds from 270#s. That's about 2.84 #s a week loss. The greatest thing about my surgery is I have alot more energy and my self-esteem is high again. Really you begin to feel great, energetic, and wonderful. Yes I occasionally go out with the wife and daughter, and I had one Big Mac 1/2, ate it slowly too. I have been eating chicken, fish and beef along with a veggie. You fill full so it's not a problem. If your hungry a few hours after your three daytime meals, get some sugarless popsicles and pudding. It's working for me. This week I am back on soups, and mushies, and will be for two weeks, my choice, I want to drop some more pounds before my 4th FILL, whioh will be on 24 Apr. I will then have 8 cc's in a 10 cc band. I am ready for it. Loosing 100 #s in one year will happen and just maybe early too. I am totally satisfied that I had my surgery--my wife was the one who scheduled it for me, and I thank her. It's up to you, so if you want to be a new person in 2010, it's your choice. Good luck.
  25. Giby97

    Oh no! Woohoo! Help!

    Well Amanda, congrats is in order, another one on the way. Hope your pains subside. I would check with the doc to see if your band did slip. I will probably go see the doc the end of Apr for my 4th FILL. Think I am about ready for it. Well you take care.

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