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Mary Ash

LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Mary Ash

  1. Well happy Bandiversary to me! Just got back from the ER and had an emergency unfill really upset :( . I think I'll do a blog post later today.

  2. O my god so glad you said that. I am eating waaaay to much for at least the last week. I too have found all of the "bad" stuff that I am able to keep down :( I am also getting really mad at myself because I know better but it is still so hard. I feel like I'm failing because I've only lost about 25 lbs and its been more then a month.


    That said I am going for another fill tomorrow at 7 am so hoping that will be a help...

  3. Hi what's up just saw that you live in the UK but were banded in Qatar. I found that interesting and was just wondering why hah.

  4. Hey found you through the college thread. I'm also a Bio major with a chem minor! I recently got banded (Jan 5th) and this semester has been crazy!!


    I'm still getting used to the band and trying to do good with my 20 credit course load this semester! Needless to say the past month has been challenging.

  5. Wow march 4th that seems like so far away. Did you already have a fill or did he put some in during surgery? I know I couldn't have waited until then I already have one fill and feel like I might be needing another one soon! I would say if you start to notice you can eat more than you'd like call and talk to your surgeon about it!

  6. Down 70 pounds! Reaallyy want to lose at least another 15 before January

  7. Hey that would be great as I don't really know anyone else personally that got this done in college. There is stuff that does come up. Thanks and keep in touch

  8. Hey I'm doing overall pretty good. Last week I tried some fries also but ended up throwing them up... I was starting to eat more than I should have been able to fit and was getting hungry so I had my first fill (2cc) this past Wednesday. Don't worry there has been a few times I've had a thing or two that I shouldn't have but usually I end up in pain because of it so that is kind of keeping me good. It is still so tempting though!

  9. Hey! I was also banded Jan 5! How are you doing so far?

  10. Good Luck tomorrow!!

  11. Hey you look great! Congrats on over 100 lbs pretty inspiring! haha

  12. Hey I'm doing pretty good I think. Healed up well qnd surprisingly fast which is good! Still adjustsing you know. Two days that's so exciting! Good luck but don't worry you'll do fine. Keep in touch as we go through this!

  13. I'm doing pretty well again with weight loss in general. Down 32 pounds since this past February. Trying to get back on these boards more regularly for more support in addition to MyFitness Pal people.

  14. I'm doing just ok so far. Its been about a month and a half since I had surgery and I'm not doing as well as I would like but I know that its is my fault, mostly because of my extremely busy class schedule this semester.


    I did get my second fill today though so I'm hoping that helps because I was able to eat way too much recently.

    How are you doing ? I see its been 2 weeks since your surgery. I can't believe how fast time is going by I feel like I was just at 2 weeks too.

  15. Down 91 pounds overall since my surgery in 2010!!! I am determined to get to 100 pound loss by September!

  16. Hey we were banded the same day! How are you doing?

  17. I fit into my younger sister's jeans.... I have ALWAYS been the biggest sister by far... this is weird

  18. Hey! We're about the same weight right now and I'm also tryin to lose about 15 lbs before January. Let's do this!

  19. I ate so much today... all baaaadd things. I HATE you Biochemistry.

  20. Hi


    If you are having trouble swallowing water I would definitely think that your fill is too tight. You should get in touch with your surgeon and see if he can take a little bit out.


    I am having the opposite problem. I have had three fills already and still little to no restriction. I have an appointment this Wednesday with Radiology to see if I am getting injected into my port or not.

  21. Your surgery is coming up soo soon! Are you excited? Did you start the pre op diet yet? yuck

  22. Hey how are you doing so far??

  23. Thank you! It reall does make me feel good to hear that! April will be here before you know it dont worry. Keep in touch feel free to send me an email: ashmore.m@gmc.edu

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