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Mary Ash

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Mary Ash

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  • Birthday 06/05/1990

About Me

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    Hey my name's Mary and I was banded on January 5, 2010 while living at college which brought a whole different set of challenges to having a band. Now a college grad with a Biology/Chemistry degree.
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  1. Hi!

    Congrats on getting the band, oh god I'm sure you are maybe sore and I know the post op diet is crazy hard but I think the first week I was just very depressed and I felt like I couldnt enjoy ANY food I use to enjoy at all not even in moderation but it turns out I still can, and the band definitely keeps the foods I eat in moderation. I've lost 12lbs in a month! I wish you the best of luck! I'm sure we'll both loose the weight and be great :]

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