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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by canadagirl33

  1. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    I just saw a post in a Yahoo group forum that the Vancouver meeting that I mentioned above has been changed. Because the date of the original meeting fell on Thanksgiving weekend she has moved it to the following Saturday which will be Oct. 18th.....same place, same time. I won't be attending, so hopefully I'll see all you regulars, plus anyone else who would like to join us, at the Wednesday meeting on Oct. 15th. Patricia
  2. canadagirl33

    Need help... What would you do????

    I'm so sorry to hear bout this !!! I would go ahead with the surgery. You were (hopefully) doing this for yourself to begin with, to make yourself healthy for your family. Well your kids are going to need you healthy more than ever since this has happened. I've had my band for almost 2 years and like everything else band related, it is all individual for every person. I've had some major stress in my life since banding (mom had a stroke, hubby got hit by a freight train -long story but he's alive-) and it has never made my band tighten up. So stress isn't a factor for everyone...and even if it were, there are quite a few healthy, soft, band-friendly foods that you could eat on bad days. (egg salad, tuna salad, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.) So I say....GO FOR IT !!! Get healthy and look after yourself and your kids !!! All the best and good luck with your decision !!! Patricia
  3. Hi All !! Sorry I haven't posted in a while....I've been on Van Island for the last 10 dayss for the last of my summer holidays. I even got good weather for this trip !!!! As Doddie mentioned, the meeting will be tomorrw night at Lions Gate Hospital. I'll be headed down fairly early in the day, maybe a trip to costco.... and I'll be at LGH by about 6.30. Hopefully I'll see you all there !!! Patricia
  4. canadagirl33

    Is there a LapBand Book???

    If you go to Amazon and type in 'Jessie Ahroni' (author) you will get a link to purchase [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Laparoscopic-Adjustable-Gastric-Banding-Achieving/dp/0595311148/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1220452366&sr=8-1]Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: Achieving Permanent Weight Loss with Minimally Invasive Surgery [/ame]by Jessie H. Ahroni Ph.D. A. R. N. P. You can also order this book thru most chain bookstores like Borders or Chapters and its a great book. Jessie is a long-term bandster (9+ years) and works in a banding clinic/facility in WA state. The book is very helpful and written in a way that it is easy to understand. Good luck, Patricia
  5. I've been away the last week and didn't see this til just now and wanted to say..... Congrats Scott !!!!! :smile: I'm really glad to hear that everything went well and things are helaing as expected !!! I hope you join us again at a support meeting and let us know how things are progressing for you. Feel free to mail me any time (canadagirl33@hotmail.com) and let me know how you're doing. All the best and again, Congrats !!!! Patricia
  6. canadagirl33

    in need of advice--thinking about surgery

    Hi there :wink2: I think the replies that you got are all good ones and should give you food for thought (no pun intended :wink:) Always remember that the band is nothing but a tool, albeit a great tool, but the work is still for you to do. The emotional issues (even if that emotion is just plain boredom) that cause you to binge or eat your midnight Snacks will still be there and you'll need to deal with them...but you can do it !!! The only thing in your post that concerns me is the amount of weight you want to loose and the time frame you're thinking of (200lbs in a year) My personal opinion is that it's not very realistic. Any literature you read says that you should lose between 1 and 2lbs a week, and I know, men loose WAY faster generally so you'll definitely be loosing more than 'they' say so you'll lose considerably more than that especially at first. But 1 of the healthy things about the band is that it is considered a slow and steady loss which is far better for you and tends to last over the long-run. I lost 100lbs my first year and since that put me pretty close to goal weight I slacked off some and have maintained for the last 8 months (something I could NEVER do pre-band) So big losses are most certainly do-able but be careful about setting a pre-concieved goal that may or may not be atainable. The best thing would probably be to speak to a surgeon and ask them if they think your goals are realistic, they are the ones who have seen what is really achievable with the band. This was a lot of babble and I'm not really even sure I made my point !!! I guess my thought is that I went into it with a thought of 'average and consistant' weight loss and when I achieved that I was very pleased with myself. From past experience I know that when I set my expectations too high and don't meet them, I get frustrated and generally fail in the long-run. All the best to you and good luck !!!!! Patricia 11/16/06 NWWLS 306/202/175ish - 6' Surgery/Today/Goal - Height
  7. Hi everyone :biggrin2: Sorry for starting a new thread on this but I couldn't find the old one. Just a note to make sure everyone that is interested knows that there WILL be a meeting next Wednesday, May 21st. This meeting will take place at Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver in conference room C just off the main lobby. I know that there are some of you that find the distance to North Van is a bother but I'm hoping with the longer daylight hours and better weather, some of you will be able to join us few die-hards !!! I have access to some printed materials that are very suitable for support meetings so if any of you that will be attending have a specific topic you would like to see discussed please post here and I'll try my best to print out some relevant info that we can discuss at the meeting. Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll see you next week !!! Patricia
  8. canadagirl33

    Support in North Van next weeek !!!

    Vanman I hope you see this message and don't arrive too early and then leave because no one ele is there !!! The meeting starts at 7pm, not 6....altho I will probably be there by about 6.30 like usual !!! See you all there :biggrin2: Patricia
  9. canadagirl33

    Support in North Van next weeek !!!

    Alrighty....I don't know about anyone else, but for some reason I haven't been able to get into this site for the last week !!! How annoying !!! :cool2: Anyhow... Tomorrow night is the support meeting at Lion's Gate Hospital. Like Doddie mentioned, for anyone that has been before, we have been moved from conf room C down the hall to room A, no biggie !! :tongue2: Hopefully you'll all be able to join us. I'm headed out of town first thing in the morning to go down to Bellingham for a fill but will be back in plenty of time for the meeting so I'll see you all there !!! I hope the antibiotics have kicked in and you're feeling better Innotu and that you're able to join us. See you all soon !!!! Patricia
  10. canadagirl33

    Support in North Van next weeek !!!

    Hi Sharon :biggrin2: I'm kindof, sorta almost at goal so I don't have fills very often any more. My last one was in January of this year so it's been 8 months since my last fill. When I was fairly newly banded and loosing steadily I generally had a fill every 8 weeks. I had my surgery in WA state at NWWLS and they have a satelite office with a fill nurse for their patients twice a month in Bellingham so I go there. Unfortunately they don't take on patients what were banded elsewhere... Patricia 11/16/06 Dr. Watkins - NWWLS 306/202/175ish
  11. canadagirl33

    Support in North Van next weeek !!!

    Congrats on your banding Innotu !!!! :biggrin2: I'm happy to hear that everything went well for you and am looking forward to seeing you at this months meeting and hearing how you're doing. As for the meeting....it will be held on Aug. 20th at Lions Gate Hosp. However ...!!! I was just notified that it will now be in conference room A instead of C. I was told that it is in the same place (down the hall across from the gift shop) so check the door signs. I've just phoned and made an appt in Bellingham for a fill that morning so I will definitely be there this month !!! Hopefully I'll see you all there..... Patricia
  12. canadagirl33

    Support in North Van next weeek !!!

    Bumping this thread up because this week is Support week !!! :biggrin2: Anyone in the Vancouver/Lower Mainlad area is welcome to attend whether you're not banded, newly banded or an oldie !!! The meeting will be Wednesday, July 16th at 7pm. It is at Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver and is held in conference room C just off the main lobby. Hope to see you all there !!! Patricia 11/16/06 306/202/175ish
  13. canadagirl33

    Fill Dr in the NW??

    Hi Everyone :biggrin2: I live in Vancouver BC (kinda :thumbup:) and was banded at NWWLS so I have no problem going to Bellingham or Everett for my fills with them. However there is a fellow in our support group here in Van that is having problems finding someone to do fills for him. Do any of you know if there is a Dr. or fill center in north west WA that takes on patients that were banded elsewhere? If you do, please post here or email me privately at canadagirl33@hotmail.com so I can pass the names along. Thanks in advance !!!! Patricia NWWLS 11/16/06 306/202/175ish
  14. canadagirl33

    Support in North Van next weeek !!!

    Hi Vanman :biggrin2: I had my surgery done at NWWLS in Everett and go to their satellite office in Bellingham for my fills. Unfortunately they only do fills for their own patients as they are an extremely busy practice. If you are looking for a fill Dr I can ask around and see if I can find someone. Are you willing to travel across the line to do it if necessary? And Hello to all of you other Vancouver area Bandsters as well !!! :biggrin2: It's almost that time of the month again, and this is as good a time as any to post my reminder on here. The meeting will be next week, Wednesday July 16th, at Lions Gate Hospital in conference room C. You are all welcome to join us, whether you've been before or not, we're happy to have you !!! At this point I don't have any suggestions for a topic of discussion so if any of you have something you would like discussed please let me know and I'll try to track down some written material. Feel free to email me with questions or suggestions and hopefully I'll see you all next week !!!! Patricia 11/16/06 306/202/175ish canadagirl33@hotmail.com
  15. canadagirl33

    Not successful in weight loss

    I hate to be one of those that annoy you...but..... Losing weight is a matter of calories in vs. calories out. Sure, we can still plateau when we are eating correctly (lower intake than output) but if we keep up the correct ratio the losses will return and continue. Keep in mind also that exercising 5x a week means that your body will be building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. If it were me I would be sure to do body measurements because I would bet that you will be losing inches even if you don't see the scale moving. Based on the foods you listed I did a quick calorie check... Adding 3oz of ham and cheese to your salad is upping the calories by about 200, and that's before you add any dressing. I'm not sure how many almonds there are in an ounce but 1 oz of whole natural almonds is a whopping 160 cals !!! Peanut Butter averages 100 cals/tbsp so with an apple I would guess that is a 200 calorie snack. Most diet books etc classify peanut butter as 'glorified fat' and don't consider the Protein content worth the fat intake to make it worthwhile. Don't take me wrong...if you're accounting for this it is fine to eat altho those are pretty high calorie Snacks to have on a regular basis. If you don't keep track of calories, you may want to track for a day or 2 just to see if there is anywhere you can cut a few. I know tracking makes me more accountable and it sometimes surprises me when I see it in black and white. Patricia
  16. canadagirl33

    Dr. Mosher's

    Hi there :biggrin2: I've just started looking into a tummy tuck as well and have been in contact with a couple of Dr's in Vancouver so I'll post prices and what I've found out so far.... #1 - False Creek Surgical Center has about 15 board certified surgeons doing abdominoplasties at any given time. When you go for a consult you will see 1 of them and if the one you meet feels that your case would be better handled by someone else they will refer you to a different Dr. You can get an initial consult within about 10 days of calling and surgery can usually be scheduled within 1-4 weeks. The price I was quoted was $6200 +GST and as far as I understand (wasn't actually spelled in black and white for me) this includes all aftercare, follow-up and compression garments. #2 - Dr. Pugash - He does surgeries at FCSC as well as another place, Parklane Surgical, in Surrey. His quoted price is $7250 which includes GST, compression garments, etc. However this price is quoted on a basic 2 hour surgery and if at consultation he feels your surgery will be more difficult and require more time he will tell you...and your price will increase to reflect that. #3 - Dr. Horton - He is in Burnaby at the Metrotown Surgical Center (I think thats what it's called...I don't have my paper right in front of me). His price was $8505 and this includes all GST etc....as well as liposuction. This was actually the only surgeon that mentioned lipo so I assume that if I need it, it will be an added cost to etiher of the above-mentioned Dr's. So that's what I've found out so far.... Check out the link I've added because there might be Dr's that are closer to you (Theres at least 1 in Prince George) that do this surgery. I used this site as a starting point in my search.... Plastic Surgery-Canadian Society of It only lists Canadian board certified Dr's so it made me feel a little safer. Anyhow, good luck on your search and let me know if you find someone !!! Patricia 11/16/06 306/202/175ish
  17. canadagirl33

    Support in North Van next weeek !!!

    Hi Ladies :thumbup: I'm at work tonite....but don't tell my boss !!!!! I'm not supposed to be surfing but I'm bored at the moment !!! So our next meeting is July 16th in North Vancouver and anyone is most definitely welcome to join us !!! If you would like to be on my 'reminder list' and you need to email me so that I have your email address. And for all of you that will be attending I need suggestions for a topic...if you'd like a topic. Otherwise we can have a 'meet, greet and ask' type meeting like the last few. Just kindof open to general questions and chit-chat. Your choice ..... So tell me what you all think.... Mail me.... canadagirl33@hotmail.com or just post here and I'll read it over the next few days. Take care everyone !!!! Patricia 11/16/06 306/202/175ish
  18. canadagirl33

    Hello Calgary! :) Dr.McKenna?

    Hi....and welcome to the site !!! :biggrin2: Hopefully someone involved in the process in Alberta will reply to you and give you some answers. I've heard rumour that Alberta is actually pulling their gov't coverage of this procedure....true or not, I dunno. I've also heard that because the gov't are only covering a few surgeries (100+) a year the wait list is terrible. The surgeon will be able to give you more info on these issues I'm sure....altho maybe contacting the provincial medical system and asking will help as well. As for the nutritionist and psych evaluation, both of these are very common, especially if insurance or gov't coverage is involved....and don't be overly surprised if you also need to be on a long-term supervised 'diet' as well. Keep reading posts and asking questions !!!! And please post again if you find out any info about coverage !!! All the best, Patricia 11/16/06 306/202/175ish
  19. canadagirl33

    I feel so guilty!

    I'm not sure what your Dr. told you to 'eat' on the liquid stage but I never did a single Protein shake after my surgery. I was on liquids for 2 weeks and like Jachut said, almost anything can be made into a liquid. I strained and blended all kinds of Soups, I blended yogurts with milk and fruits and then strained the chunks. My only real rule on this phase of the 'diet', as per my Dr's instructions, were that whatever I ate was smooth and had no bits or pieces in it so that my stomach didn't need to churn to digest. My bullet got a workout during the first 2 weeks !!! :ohmy: You didn't do a 'bad' thing. You slipped up briefly and you already know you made a mistake so just get back on plan and forget about it. Maybe now with a few different ideas you'll be able to get back to liquids and not feel so shakey and weak. All the best and good luck !!! Patricia 11/16/06 306/202/175ish
  20. canadagirl33

    When do they come out normally?

    Mines here for life !!!! Ain't no-one touching my baby !!!!!! :redface: Patricia 11/16/06 306/202/175ish
  21. Well... I had to go find my license to see what it said.... And then, because I'm Canadian it's listed in kg's so I had to find an online converter !!!:redface: So.... 4 years ago when I renewed I told them I was 250lbs and I know I was pretty darn close to 300. I'm now 202lbs and when this license expires in about a year I plan on being at goal !!! Another 25lbs.....and it will be the first time ever that I don't have to fudge it just a little Patricia 11/16/06 306/202/175ish
  22. canadagirl33

    Considering banding in Manitoba

    Hi there !! :redface: I'm sorry that I don't actually know anything about The Maples, however I was just going to post that I had seen their website and that I hoped someone in Winnipeg would check it out and give us a comment on it. They are affiliated with the False Creek Surgery Center (which still does not do banding) in Vancouver. And from what I've read FCSC is very reputable and has a really good reputation. I'm starting to look at (dream about ) some plastic surgery and FCSC is one of the places high on my list. Good luck with your consult and please let us know how it goes and what you think of the facilities. Patricia 11/16/06
  23. canadagirl33

    How Fast Has Your Weightloss Been?

    I lost almost 100lbs in the first year. Generally I averaged between 7 and 10 lbs per month. Realize that the more you lose and the less you weigh, the slower the weight loss will get. Due to some family issues late last fall I kind of fell off the 'bandwagon'. I haven't gained anything but haven't lost either. So I've been almost 8 months of maintenance and that has been pretty easy for the most part. I am down to needing to lose the last 20-25lbs before reaching goal so it has become more difficult for me to lose, but to be completely honest, my head just hasn't been in it lately....so sitting at this weight is my own doing. If you work hard at it and follow the rules you should be able to be down a considerable amount by next spring. Good luck to you !!! Patricia 11/16/06 306/202/175ish
  24. canadagirl33

    Support in North Van next weeek !!!

    It was great to meet you too CB :biggrin2: I'm glad that you were able to attend !!! I was completely amazed at the turn out !!! Doddie is right....most months there would just be 3 of us sitting there talking about our issues, so it floored me at how many showed up !!! There were times I seriously wondered if it was worth the effort, but after this month I know that it is paying off :rolleyes2: To everyone else that is reading this thread that attended for the first time....THANK YOU !!! Hopefully you were able to gain some insight, take some info and feel supported in your band journey. It was awesome meeting all of you !!! If any of you have questions in general or requests for a future meeting please feel free to email me. Take care everyone and hopefully I'll be seeing you all again next month !!! Patricia
  25. Hi Amisha !!!!:biggrin2: I'm so glad to hear that you've had a great experience so far !!! I'll tell ya, the staff at NWWLS don't lose interst in you and they offer a pat on the back and an encouraging word every single time you need one. Even for me, almost 20 months out, I have absolutely no doubt that if I called or walked into the office looking for help or advice they would bend over backwards to give it !!! They're an amazing bunch of people and I'm thankful all the time that I chose them to help me with my journey !!! Good luck to you and congrats on the weight loss so far....you're doing amazing !!!!:biggrin: Patricia

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
