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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by canadagirl33

  1. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    That might be a great idea Doddie. I actually think I joined 'Twitter' by clicking the link on LBT homepage a couple of months ago but I've never used it...and don't honestly know the first thing about it !! Do you Use it?? If so, feel free to post about the meeting. Patricia
  2. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi Everyone :laugh: Just wanted to post and remind everyone that this coming Wednesday, May 20th, is our monthly meeting in North Vancouver. As always, we will be at Lions Gate Hospital anytime after about 6.30...officially the meeting is 7-8 but we've been enjoying sitting longer than that talking with each other. For anyone who has not attended, please feel free to join us !! And to all you regular people, I'm looking forward to seeing you !!! All the best, Patricia
  3. canadagirl33

    Name your Lap-Band!!

    I've had my band for almost 3 years... After about the first 2 weeks I noticed how much noise my belly made, it never stopped grumbling/rumbling/gurgling... So after laying in bed 1 night listening to it I started calling it... GABBY!!! And she ~still~ never shuts up !!! Patricia....and Gabby :scared2:
  4. canadagirl33

    Tijuana Hotels

    Hi Vangirl :crying: I had never really checked out that site before but have been over there now and joined. I'll read thru it before I post my questions...I may very well find what I'm looking for. 1 of the places that I am looking at in Mexico (Emmanuel Medical Center) uses The City Express. Cosmed is the 2nd place I'm looking into, they were recommended by Dr. Ortiz's office, and I'm not sure which hotel they suggest. I've started pricing airfare and looking at my calendar for an overnight trip down to meet both Dr.'s and have consults. Thanks for the suggestion to check that other website and hopefully I'll see you at the meeting next week. Patricia
  5. How about adding some soft steamed veggies for variety? I really enjoy cauliflower when its soft enough to mash up with my fork, a touch of butter and a shake of salt and pepper...yum. How about oatmeat for Breakfast to switch things up? Or adding a little salsa to your eggs? (which adds a ton of flavour and almost no calories) I've never been a fan of Protein shakes and by doing a quick scan of the list (and not knowing exact quantities you are eating) I would guesstimate you're getting somewhere in the neighborhood of 60-80 grams....which is great for the mushies. I think it looks like you're doing great and if there's 1 thing I've learned after almost 3 years with a band it's that when you find something that is working for you (not getting stuck, good nutrients, balanced meals and are steadily losing) stick with it !!! All the best !! Patricia
  6. canadagirl33

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Hi Dr. Schulman :thumbup: A couple of questions... I noticed this question was asked a little while ago and in amongst all the others you missed it...and I'm curious about it as well so it bears repeating. With the thigh lift, how bad does it have to be for the decision to be made to make a vertical incision down the inside of the thigh rather than using just an incision in the groin crease. Like it was mentioned, my thighs aren't great and I would consider having them done, but I don't want to trade flabby that I have to cover up to a scar that I want to cover up as well. Also... I am planning a TT within the next few months I hope and I have a question regarding belly buttons. I have always had what I consider to be a really deep belly button. Ove the course of adulthood I regularly (every couple of months) get a minor infection inside it with slight weeping. I know to keep it dry and clean and I do !!...but still this happens. I almost never need oral antibiotics or anything and can clear it up in a few days with an OTC antibiotic creams and a Q-tip. :tt2: My question is how odd would it be to request not having a new belly button done during my TT? And if we do go with a new bb will it still be as deep? I'm not really concerned if I have a belly button or not...the TT is to make me more confortable and get rid of the hanging skin, I don't plan on necessarily wearing anything that would show my tummy anyhow....so is it an issue? Thanks for your time !! Patricia
  7. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi everyone :smile2: Vangirl - Sorry you missed the meeting but I'm glad to hear you're doing well. Don't worry too mucvh about the fill level of your band...under some situations they can be filled beyond what we are told. I know that Inamed has approved that their 4cc band (which I have) can be filled up to as much as 5.5cc's as long as it is monitored. So you may have a little more room to play than you think. Regardless, I am betting that you will get some good restriction. Looking forward to hearing how you're doing at the next meeting. Gerti - You are so right about the sweets !!! I'm tight enough right now that if I drink my morning coffee too quickly it gets stuck....yet Cookies and stuff go down just fine !!! Not an easy fix to be sure but we can succeed and beat our innner sugar demons !! :w00t: kbf - I know I missed ameeting last fall so it may have been the one you were at....I'm not sure. When you said the West Side Vancouver meeting...do you mean the one in North Van?..or the one that was out Granville (I think) sdomewhere? I haved never been to that meeting and in January the lady that was organizing it stopped sending me the emails so I am not sure if it is still going or not. Our regular meeting in North Van has been going really well...had a guest speaker in Feb and have had a good turnout most months. And regardless of how many turn up we always have a great time and lots of laughs !! Shannon - Are you feeling better since the de-fill??? I'm sorry to hear you had a rough time. I actually had a 24 hour flu or something a couple of weeks ago and WOW....trying to actually throw-up was reallyyyyy unpleasant !!! Hope you're feeling better and we'll see you next month !!! Hope everyone is well and enjoying the spring sunshine !!! Patricia
  8. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Good morning Everyone !!! I hope everyone had an excellent Easter long weekend... As I'm sure you've all guessed, this is my monthly reminder post that our meeting is tomorrow night !!! This month has just flown by... I will definitely be there and am already making my pre-meeting costco trip shopping list....I'm such a Costco junkie !!! I'll be at Lion's Gate by about 6.30 as usual and hope to see you all there. Patricia
  9. canadagirl33

    BMI - Does your doctor stick to this?

    Before banding when I spoke to the surgeon and nurse (a pre-banding appt) they both asked what my goal was. I immediately said...'According to the BMI chart...' and they both instantly stopped me. They both said to use the chart as a guidline only, if I chose to get to the magical '25' so be it, but not to let a chart choose my goal. I gave it some thought.... After reading up on the BMI chart it is pretty obvious, in my opinion of course, that it is meant to be used as a guidline. It ~only~ takes into account height and weight. A little unrealistic I think. We are not all built the same, we all have different muscle mass and bone structure. I am 6' tall and was 306 at surgery. After I had lost about 50lbs by family Dr asked how much I planned on losing and I told him that I didn't know but would know it when I got there. He actually said that he was surprised I didn't give him the BMI #'s because so many use it as gospel...and he hates it !!! In order to hit the '25' I need to weigh about 175, I've never in my memory weighed 175!!! I've lost 100lbs now and have maintained that for over a year, and I feel healthy !!! Would I like to lose more?...probably. I am a size 16 comfortably (started in a 28), I feel good, I don't hurt when I walk or work all day, I look good. I am ~never~ going to be skinny, nor do I want to be. I did this to be healthy and I have reached my goal, anything else is a bonus !!! :cool2: Patricia
  10. canadagirl33

    can anyone tolerate chicken?

    After living mith my band for over 2 years I have found that chicken is actually one of the dependable meats for me (along with fish) However, I quit eating chicken breasts a ~long~ time ago...almost guarenteed, regardless of how it was cooked, I ended up stuck. I only eat thighs and can handle them cooked almost any way. To be honest, I still find one of the quickest, simplest ways to cook it is good old Shake 'N Bake. Bone-in, skin on...always stays moist. 99% of the time I pull the skin off....but dang it, every now and then when it's good and crispy....yummy !!! And I find it a little odd....I was a mostly red meat eater before banding, and I've never really had any problems with it, but it really just does not appeal to me anymore. I cook hubby a steak and find myelf a piece of fish instead. Btw....pork is the meat that I have the hardest time with, bar none. Patricia
  11. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi Babe :glare: Did you go to a Fill Center for your fill? Sorry, I can't remember which you said you were using... I would assume the bruising and tenderness will go away pretty quickly, glad to hear you got some restriction on your first go at it !! As for PS, I'm still looking, thinking and saving cash. Still seriously thinking that I will end up travelling for it, altho the more I look the more Costa Rica interests me. I've spoken to a couple that have been there for it and have heard good things. Been in contact with a couple of 'Medical Tourism' companies, altho I don't think I'll end up using them. And then it all comes back to 'When the heck can I squeeze in 3 or 4 weeks that I don't have to do anything but look after me??!!??' ~Sigh~... Time will tell. Hopefully I'll see you next week at the meeting !!! Patricia
  12. canadagirl33

    Anyone Else Find This New Format Annoying

    I'm confused.... It all looks the same to me...what's different?
  13. canadagirl33

    Gastric Balloon?

    When my GP first contacted Dr. Woodhead regarding a consult, Dr Woodhead sent us info on both the band and the balloon so I looked into both. It did not take me long to see that the balloon would not work for me because of the amount of weight I had to lose (100lbs+). At that time (3 years ago) the balloon could only be left in the stomach for 6 months before it was removed and there was no way I could safely lose my weight in 6 months. As well as that, it seemed to me that while being restrictive while it was inside, once removed I would be back to eating like before and it would be like so many other attempts at dieting...successful but no luck with maintaining. It is an interesting concept tho, so keep us posted with what you learn about it and if you decide to go ahead with it. All the best, Patricia
  14. Most surgeons will repair hernias during the lap-band surgery, speak to your surgeon and ask. Having that repaired will probably help with your GERD right off the bat. As for reflux, I'm a believer in keeping my band on the looser side rather than tight, and after being banded for almost 2.5 years I have never had reflux. I get heartburn now and then, but no more than before banding....and a couple of Tums settles it down pretty much right away. Patricia
  15. You can claim it regardless of where you had surgery. I was banded in WA state and live in BC...claimed the surgery, hotel bills, gas, meals....save reciepts for everything and submit it all. And to whomever commented on claiming it the following year if that worked better for you... I actually claimed 1/2 the first year and 1/2 the second year...that's how it worked best for me and I got the most out of it. Talk to your accountant. All the best, Patricia
  16. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi Jackie....Welcome :tongue_smilie: I would think that you should dig out your insurance policy (or read it online probably) and see if there are any clauses regarding weight loss programs or surgeries. If you can't find anything in the written policy, call them and ask. I have personally never heard from anyone who has managed to have any kind of insurance coverage with the band. That said...you just never know !! A side note...if you have any interest you are more than welcome to join us for our monthly meeting in North Vancouver. A group of us meet at Lion's Gate Hospital on the 3rd Wednesday of every month (next meeting, April 15th). It is a casual group who get together to share our band journies and a few laughs. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like more info. All the best, Patricia
  17. canadagirl33

    Update for me

    I'm really sorry to hear you're gong thru all this right now....it's a terrible time for a lot of people these days. However I do need to ask....why would you even think about paying $700 for a fill !!??? I completely understand that you don't have insurance and that you are going to your band surgeon/clinic for fills right now and that is your co-pay (or however it's worded...I'm Canadian and we dont have the insurance issues) but desperate times call for desperate measures. Why not look up the closest Fill Center USA? Or some other clinic that will take new patients for fills? Usually these types of places charge considerably less... Heck you could fly across the country for a fill for less $$ than they are charging you !! All of this said...I can understand your depression, but please keep thinking positive. You have done the band surgery, this may be a set-back for you but it does ~not~ make it a failure. Even if you gain the weight back, altho I know you will try your best not to...once life settles down your band will still be there for you waiting to help. All the best to you and your family !!! Patricia
  18. canadagirl33

    Lower Mainland Fill Docs????

    A couple of corrections to Doddies above post :crying: Dr. Arseneau does work out of St. Pauls Hospital in Vancouver but he charges $150 for an appointment. Having ~finally~ been for a fill and met him I've gotta say he was great. The first appointment with him was pretty much a full medical history and physical exam (height, weight, blood pressure, pulse, checking for any kind of swelling in feet and ankles, etc, etc, etc...) I then recieved a fill from him which went completely smoothly, 1 poke and we were done. The email Doddie posted was also incorrect, you can contact him at richarda@interchange.ubc.ca I'm sure if you wanted to email him with questions about his services he would most definitely mail you back. He's very personable and easy to talk to. I am not sure about Dr's on Vancouver Island but maybe if you contacted Dr. Amsons office (Victoria) they may be able to point you in the right direction. I would also ask the clinic you deal with in Sask if they have any suggestions, the Lap-Band community is fairly small and they may well know of somewhere for you. All the best !!! Patricia
  19. canadagirl33

    Does anyone regret getting their LB?

    Since I am the only poster who had the audacity to actually say out loud that some problems were caused by the bandster and not by the band....let me clarify... I don't believe I said anywhere that it was your fault your shoulder hurt after a fill Melly. I'm glad to hear that it is slowly resolving itself. Patricia
  20. canadagirl33

    Self payers

    I would think that this is one question you should certainly ask your surgeon/clinic. From things I have read and heard from other bandsters this varies from Dr. to Dr. Personally, the clinic I went to will supply the repair or replacement of my band for my lifetime. This includes the cost of the band itself as well as the surgical fees to the surgeon and OR staff. However, I would be responsible for paying the anesthesiologist because the clinic I used contracts out that work so it is completely seperate. At the time of my surgery (2006) the anesthesiology fee was $900. This issue was 1 of the things my Dr and I went over during my initial consult with the clinic. I made sure I went into that meeting with my list of questions and was satisfied before I left the meeting that I had all the answers I needed. All the best, Patricia
  21. canadagirl33

    Does anyone regret getting their LB?

    True for some I guess but certainly not all. I am 2.5 years post-op and yes I have stopped losing weight....but I still ~LOVE~ my band !!! In my opinion too many people go into this surgery thinking that the band is going to do 'most' of the work when in fact that band only helps you feel satiated on a smaller quantity. You need to be prepared to literally work your butt off !!! You need to change the way you think, the way you shop, the way you prepare and eat food. This is not a magic bullet. Also in my opinion I think that some (notice I did not say ~all~) people who have problems with band slippage, erosion and stretching have done something incorrectly. They have either not followed the bandster rules or else they have kept their band too tight. I read the obove post about vomiting in her sleep and it's pretty obvious that her band was too tight. When I see a Dr or nurse for a band adjustment one of the first questions asked is if there is any night-time vomiting/reflux/heartburn. With the band you need to listen to your body and learn to ignore the voice in your head that has been allowing you to overeat for too long. Did I mention that I still ~LOVE~ my band??? Patricia 11-16/06
  22. I've had my band for almost 2.5 years, have had 9 or 10 fills and no unfills. I lost 100lbs by my 1 year anniversary, have maintained that ever since then and have never had problems with reflux or PB's. Patricia
  23. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    I'm sorry I missed the meeting as well....I always enjoy sitting and talking to you all. Altho I enjoy the large meetings, sometimes a small group can be a lot of fun. I'll certainly be doing my best next month to get there. Sometimes when life makes things difficult, the distance just makes it impossible for me. Patricia
  24. canadagirl33

    Lower Mainland Fill Docs????

    I certainly wouldn't base my choice of fill Dr's/clinics on whether they use flouro or not. Like Doddie said, usually flouro is only used and needed if you or the Dr suspects a problem with your band. I've been banded 2.5 years and have never had a flouro, never needed one. You know how they say that having x-rays aren't very good for you because of the radiation or whatever it is that they use to take the pictures? Well a flouroscopy is just another x-ray, except that you are recieveing those 'rays' for an extended period while they watch the barium. I've always felt that I don't want to put my body thru any more procedures than is necessary. If the day comes that I feel I have an issue with my band that needs to be looked at with flouro I'll have it done then. As for Dr. Areseneau, not only is he someone who has been trained to do fills, he is also banded and at goal weight. Being banded he has a full understanding of what we go thru. He knows what 'restriction' feels like, he knows what 'too tight' is, he knows the questions to ask to figure out what kind of 'adjustment' we need (band, head, exercise...) And in my opinion, the fact that he an eating disorders specialist is a major bonus !!! Maybe you are not all like me, but I have, and fully admit to, an eating disorder !!! Being able to talk to him, listen to him, hear his suggestions and opinions on what I am doing right or wrong is a huge bonus.... I personally plan on taking advantage of his training and asking non band related, eating disorder related questions. Patricia
  25. Glad to help... Patricia Surgery date 11-16-06

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
