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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by canadagirl33

  1. canadagirl33

    Looking for support in bc

    Has anyone else heard of or been to this Dr.? Please share your experiences if you have... I mean no disrespect Nancy, but it seems odd to me that your only 3 posts on here are all identical and regarding this Dr. Where were youbanded and how long ago? Why did Dr. Leung turn you away? Patricia
  2. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    I'm with Doddie on this...I hate to say you should or shouldn't go back for an unfill. You need to keep in mind that you ~have~ to be able to get enough fluids in, and you have to be comfortable enough that you can eat. Personally, I consider myself very tight since my last fill. I can and do often get 'stuck' on my first cup of coffee in the morning. I don't PB it but it can sit and make me uncomfortable for a few minutes or more... I ~never~ drink anything cool or cold for the first couple of hours in the morning so I personally couldn't do a protein shake. It would sit forever in my pouch... I generally drink coffee/tea for the first 2 hours in the morning before I try anything more solid. And I am ~finally~ learning that if I am not hungry I don't force myself to eat just because it is 'meal time'. A couple of things that I have learned that you might help you... 1. I tend to have '1st bite syndrome' and I think it happens when I allow myself to get too hungry. I will almost always get stuck and PB after a few bites in this situation if I don't pay very close attention. Keep ~very~ mindful of your first few bites, make them even smaller than usual and chew the heck out of them !!! 2. If I get my stomach/pouch irritated early in the day I tend to stay irritated. So I am to the point that if I PB at lunchtime for example, I am very careful thru the rest of the day and chose easier foods for dinner or snacks. BTW.....don't get discouraged if you find that by dinner you are loosened off and can manage a decent sized meal, this is really common. Just take advantage of the lower cal eating earlier in the day and keep your dinners bandster-sized....you'll see results !!! Good luck and let us know how you're doing. Patricia
  3. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Wow ~ I'm so sorry to hear that there is nothing they can do to fix your band and that you have to have it removed. Will Dr. Woodhead be doing the surgery? I know very little about the actual removal of the band so I hope that you will keep us informed of how things are going for you. I'm completely surprised that he is leaving you in so much discomfort for so long before removing it. January is a ~FULL 7 MONTHS~ away !!! I think that is just crazy considering a person can have a band installed within a couple of months. Did he tell you why he is waiting so long?? All the best to you !! Patricia
  4. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    You might want to call False Creek Surgical Center and ask. From what I understand, they will not actually be doing the band surgery in Vancouver until sometime in the fall. Until then they will be sending patients to Winnipeg (for surgery) and then doing the fills and aftercare in Van. Keep watching this board John, there will be a post made either in this thread or on the Canada forum once a firm plan is in place at FCSC and full details will be given then. As for Mexico, there are a lot of people who chose to travel down there for their banding, I am actually considering it for my plastic surgery altho I was banded in the US. There are some great surgeons down there and I personally know numerous people who have had their bands placed in Mexico. The ~NUMBER 1~ issue with having a band is the aftercare and support. You will need to be able to access fills when you need them so ~please~ do your homework and research before you have surgery. There are certainly options in Vancouver is you chose to have surgery in Mexico but you should have all of your options lined up and figured out beforhand so that there are no surprises after your surgery. If you have any questions or need any info feel free to post on here or email me personally at canadagirl33@hotmail.com and I will help in any way I can. Patricia
  5. canadagirl33

    Frivolous Question about Anniversary date

    I call my day of banding my anniversary, that said, I didn't have a pre-op diet so no real weight loss before banding. I think this is a personal choice for you but a few suggestions would be... How about straightforward 'bandiversary' is day of banding. You could also mark an anniversay for the beginning of your journey....anniversary to your healthy lifestyle, anniversary to a new you, anniversary of living life....you get the drift. I think it's great how well you did prior to banding and that certainly deserves to be celebrated !!! Patricia
  6. I have only ever briefly visited this part of the forum, mostly before I was banded to read up on issues I might encounter. I have had my band for almost 3 years, no issues (in fact I never even PB'd for the whole first year), lost over 100lbs the first year and have maintained since then. Patricia
  7. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Mom2two ~ Haven't heard anything from you lately and am wondering how you're doing and if a decision has been made about removing your band. I am being hopeful that with the consult with the 2nd Dr, maybe they can come up with a way to save it. Please keep us posted...I'm sending good thoughts your way !!! Also...the North Vancouver meeting is this Wednesday coming, June 17th. As always we will meet in Conf Rm. A at Lions Gate Hospital. Feel free to bring your friends and family, or anyone else you might know that is interested in learning about or sharing thier experiences with the band. Hope to see all of you there !!! Patricia
  8. canadagirl33

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    So if you're a moderator and she has violated the forums rules, kick her ass out of here !!! And no, I haven't read her other posts, I don't care enough to bother looking her up. I feel it is each and every single persons responsibility to research being banded, if they choose her surgeon after they have done that, then all the power to them. Just because you don't like him and don't think he is a great surgeon is you opinion, if someone else researches him and thinks he's a good fit, so be it. You posted on this thread for her not to assume, you could stand to heed your own advice. No I am not "okay with cheating the system, stealing from others, breaking rules, and being overall snarky" and no where in my post did I support her in any way, I merely said that you had taken this thread away from the purpose of it and turned it into your own little hate-fest. I've offered my support to the original post so I won't be back to this board, but rant and spew if you must. Enjoy Patricia And btw....I could care less about the band stats you know so well. I did all my homework and research 3 years ago before I was banded. I am well aware of my stats, my surgeons stats and my clinics stats, which is why, with their amazing support I lost all my weight in the first year and have maintained it since then....without any more surgery :tongue_smilie:
  9. canadagirl33

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    I'm thinking that you ladies have gotten just a tad off course. I just went back and re-read the original post from 'Lovinglapbandliving' and all she posted was support for the original poster's issue. In fact, not only did she ~not~ push her own Dr. (other than saying that she thought he was great, just like I did) she suggested going to FillCenterUSA....are they paying her too??? I dunno...you sure are pro sleeve, in fact you posted that this was just 1 more reason to chose the sleeve over banding...is your sleeve surgeon paying you?? We all got the message that you don't like her posting here because she is a patient coordinator, so I would think you could now either take it private with her, or go to the board owner/moderator and voice your complaints there. And I thought I saw on another board that because not all of us have English as a first language, or may not be as well educated as each other, or may not know how to use a keyboard...or whatever...commenting on the lack of typing skills is just a little bit childish. I'm sure if you wandered other boards you could find other posters to belittle over spelling... Patricia And I love my surgeon too... Dr. Brad Watkins, NWWLS, Everett, WA Let him know I sent you
  10. canadagirl33

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    Sorry to hear about your issues but happy to hear that you found a Dr that would take you seriously and do the tests that needed to be done before any worse damage could be done. I'm hopeful that your un-fill and a rest for your esophogus will solve your problems. Unfortunately this problem is seen fairly often. I chair a monthly support group in Vancouver BC and when we get new people that are looking into getting the band the 1 thing I stress as 1 of ~THE~ most important thing is after care !!! I agree with the poster that commented on how some of us focus on 'the band' once we are to the stage of having surgery and we tend to not worry so much on the other things, assuming that it will all work itself out in the end. Sadly, that is why we end up with posters on here looking for fill Dr's or new surgeons to do their after care. I always tell the newbies that they should expect to have a life-long relationship with their surgeon and his staff, that they need to ask a million questions about aftercare ~before~ they get their bands !! Not only do you need to feel comfortable with how things will be handled thru your banded life, you also need to have some level of respect/friendship/conectedness with the people who you will be dealing with. I was lucky to have chosen a wonderful surgeon at an exceptional clinic. Altho my specific surgeon has moved there are still 3 surgeons and numerous support/fill staff that I have access to at all times. Patricia NWWLS 11/16/06
  11. canadagirl33

    Eating after a fill

    I have had my band almost 3 years and have had 8 fills (I think) My surgeons office does not require any special diet after fills but suggests that we have an 'easy' meal for our first meal after each fill. I usually have Soup or maybe fish, something that I know doesn't cause me any problems. I know that solid, harder Proteins (beef, chicken) can cause issues with me on any given day so I stay away from them the first day or 2 and gradually try them as my fill settles. Good luck !! Patricia
  12. canadagirl33

    Procedure costs.

    I talked to 2 PS in Mexico as well when I started looking into it. Both very reputable, I have researched both and would consider going for my surgery with either. However, I have no-one to travel with and feel that the smart thing to do would be to spend at ~least~ 2 weeks post-op down there so that all sutures, staples, drainage tubes etc were out and I was well on my way to healing. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with being down there that long on my own. Not to mention it's a long trip home.... The prices I got from both of them were for full lower body lifts and the prices were $5600 and $7200....all medical costs included and one covered hotel costs as well. After the consult in Vancouver I am back to contemplating Mexico as an option.... Patricia
  13. canadagirl33

    Procedure costs.

    I was going to wait and see a few results before I posted the amount I was actually quoted...but it really doesn't make much difference....so... Because the medical system here in Canada is so different from the US things like PS are done in private facilities and fully paid for by the patient. That said, I had contacted a very well-known facility in Vancouver, BC (by email) and asked some questions (how many surgeons they had, if any had worked with weight-loss patients, or worked with banded people, etc) and I enquired on the cost. The reply I got was that a TT starts at $6,200 and then is adjusted as per what the Dr thinks you need. So I made the consult appt knowing that I would need a little more work than normal, and I would need lipo... I thought that it would bump up the price by $2 or $3 or even $4,000. Lets just say that I was more than a little surprised when the patient co-ordinator handed me the paperwork that read....$14,700 + tax !!!!! Well over $15 GRAND !!!! I mean really....$6200 for a TT and $8500 for the extra time (the surgeon said he could be done in 3.5 hours) and lipo?? I can tell you right now that I am ~NOT~ paying that much for a TT !! I've thought about it since my appointment and I am going to email the Center on Monday and ask if they can give me a break-down on costs etc for the quote they gave me. I am also going to email the Dr privately (he works at this facility but also has his own practice) and explain that altho I would like to have him perform my surgery I won't be having it done there because of cost. Anyhow...sorry for the babble !!! Patricia
  14. canadagirl33

    How many have had PS?

    I'm not sure if I'm reading your post correctly... Your decision for getting the band depends on whether you'll need/want plastic surgery after you lose the weight? I am personally starting to look into PS (after losing just over 100lbs) but even if I never have my tummy tucked and my butt lifted, I'm a heck of a lot healthier carrying some floppy skin (that I can actually hide pretty well) than I was packing that extra weight. Good luck on your decision. Patricia
  15. I'm of the belief that if you want to know, your Dr should tell you. That said, I think that the comment on being obsessive is very valid. How many posts have you read on this board about "How many CC's did you need for restriction?" or "How come 6 CC's is enough for you but not for me?" etc, etc, etc... Like one poster said, she's lost a good amount with almost no fill, others get no restriction until the band is almost to it's 'limit'. I have no issue with knowing how much is in my band (personally I am at 3.65 in a 4cc band) however I think it becomes an issue for those that compare fill levels with each other. Like so many other things on this journey, yours and mine will never be, feel or look the same :blushing: Patricia
  16. canadagirl33

    Pounds lost 1st year

    My BMI was 42 when I had surgery over 2.5 years ago. I lost exactly 100lbs in my first year and then plateau'd. Have maintained that weight, give or take 5lbs, ever since. I do have another 20 or so to lose and since I started looking into a tummy tuck I am more motivated and the scale is once again ~slowly~ moving. Do ~not~ compare yourself to others, there will always be someone faster or slower than you. Good luck to all, Patricia
  17. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Oh man...I'm ~SO~ sorry to hear this has happened to you !! It is the biggest fear for every bandster. Has your Dr. made any suggestions as to why this might have happened? I realize that at this point it's not your main concern but I would be very curious if it was something that could have been prevented or if it was just '1 of those things'. Again, I'm terribly sorry you're having to deal with this !! Please keep us posted whith whatever they decide to do. I hope your are feeling better soon and this is all resolved quickly !!!! Patricia
  18. Altho I voted that everyone has been 100% supportive I would like to clarify that ~TO MY FACE~ they've supported me. I am under no illusions that there have been a few comments made behind my back, and to be honsest, I don't give a rats ass!! 3 years ago I got the band for myself, no one else, and today I feel exactly the same way. I don't have time for the nay-sayers, nor do I have time to listen to those who want to be critical or question my decision. My family and I are thrilled with the choice I made. Patricia
  19. canadagirl33

    Need your imput/experience

    You certaibly have enough co-morbidities to qualify for the surgery. Most surgeons will ok it with a BMI over 40 and ~no~ co-morbs....or BMI over 35 with co-morbs, so I wouldn't think qualifying is an issue... Unfortunately I live in BC and the medical system will not even think about covering banding, so I'm of no help there. All the best, Patricia
  20. canadagirl33

    Looking for support in bc

    We meet at 7pm on the 3rd Wednesday of every month (next meeting will be June 17th) in North Vancouver at Lions Gate Hospital, Conference room A. There is another message board called 'Vancouver Area Bandsters', you might want to read thru parts of it, lots of us have posted there. Every month I post on that message board to remind people of the meeting and I also send out a group email. If you would like to be on my email list for the meeting reminder send me a quick note to canadagirl33@hotmail.com and I will add you to my list. Patricia
  21. canadagirl33

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Dr, Schulman, I have been saving cash and planning for a LBL because after losing over 100lbs I know that both the front and back are in need of some help !!! This August I have 3-4 weeks that I am completely off work and had planned to use that time for my surgery, however financially I am not able to do the full LBL. If I don't take advantage of this time-frame it will probably be a full year before I can get this kind of time off again, so I am now thinking that I should go for the TT this summer and then keep saving for the buttock/thigh for next summer. So my questions is....is there any big disadvantage to having this done as 2 surgeries rather than a full LBL when I know that is what I ultimately want/need? Patricia
  22. canadagirl33

    Looking for support in bc

    I'm glad I could help Matty...I know of quite a few people who have seen Dr. Arseneau for fills and consults. I live in the Whistler area and travel down to North Van once a month for our suport meetings, hopefully you will be able to join us in the future. Patricia
  23. canadagirl33

    Looking for support in bc

    Hi Matty, Dr. Arseneau prefers the first contact with him be done thru email. You can reach him at richarda@interchange.ubc.ca and let him know you are interested in seeing him for a fill. He can usually fit you in within a week or 2 (depending on his schedule of course). If you choose to see him, the first visit will include a full medical check-up where he will get some medical history on you and your family etc. He'll do blood pressure, listen to your chest, etc. He will also discuss your band, your eating habits, your exercise, your mindset....and then you'll get a fill. He charges $150 per visit and you can see him again within a 2 week period for another fill or defill if needed. He is very pleasant and easy to talk to....I saw him for my last fill and enjoyed talking to him. He is also banded himself so he can relate to our issues. Debbie, from things I have read and hear getting your band done in Mexico can cost anywhere from $5-10,000 and can be done pretty much immediately. There are 5 or 6 that attend our support meeting in North Vancouver that have been to Mexico for their surgeries and most, if not all, have raved about their surgeons, the facilities and the care they recieved. Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana immediately comes to mind but I know there are plenty of them. You need to start reading their websites and maybe emailing for info on what is included in prices etc. The ~biggest~ issue with living with a lapband (in my opinion of course) is the aftercare, so make sure you know exactly what they will do for you down the road if there are any issues, and figure out if you will be travelling back to Mexico for your fills etc of having them done here in BC. Living in the Lower Mainland we are lucky to have Dr. Arseneau that will do fills for out-of-country patients, other than him it can be very difficult finding anyone to do our fills. All the best, Patricia
  24. canadagirl33

    Looking for support in bc

    Hi Deb :thumbup: Hopefully someone will reply to you and be able to answer questions specifically about Dr. Woodhead....I know there are a few on this board that have had him do their surgery. I facilitate a support group every month in North Vancouver and I know a couple of the ladies (and gentlemen!!) that attend the meeting had surgery with him. Doddie, whom you may see posting here, had her surgery in Ontario but goes to Dr. W for her fills and thinks very highly of him. I have never personally met him so can not offer any insight for you. However I would certainly like to extend a welcome to LBT and also let you know that if you are in the lower mainland and would like to attend our support meeting, please feel free !!! We meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month (you just missed this month!!) at Lion's Gate Hospital in North Vancouver. It is a very casual meeting, lots of chatting and discussing issues and people are more than welcome to come and ask questions prior to banding....sometimes it is very reassuring to talk to people who have gone before you and that can relate to your fears etc. If you have any questions that I might be able to help you with, please don't hesitate to drop me a note, either thru this site or at canadagirl33@hotmail.com All the best !! Patricia
  25. Hi Carrie :smile: I wasn't sure if you had found the Canadian segment of this site or not and wanted to make sure you were aware of it as there are quite a few patients both from Vancouver and of Dr. Leungs. On the main page if you scroll down the list of different message boards you will see one called 'Local Support'. Click on it and there is a "Canada" page. I organize a monthly meeting in North Vancouver and we have quite a few joining us that have used both Dr. Leung and Dr. Woodhead and that are located all over the lower mainland. If you have any questions about the banding journey or attending our meetings please feel free to contact me either thru this site or at canadagirl33@hotmail.com. Good luck !!! Patricia

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