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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by canadagirl33

  1. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hello All :thumbup: A note to remind you all that this Wednesday, May 19th is our monthly support meeting. Everyone is invited to attend whether you have had band surgery or are looking into it. We are always happy to welcome new people into the group. If you are new, please feel free to bring your friends and/or family along for support. We will be meeting at Lion's Gate hospital in North Vancouver and as always I will be there by about 6.30. We will be back in conference room A this month. Hope to see you all soon !!! Patricia
  2. canadagirl33

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Wow...I just noticed that we haven't heard from Dr. Shulman in over a month... Is he not posting anymore? P~
  3. canadagirl33

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Hi Dr. Shulman, I have a question regarding protien intake and healing. I realize that we need quite a bit of protien to help heal after surgery and I'm not sure that I get enough on a regular basis. I am hoping to have my TT done within 6-8 weeks and know that on an average day I lack protien in my diet. I certainly get some but probably not enough. How much would you say we should get on an average and how soon before surgery should I start supplementing in order for it to be effective? I just thought about it...can a regular blood test at my PCP tell me if I do in fact need more Protein? I haven't had any bloodwork done in a while and all I was told after the last time was that 'everything is normal' (it was just a general blood panel). Thanks for your time and any info :smile2: Patricia
  4. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi all :scared2: Just a quick pass thru to read and see what you're all up to. I'm back to working a whole lot (short staffed yet again!!!) so am not around much. To anyone that was interested in the HST on plastics comment, I did recieve a note from one of our meeting-goer's that was informed by her PS that it ~WILL~ be charged on all plastic surgery. Still waiting for confirmation from Rhonda but I'm sure it will be. Gotta love the Gov't :cheers2: P~
  5. canadagirl33

    Read This

    Amy may not reply right away...she's just had her TT a few days ago. Congrats on your weight loss Lola, I hope you contact Amy, I have and the info is great if you are looking for TT stuff. As for not posting her info here, I'm not 100% sure of the rules but she may not be able to. Trust me, she's not selling, just offering to share info... Patricia
  6. It looks like most bandsters that choose to have plastic surgery opt to have more than 1 procedure done during surgery. (Full lower body, tummy tuck and breast, medial thigh and arms, etc...) My poll is aimed at those who have had a tummy tuck with lipo, or have spoken to a PS about this procedure alone. I had an experience last week with a consult and was quite disturbed (not sure if that is the word I really want to use...) by the price I was given. The quote was for an 'extended tummy tuck' (incision to go about 3 inches beyond my hipbones) with lipo for outter thighs and around my sides to include some of my back and butt. I'm interested in what kind of prices you people were quoted for the same type of procedure.... Thanks in advance.. Patricia
  7. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi Everyone :thumbup: Just wanted to start off by thanking everyone that came to the meeting last week.....was a pretty good turn-out with lots of chatting and some good laughs. Hopefully I'll see you all again next month !!! Now the reason for my post... As some of you know I have been looking into PS and just had a thought.... Does anyone know if Plastic Surgery (and banding for that matter...) will be charged HST??? Man I ~HATE~ taxes !!!! I have booked another consult with a PS for the first week of June so I'll be checking with the office when I'm there but if any of you know, leave a post !!! Hope everyone is well !! P~
  8. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi Everyone :cool: Pink ~ Sorry but I am not sure of Dr. Woodhead's pre-op and wait times these days. There are a few of his patients that read this message board tho so hopefully one of those ladies will read this and be able to give you some info. The alternative would be to call his office, I would think that his secretary could give you reasonable estimate. So we are 1 week away from our next monthly meeting and I wanted to post now while I was in here. I will send out the email in a couple of days as well so watch for it and if you know anyone that is not on my list and would like to join us, please forward the message along to them. As always we will meet at Lion's Gate Hospital on Wednesday April 21st. I'll probably spend part of the day in Squamish with my mom so I should be there by 6.30 as usual. If any of you have any specific topic you would like covered let me know via email and I'll see if I can come up with any relevant stuff. Hopefully with the improved weather and longer evenings I will see all of you there. Patricia
  9. canadagirl33

    medial thigh lift

    One of the things I find most concerning about this whole issue is the fact that your surgeon would leave, knowing the problems you are having, without making other arrangements for you to have someone else to call if the problem persists. There must be another Dr. or a nurse or SOMEONE in his office that you can talk to. I don't see any Dr completely closing his office for a month without making some kind of alternate plans for patients. Sorry. but I have no idea how this should be medically dealt with, but if it were me I would be calling his of office/clinic/hospital and yelling until I got answers. All the best, Patricia
  10. canadagirl33


    Personally, I would do it again, no question. However it is not for everyone and it is most certainly not a 'fix-all'. You will get out of it as much as you put in....so be prepared to work for your success. Good luck on your decision. Patricia Nov. 16/06
  11. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi Everyone I need to apoloogize to everyone for neglecting my 'duties' and not sending out emails or posting meeting reminders on these sites. Life has just been very complicated the last few months....personal issues, weather problems, highways issues with Olympics....blah blah, blah. However, spring is in the air and I need you guys to help me get back on track !!! I was at the meeting last week (again, sorry for no reminder) and was really pleased to see Doreen and Lyn. During the winter I managed to gain 5lbs by just sitting around and stress/boredom eating. I am THRILLED to say now that since our meeting last week I am down 3lbs as of this morning. Sure, maybe tomorrow it will have gone up a bit again, but my mind is in a better place since talking to the ladies and being able to talk, vent and take responsibility. These sites are great but like Doreen has always said, they sure don't compare to a little face to face time. So as of now I will be back on the emailing and posting before each months meeting. They are still the 3rd Wednesday of every month, however I am thinking about the possibility of maybe adding a mid-day meeting/walk/picnic/something while the weather is good. Anyone possibly interested? What days work for you? Times? Give it some thought and let me know, maybe something can be arranged. Ohhhh....and speaking of PS3 and computers, etc...I bought a Wii last week at costco !! We left town on Thursday and only got home last night so I just hooked it up this morning. Ummm....I think I'm already addicted !!! I can tell you, the bowling is a blast and after a 3 round boxing match my heart rate was definitely up !!! And time just flies....without me feeding myself :tt1: $209 will get you everything you need to have a laugh and get your heart pumpin !!! Talk soon all, Patricia
  12. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi Everyone :wink2: Thanks for the inquiry Doddie....I have been around a little, but mostly just popping my nose in to make sure everyone is ok. My life has been full of some pretty major changes the last couple of months and I've sort of taken a hiatus from everything. Sadly, looking after myself has taken a backseat as well....stress eating is a terrible thing It looks like things are slowly starting to even out so I am looking to get back into the swing of things and put myself a little higher on the list of priorities. This Wednesday, March 17th is the monthly meeting and I am VERY happy to say that I WILL be there !!! No excuses, no interuptions, I NEED MY MEETING !!! That said, everyone is welcome to join me at Lion's Gate Hospital anytime around 7pm (as always I should be there by about 6.30). With the weather improving and the days getting longer, hopefully some of you will be able to come out and join me. Take care everyone and hopefully I'll see some of you on Wednesday. Patricia And if I can manage a Saturday in Vancouver I'll try to make it on a day of your meeting Tim, I'm always excited to meet new bandsters !!
  13. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi everyone :thumbup: Sorry I've been so absent from here but life has just been almost more than I can manage right now. Mom has been unwell, in and out of the hospital, hubby hasn't been well either and is headed to Lion's Gate tomorrow for some more tests...and I've been working more than full time hours the last month. Hopefully things will calm down soon... I'm glad to see your post Babe, I was thinking about you not long ago and wondering how you were managing. Hopefully this fill with kick things in for you...I know my first real restriction was 2.75cc's (my band is 4cc's as well) so be patient and go easy testing this fill. I'm not sure about this months meeting. It would normally be held on Feb. 17th whcih is right in the middle of the Olympics. I'm not sure what you all think about trying to negotiate yourselves over to Lion's Gate so post and let me know. We do have the room booked so if there are people that want to meet, it is certainly possible. Again, I'm not sure if I can make it, between the Highway road issues (Whistler to Vancouver) and my work schedule (5.30am starts!!) I don't know if I'll bother. However I will PROMISE that I will be at the meeting in March !!! Olympics will be over, weather will better and I will be back to my normal shifts!!! Hope to see you all soon. Patricia BTW....good job on the meet-up Tim !!! If I can manage to get to the city on a weekend I'll try to plan it so I can meet up with you all as well. I love meeting new bandsters and chatting with them.
  14. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi Everyone :w00t: Sorry I've been so out of touch lately....sick family and a crazy work schedule have left me little time to think about the computer. I want everyone to remember that this coming Wednesday is our monthly meeting. I've been in contact with a couple of new people who will hopefully be attending. I'm not positive if I'll make it but I am really going to try. I have to work at 5.30am thursday so I won't be staying late tho... For the bandster that is looking for a Dr. in Vancouver for fills etc I would recommend contacting Dr. Arseneau at St. Pauls Hospital. He prefers contact be made through email and you can reach him at richarda@interchange.ubc.ca He will get back to you to set up an appointment. I have been to him for a fill/consult and he was very good. He is the only Dr. I am aware of that will take patients from other facilities and countries. Hope you all are well and had a wonderful holiday season. I'll see you soon !!!! Patricia
  15. canadagirl33

    first fill in vancouver

    Hi Michael, I finally replied to your email so hopefully you have the info you need. Talk soon, Patricia
  16. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi everyone : Just a quick note to make sure everyone knows that tomorrow night is the monthly support meeting (Wednesday, Dec. 16th) Anyone who can attend, we still meet any time between 6.30 and 7pm in Conference room A at Lion's Gate Hospital. Unfortunately my work schedule has changed so I am not going to be able to attend this month but I have recieved emails from a few of the regulars and they will be there so hopefully there will be a good tunrout. I hope you all have a safe and festive holiday season and a wonderful New Year. Patricia
  17. canadagirl33

    What ISN'T a mushie??

    My clinic explained mushies to me as 'anything you would feed an infant or you could eat if you had no teeth'. I had my surgery in November (3 years ago) and one veggie that I LOVED this time of year for mushies was winter squashes....acorn, butternut...all of them. I'd cube it and bake it until good and soft...it's then easily mashable with a fork and yummyyyy !!! :thumbup: Patricia
  18. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Congrats to you both on your banding !!! :w00t: Like Doddie said, it helps to have someone banded at the same time so you can kindof compare notes on your healing, post-op diets and keep each other motivated thru it all. I'm looking forward to hearing about your experience at the next meeting Lyn !! Suzanne, I'm not sure if you'd heard of our monthly support meetings but you are certainly welcome to join us anytime if you'd like. Michelle...I'm so sorry that I didn't get to contact you before your surgery, things have just been absolutely crazy with me lately, between work and family....but hopefully we will be able to get together once you are up and feeling better. So speaking of the monthly meeting. We kind of discussed at the last one that we may take December off because of Christmas. What do you all think about it? Personally, as long as the weather permits, I don't mind coming down because I can always do some last pre-xmas shopping, but if it's too close for some of you to make the time I completly understand. The date would be Dec. 16th. So post and let me know and we'll make a decision after.... Patricia
  19. canadagirl33

    Flying on Saturday and scared

    I'm with KelinTx on this one. I have flown numerous times since I was banded 3 years ago and have never had problems. I'm super tight right now and flew a few weeks ago, no issues at all. Patricia
  20. canadagirl33

    Anyone have chronic diarrhea a year after surgery?

    I would have her go see the Dr for any needed testing. As RestlessMonkey said, the more common side effect for bandsters is constipation due to lack of fibre. That is my problem and I can often go days between BM's....no bloating or feeling constipated, just not enough food in for a proper movement out :thumbup: The only time since banding that I had any problems with diarrhea was right after surgery and I was on an all liquid diet. Hope this resolves itself soon !! Patricia
  21. canadagirl33

    Lap Band Milestone in BC

    Hi Michelle :bored: I actually live in Pemberton. Drop me a private note and if you'd like we can probably plan to meet up for a coffee or something soon. Congrats on your consult and upcoming surgery...I don't think you'll regret it !!! Patricia
  22. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Quick note... This coming Wednesday is our monthly meeting at Lion's Gate Hospital in North Vancouver. Everyone is welcome to join us....whether you are just looking into banding or have been banded for years. Feel free to bring any friends or family that may have questions. As always I should be there around 6.30....hope to see you all there. Patricia
  23. canadagirl33

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi Nadia :thumbup: Like Doddie said, don't panic !! Sometimes a fill can take days to kick in and until they do you may not feel anything different. Like we discussed, fills and feelings of 'tightness' vary from person to person. Some people only need 1 or 2 cc's...others need 7 or 8. I've read of people who lose all the weight with no fill....and others who fill completely and have no restriction (extremely rare!!) Just keep following the proper eating plan, get some exercise, even just walking.....and relax :drool: This can be a long process and often takes more than 1 fill. I'm glad to see that you got your date for surgery Lyn....it will come quickly !!! The meeting is next Wednesday and I'll be coming down early to hopefully get started on some Christmas shopping....ugh :tt2: I'll be there by 6.30ish, hopefully I'll see you there. And I missed you last month Doddie....I'm hoping that you'll be joining us this time around. Hope all is well !!! Take care everyone !! Patricia
  24. Just a quick question after reading FeatherHen's reply... Do you have to pay for the H1N1 vaccination in the US? Even if you are immuno-suppressed or fit into a category they suggest be vaccinated? In Canada anyone and everyone that wants the shot will be getting it free of charge. The only stipulation being that those who are not in a high risk group wait to be immunized until at-risk people are done. Seasonal is the same....if your Dr. recommends you be done (for health reasons...) or you work in the health care field, you don't pay. If you are an other-wise healthy person who choses to get the seasonal flu shot it will cost you $20. Being home health care I have never had to pay for a flu shot. Patricia
  25. I had my seasonal flu shot a couple of weeks ago....and have had it every year for about the last 10 years with no side effects. One of my jobs is doing home health care and I will definitely be getting the H1N1 vaccination. I personally feel that those in the health care field that may be exposed to people who are immuno-suppressed, SHOULD be vaccinated...not necessarily for themselves but to protect those around you. I would feel terrible if I got a mild case of H1N1 and passed it along to someone who was less able to fight it. And yes, I could easily pass it on to someone before I ever knew I was carrying the virus. Personal opinion of course... Patricia

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