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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by canadagirl33

  1. Wow !!! Knowing how important the aftercare is I don't think I would be brave enough to actually schedule my surgery (especially that far from home) without having someone lined up to look after me after the surgery. I don't actually know of anyone in BC that will do aftercare and fills for Mexican band patients. If it were me I would be looking up Dr's Woodhead, Leung and Amson and phoning them ASAP and asking if any will be able to take you on as a patient. You will be terribly frustrated 6 or 8 weeks down the road if you have no restriction, no one to do your fills and have to head all the way back to Mexico !!! Good luck to you... Patricia 11/16/06 306/209/175ish
  2. canadagirl33

    New & Considering in Seattle

    I don't think your questions are silly at all We all had to sit back and put it into perspective, ask ourselves these questions. I actually think it's normal to wonder this, but to be honest, until you have a band you just won't understand how the mental adjustments happen. You and I started out really close to the same... I was 41 last year when I had my surgery at 306lbs. Other than a recent diagnosis of osteoarthritis in my knee I was pretty darn healthy. I wondered if I should just try to do the 'LapBand' rules on my own and see if I could drop a few pounds but then I realized that I had already tried that about a million times, lost 1/2 a million pounds and regained all of them !!! Getting the band isn't just about eating smaller amounts and exercising, it is about making the decision to try to live a healthier life, and in this case, teach your children to live healthier too. You can involve your kids in the shopping and cooking, learning how to pick healthy Snacks instead of junk, altho I am a believer that kids need treats now and then too As for exercise, I didn't really start doing it until I had lost 50 or more #'s. Really, it just wasn't comfortable and hurt too much. It's easier now, altho really all I do for the most part is walk, but as the weight comes off you'll find that you actually *want* to make the time to go for a walk, or head to the park with the kids, or go bike riding with them.... As it becomes physically easier it becomes mentally more appealing. I am Canadian so I didn't have to deal with the insurance stuff...I was self-pay. Call Dr. Montgomery's office and talk to the insurance person that they have on staff, they may be able to help you. As well, if you use Yahoo groups there is one called 'BandsterInsurance' and they can offer lots of tips in talking to the insurance people. As a last note I have to say you have picked an excellent surgeon. I had my surgery done at his clinic as well, altho Dr. M. wasn't my surgeon, the entire staff there is *awesome* and they are always willing to answer any and all questions you might have. Feel free to contact me if you would like Patricia 11/16/06 Dr. Watkins 306/209/175ish Surgery/Today/Goal
  3. Hi there I don't post here often but thought I would chime in here because I live in BC and chose to have my surgery done in WA state. I had a consult scheduled with Dr. Woodhead but I am *so* impatient and it was going to take months, since I had done all my research and was happy with the fact I was going to get a band it was just a matter of finding a Dr. I researched locally and then a little farther abroad and settled on NWWLS in Everet WA. The surgeons there are highly skilled, having all done in excess of 2000 band surgeries each. The price ($16,000) was in line with prices I had found in Canada and all Dr's visits, fill appts, support meetings, mutritionist meetings etc were covered for the first year. After that year I will have to pay $75 a visit. They also 'guarantee' their surgery...if you need a band replacement or a port repair/replace, tubing repair it will all be done at no extra cost except for $900 to pay the anesthesiologist (they work and are paid seperately in the US). I thought about going to Toronto but my deciding factor was being within driving distance to my surgeon. I didn't want the hassle of finding someone to do my fills, and I didn't want to have to buy a plane ticket to travel across the counrty if I decided I needed to see my surgeon. It comes down to a personal decision.... As for being covered in BC if there is an emergency, they cannot turn you away in an ER and can not charge you, regardless of what the problem is or where you had surgery. All the best to you in your decision !!! Patricia 11/16/06 306/209/175ish

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