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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banded122809

  1. Hi!

    Congrats on getting the band, oh god I'm sure you are maybe sore and I know the post op diet is crazy hard but I think the first week I was just very depressed and I felt like I couldnt enjoy ANY food I use to enjoy at all not even in moderation but it turns out I still can, and the band definitely keeps the foods I eat in moderation. I've lost 12lbs in a month! I wish you the best of luck! I'm sure we'll both loose the weight and be great :]

  2. Banded122809

    Would You do it again?

    thank you so much for your encouragement! Everyone on here is really making me feel like I can do this, its wonderful!
  3. Banded122809

    17 and Clueless.

    aw, thanks so much for your supportive words, people like you really make me think I can do this, but its harddddd!!! but as they say, the harder the battle, the greater the victory? something along those lines...lol
  4. This may be a crazy question, but it's something I'm curious about! After having the lap-band surgery, what is it like eatting out at restaurants? I'd love to have an example of how it was prior to the surgery, and how it is now. like for example: before surgery I ordered a burger and fries and I was able to eat it all...after surgery I order a burger and fries, eat a few fries, half the burger, and I'm full. I take the rest home in a doggy bag and finish it in the next 2 or 3 days. this would be really helpful for me, I'm excited about the weight loss after reading so many post on here and I want to change my life style, but I really enjoy dinning out with my family (I'm the only one in my family trying to loose weight/has the lapband) and I'd like to know if it's still possible without getting 'stuck' or sick :[
  5. Banded122809

    Does Eatting Out Still Exist?

    thank you so much! All of your experiences have actually really helped me. Even if I could eat soft bread with no problems, I'm definitely not going to try it! I had a scrambled egg this morning (first solid food since the surgery) and it went down pretty well, but of course I havent had any fills so, we'll see! once again thank you so much, you've really helped me!
  6. Banded122809

    Does Eatting Out Still Exist?

    I was reading on here, and something clicks in my head: children's menu. I think that from now on when I go out I'll eat from the kid's menu. They typically have a choice of sides (example: mcdonalds offers only fries as a side for adult meals but apple slices or fries in a kids meal), smaller portions, and they are cheaper! I'm so glad I'm not a coffee drinker, it sounds like it was difficult giving up that starbucks drink lol
  7. Banded122809

    Does Eatting Out Still Exist?

    thank you so much for your post! I really enjoy salads quiet a bit but my doctor has told me to stay away from lettuce and also tough meats like steak and roast :rolleyes2: you have no problems eatting those? nothing stuck, or no pain afterward? thanks so much about the advice to stay away from fries...they are my weakness but I realize they are no good, I'd definitely rather have a baked potatoe or a salad as my side...if I can eat salad what problem does Pasta cause for you? I love pasta, but I'd like to learn from others mistakes instead of making the mistake for myself, you and everyone else on here are really helping me out a lot
  8. Banded122809

    Does Eatting Out Still Exist?

    thank you so much! I'm more than sure that you just saved me a lot of painful moments and time trying to get un stuck. I appreciate all of your help and the help of others! thanks so much! Remember: no soft breads :blushing:
  9. Banded122809

    Does Eatting Out Still Exist?

    that's a great idea! immediately box up half of the meal so its "out of sight out of mind" and also so you dont over eat. when you eat pizza do you order crispy thin crust because it's less likely to get 'stuck' or cause problems for you? or is that the type you like? thank you so much for your answer and help, good luck with your weight loss!
  10. Banded122809

    Does Eatting Out Still Exist?

    it sucks that they had to empty your band! Good luck with refocusing on exercise! Maybe if you live close to a mall you could consider walking around the mall? thats what I did before my surgery and I lost 10lbs (plus eatting better) and as soon as I can I want to get back to the mall. Its a lot of fun to walk around and look at the sales and clothing I'll be able to wear one day! good luck and thank you!
  11. Banded122809

    Does Eatting Out Still Exist?

    thank you so much for your answer! It's really comforting to know I can enjoy my favorite foods, just not as much of them (i.e. weight loss) thank you again! Good Luck on your weight loss!!!
  12. Banded122809

    Does Eatting Out Still Exist?

    thank you so much for your answer!! It really really helped me. My family and friends and I actually always go to applebees so the fact that you used that as an example was perfect. I certainly dont mind eatting small amounts over a period of days instead of never having some of my favorite things again :blushing: when were you banded? and how much weight have you lost since then? if you dont mind me asking! :thumbup:
  13. Banded122809

    Does Eatting Out Still Exist?

    that's exactly what I wanted! Thank you, you helped me so much! I want to continue eatting out with my family (they know about the surgery) and my friends (they dont know) and I want to be able to enjoy what I'm eatting without feeling like I may get sick or stuck. Thank you so much for your reply!:blushing:
  14. Banded122809

    Unsupporitve Friends?

    before I had my surgery the nurse told me as I was sitting on the hospital bed "you're going to lose some friends" and I was like o_O "what are you talking about? what do you mean?" and she explained to me that some people in your life like you, but are using you to fix something about themselves, and it seems that way with your friends :[ I think if you talk to them and tell them how you feel, let them know that you'll still be the same person they know and love, and want them in your life...maybe they'll come around?
  15. Banded122809

    Wanting to know!...

    -How fast was weight loss? My doctor said initially in one week you can loose 10lbs (all you're able to consume for atleast a week is liquid) and over a year you can look at an average of 50-100lb weight loss -How was the skin sagging? My doctor has said that with exercise (toning,lifting weights, walking,things like that) and my age (I'm young) my skin shouldnt have too much sag -Girls. How did the boobs turn out? they're fine as of now lol -Does your face change a lot? my mom said she can see changes in my face already, maybe like thinner face? no double chins! -What did people at school say? no one has seen me,but I doubt they'll go crazy over my weight loss lol -and why do you think its worth it? I have high blood pressure and general health problems easily related to my weight. That was my initial reason for getting the surgery. I'd like to live a long happy healthy life and stop being limited by my weight. Hope I helped you out a little, good luck! --Amber
  16. Banded122809

    Would You do it again?

    I think I would have waited until I was 18 to do it again to see if maybe I could have lost more weight naturally without going to such an extreme measure that, thus far, I'm not happy with... it's only been a week though, I hope I feel differently in a month or two.... :[ --Amber
  17. Banded122809

    17 and Clueless.

    Hey Taylor, I suggest that initially (if you haven't tried it already), ask for primary care doctor for a refrence to a good nutritionist and dietician. It would be cheaper and maybe you could loose the weight without having the surgery. I had the surgery a week ago and I'm regreting it. Make sure you do your research!! You'll be in pain (it hurts where they put the port(the thing they put silicone injections in)) and you have to follow a special diet for a month (2 weeks of no solid food, only liquids. 1 week of mushy food like mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs. 1 week of returning to regular food) I highly suggest exhausting all your options before really considering the band hope I helped and good luck!!! --Amber

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