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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MartyS

  1. My best advice to you is that every morning when you first wake up and you are brushing you teeth...repeat this to yourself in the mirror (out loud)..."I am confident, I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!" Once you believe this, you WILL succeed. Above ALL else...remain positive and never lose hope, for in hope...all things are possible. :blushing:
  2. MartyS

    Start Date Album

    Marty before Lap Band 2009
  3. MartyS

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    From the album: Start Date Album

  4. MartyS

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    From the album: Start Date Album

  5. MartyS

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    From the album: Start Date Album

  6. MartyS

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    From the album: Start Date Album

  7. MartyS

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    From the album: Start Date Album

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
