So I'm trying to make a decision regarding lap banding.
I have previously lost significant weight on other diets. However - I have never kept it off.
In fact I gain it back and then some.
I now have a skin condition that makes exercise very difficult and I am a coeliac (wheat, gluten intolerant) which makes some diets difficult.
I have basically ignored my weight for the last several years and I am now tipping the scales at around 108 kg which is too high for my 170 cm frame.
My motivation this time is that I have two small sons and I not only want to be around for them - I also want to be an active part of their lives. Previously my weight has always been a cosmetic concern.
My doctor has suggested lap banding.
I am scared, embarrassed that it has come to this and worried how I will cope with two active children during recovery.
Does anyone have any thoughts/experiences that would help alleviate some of my fears?