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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by alyxandavery

  1. So the pain finally went away and my shoulder feels better. Thanks for the advice to keep moving bandsters. It really help, but now I'm in liquid diet hell. If I drink one more whey protein shake. I feel like I am starving. I have also been a tad bit bad. I ate a small bite of a chicken panini sandwich my daughter had,but after I chewed it I spit it out. Big mistake. That tiny morsel of normal came back in the form of exposive diarrhea, I know tmi, but someone has got to say it and days later I thought I could have a chicken chunk. It was soft and it's chicken right healthy. Wrong!!! Same thing that happen before happened again so no more cheating for me.But I have got to tell you I'm raging bitch :confused: on this liquid diet.Yes I have gone from 316 to 296 in two weeks :biggrin: but when came I use my teeth again.

  2. I still dream of food and how great it tastes but 3 days post op and I barely can finish a bottle water and jello was a strech. I think I am suppose to be eating more, but I'm not sure.Can you have a protein shake and can someone pls tell me what ursodiol is for and how you are taking it bc it's nasty and if it won't keep me alive then do I have to ingest it.

  3. I am so there with you accept I wasn't a smoker and I have always been a walker.I certainly believe noone is in as much pain and discomfort as I am right now as I writethis. It's nice to see that it isn't or wasn't just hell for me and that maybe I will come out on the other side of this.

  4. I had surgery on thursday and I can't lie kinda regretting it. Don't get me wrong I'm glad that I am doing something about my weight issues but my left shoulder still hurts and I just want to know when the pain ends. I'm deep breathing and walking and eating or should I drinking properly, but the discomfort is no joke. I use to sleep on my belly. How I long for those days.I'm sure I will get over this and a week or two from now be happy that I did this. For now though I'm in Lapband hell:w00t:

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