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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by TracyZ

  1. I know exactly how you feel. I was banded on the 16th and have lost 15 pounds but most of the weight came off the first week. As soon as I could eat soft food things really slowed down and I have been starving.

    My doc recommends only having 2 oz of food three times a day. It is like torture and every time that I eat more than I am supposed to I feel like a terrible failure.

    I told the doctor yesterday that I was having so much trouble and he agreed to give me my first fill a few weeks early. I got 4 cc but I am still eating more than he recommends.

    Everyone keeps telling me that this is the hardest time...between surgery and getting fills. We can make it even if the weight loss is slow for now. This is a forever change and nothing is going to happen overnight!!

  2. I was banded (Realize - and I love the website) on 12/16 and have lost 15 pounds so far.

    I cannot wait until the day comes that I can book a plane ticket and not have to worry about flying at peak times on full flights...or about the bruised thighs, having to ask for a belt extender, or being able to put the table down.

  3. I am two weeks out from surgery and I have been unbelievably hungry. When I went for my check up yesterday the surgeon decided to go ahead and try and give me a 4cc fill. It could all be in my head but I think there is a definite difference. I had half of a cheese enchilada for lunch with a couple of bites (small ones) of rice and beans and I felt so full...almost as though I had eaten a giant meal instead of only a little more than I am supposed to. It felt very different from the last week of being completely starving and never feeling full.

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