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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Jatamae

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  • Birthday 08/11/1962
I am currently debating whether to have lapband surgey or not.  I am afraid of being restricted, but know that I must do something because I am going in the wrong direction.  I have long stopped the yoyo dieting because it is not good for your health either.  Now I have difficulty breathing, walking, back pain, etc...  My biggest hurddle is can I modify my eating habits to be successful.  Every week I say I am just going to start eating right and then I fail to plan and follow through.  So I just keep gaining.  Did I mention being depressed because I do not have the will power to do what I know I need to do.  I do not want more radical bariatric surgery, I want a behavior modifier so I still have to do the work.  My insurance will not pay for surgery, so I would be a self-pay and if there are complications the cost may continue.  I do not put a price on my health, but I am realistic with my financial situation.  If I go this route, I want to be able to follow through with whatever comes.  I am just in limbo!

Age: 61
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Starting Weight: 260 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 260 lbs
Goal Weight: 180 lbs
Weight Lost:
BMI: 38.4
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Pre Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 01/01/1970
Surgery Date:
Hospital Stay: n/a
Surgery Funding: n/a
Insurance Outcome: n/a

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
