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LAP-BAND Patients
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HollywoodPearl19 last won the day on March 1 2011

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About HollywoodPearl19

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  • Birthday December 21

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  1. There is a certain amount of air that is put in during your surgery to enable your doctor to put the band in place. Therefore, it takes a while to get rid of all that gas, and I am sorry to say it's a very uncomfortable feeling. I found that drinking more warm tea and broth really helped my gas pains to pass or to be minimal. Some people experience some nausea and you don't want to be throwing up due to the band slipping or flipping. Your doctor should give you a prescription for that if they don’t please ask for one in advance (prior to your surgery). Week two is a more comforting week because you will be able to have cream soups additional to all the things from week one. I really enjoyed that stage because my stomach felt more satisfied due to the heavier foods. On week three I was able to eat munchy foods like mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, pureed foods, and chunky soups that can be easy mashed with your spoon. part2

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