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LAP-BAND Patients
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HollywoodPearl19 last won the day on March 1 2011

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About HollywoodPearl19

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  • Birthday December 21

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  1. Ooooh, I am so excited for you and everything will go just fine. That is an awesome Christmas gift to give to your self. Two weeks prior to my surgery I was give a list of things I need to purchase before I had my surgery. All my required prescriptions were filled before my surgery and list of foods to eat and vitamins I should take after my procedure. The first week I was told to have clear liquids (broth, protein drinks, and sugar free drinks, popsicles (sugar free), and tea(s) etc. Due to your new band the stomach is very sensitive and swollen. It's not a good idea to think about cheating during your first couple of weeks. It's more mental and I promise you can go an entire week without food. Oh yes purchase so gas-x (extra strength) and Tums for gas. The gas pains will make you think you are having some heart pains, but it's the gas moving around in your body.part1

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