I am nervous because I have not had the surgery as yet. Last year I was referred to the specialist and they submitted the paper work to the insurance co. I was rejected for the lap band, but approved for the really
bad stuff..(you know where they cut your intestines or staple the stomach), anyway I choose to not have this done and just bide my time. A few months ago our insurance co. changed. I contacted the specialist and requested that they resubmit my paper work...which they did do and I was approved. I have or am having the following done before surgery....sleep disorder testing, phycological testing, blood work, and nurtritionalist interview. The specialist office has informed me that once these test are done I can have the surgery the next day. Hey, when do I have help with my head.....I mean don't I need something besides just being thrown onto the table and snip, snip, I'm done......bye for now? I am feeling that I am just a number and they don't care......except for the money..Maybe I'm over reacting....but I am in need of some tutoring. According to some of the post, I see that some of you are required to diet before the surgery for a few weeks to prepare the stomach for the banding. Is this correct? I would appreciate some one explaining what actually I should be having done...compared to what I am not having done. Sharlene