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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gldngrrl

  1. gldngrrl

    100 Miles in January 2013 Challenge

    So far, 20 miles... but I cheated and ran 13.8 m today (walk run intervals). Won't do that again.this month, I'm sure!!
  2. gldngrrl

    100 Miles in January 2013 Challenge

    You can do that with map my walk.
  3. gldngrrl

    100 Miles in January 2013 Challenge

    I use the Cardiotrainer App for android , it has a GPS. We.use it for runs, hikes etc. Sometimes the GPS fails,.so I'll use map my walk after to figure out distance and such.
  4. gldngrrl

    No Exercise

  5. gldngrrl

    No Exercise

    I believe weight loss with out any attempt to become fit ( which is not skinny) is an exercise in futility (pardon the pun). Your health is defined by so much more than your weight. So while any bariatric surgery can make you thin by simply restricting calories, true success and wellness comes from a holistic approach at lifestyle change. My doc actually rarely does lapbands because most patients aren't willing to make that fundamental change that results in permanent weight loss and lapband success ( which defined as what, 40% of the weight lost?). When I told him I was training for a 1/2 marathon, he considered my surgery.successful, even though I have 40-50lbs to go. I hate to say this, but one of the reasons many of us have had weight issues in the first place is lack of activity/ exercise. Then as the body is dealing with the effects of the weight, the activity level decreases even more and it gets harder and harder.... the band, or any wls can jump start you to a weight where exercise isn't painful or injury prone.... and from there you can start something that works for you. It's been proven that getting your heart rate up for 20-30 min a day at least 5 times a week will dramatically improve your health... and quality of life. Ultimately the decision is yours, and you have to really decide what your goal is and use the tools that work for you.
  6. gldngrrl

    What Would You Wear If You Lose Weight?

    This is a great post... but I want to tell everyone just starting: don't wait to dress nice! It's possible even at a plus size! I know it's hard to find stuff, but it's gotten much better over the years...even Tommy Hilfinger has a plus sized line! Feel good about yourself now and the journey will be even better! It's hard to break the habits of hiding behind black, baggy and stretchy... plus they don't work anyhow! Just because you're big doesn't mean you can be bright and fun!!! On that note, as I've gone from a 24 Tao 12-14 I just recycle sizes, taking the too big stuff to the thrift store and leaving with a new batch of smaller things! But one of the best things is shoes .... getting in shape has made.it easier to wear higher heels, and I'm more coordinated in them! A whole new world opens up when you can wear 3" heels!!!
  7. gldngrrl

    Did your sex life change after lapband

    Getting fit and in shape has REALLY improved things! We've always been fine as far as quality... but there's something about being stronger, having more endurance and being thinner in certain spots that makes it much much better! Think more flexible .... more cardio ...
  8. gldngrrl

    100 Miles in January 2013 Challenge

    Thanks! Now, back to the work week! Treadmill runs, etc. I prefer getting outside, but that has to wait until the weekend!
  9. gldngrrl

    100 Miles in January 2013 Challenge

    New Years day! Snowshoe! Not very far (snow shoeing is twice as hard as hiking!) but it's a start, plus it was gorgeous! 3.28 miles!
  10. gldngrrl

    100 Miles in January 2013 Challenge

    Ok. Ok! You've twisted my arm!
  11. gldngrrl


    Love love Zumba ! Make sure you have good shoes that aren't too "sticky", to protect you knees you need to have a little slide with your moves . And don't stress if you can't get the moves right away. Just keep moving! It is a great workout that burns calories and tones things up nicely! Have fun!!!
  12. gldngrrl

    100 Miles in January 2013 Challenge

    Wow! 100 miles ! I'll admit I don't think I can hit that this time of year . Last time I did, it was 110 miles run/hike/walk in July . It's easier for me in the summer, I teach and am off work then. Now I am lucky to get about 12-13 miles/week in on runs and since it's snowshoe season, we end up doing half the distance (of what we.usually hike weekly) yet work just as hard. But I am inspired to work on some my kind of distance goal! I'll have to look at my winter average last year and try to beat my highest.
  13. gldngrrl

    New Year Goals

    Yay!!! Congrats!! Like I said, I followed Jeff Galloway's program mostly to have a structure and a plan to be accountable to. You have to commit the time, which was hard , but I just always planned a long run on Saturday... knowing once the marathon passed, I could have a life again! I did mine with intervals in 2hrs, 50min .. my goal was under 3 also. I'd also say listen to your body, ice the sore stuff, stretch the muscles and medicate as needed.... as I was never a runner before there were a lot of "growing pains" along the way. Also make sure to fuel properly. Ill admit I pretty much shelved any attempts at strict calorie restriction until after the race . And any run > 1 hr I'd eat some gels or gummies along the way. I trained during the summer, which is pretty mild here in the PNW, but I'd still sweat a lot, so I drank a lot of coconut juice too . When I saw my surgeon for my 2 year follow up and he heard I was training for a 1/2 he was so pleased and considered my surgery a success even though I was still 40 lbs from my goal!!!
  14. gldngrrl

    Endorsment for Running....

    I concur! I trained for and ran a 1/2 marathon last summer . I started a year before with C25K and then used Jeff Galloway's marathon training- he promotes intervals which really gave me the feeling I *could * do this . The thought of jogging 13.1 miles non stop seems daunting, but to think, oh jog for 2 1/2 min, walk for 1 min, that's easy!! Anyhow, I'm still about 40lbs from my goal, and the weight loss has slowed significantly , BUT the running has really changed my body. I still hear from people how I look like I'm still losing so much weight, etc. Even though the numbers have been steady- the clothing sizes have been changing! But this was in no way an easy journey for me. Having been overweight most of my life, I carry a ton of baggage regarding running. (Think grammar school PE class, etc). I cried a lot. I beat myself up. And then I had to finally accept myself. Accept that I'm a little slow (I have faith dropping more lbs will fix that), that I run intervals in longer >5 k) runs, and remind myself that every mile, no matter how it's travelled , is a mile further than sitting on the couch. I never, ever thought in a million years I'd ever consider "running" a half marathon (walking one I knew was doable) and yet.I did, at age 42 and 190lbs. I'm the fittest I've ever been! To folks who think they can't do it: it's all about baby steps. Even a slow jog for.60 secs. counts! But it's not easy nor painless. And much like you, B-52, I had been doing many other things to get fit before I started C25K. Including hiking/ incline treadmill which is a great lower impact, calorie burning, body changing activity! So, yeah. IAWTC.
  15. gldngrrl

    I Only Run If I'm On Fire...

    B-52....I agree, I feel anxious and guilty when I miss a workout....
  16. gldngrrl

    New Year Goals

    This seems like a good spot for my first post! Goal is really to put a major dent in my last 40 or so lbs left to lose. At this point I have to be much more restrictive with my diet and continue with my relatively intense and consistent workout regimen. I also would like to transition from hiking to backpacking, doubling the size of my pack and maybe finding myself sleeping in the wilderness, more than 10 miles in from my car! An ultimate goal for that is to climb Mt. Adams,.a non technical climb that includes an overnight on the way up. And for sure another 1/2 marathon this year, with longer running intervals .
  17. gldngrrl


    From the album: gldngrrl

  18. gldngrrl


  19. gldngrrl


    From the album: gldngrrl

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
