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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gldngrrl

  1. gldngrrl

    100 Miles in January 2013 Challenge

    15.18 miles this week . 52.1 miles so far! That's walk run, walk, snowshoe , elliptical...
  2. gldngrrl

    Fitness shoes!

    I'm a big fan of minimalist shoes. I don't wear zero mm drop shoes for running, but I hated the clunky robot shoes the shoe store guys wanted me to wear. I wound up with some New Balance that are light as a feather. Ran a 1/2 in them with no probs . No blisters, black toes, etc. But they have a 11mm heel drop so not true barefoot. My cross trainers are also NB and the are even more minimal, with a 4 mm drop. They are great for Zumba and such as the have a little slip to them and are very.flexible. There are different schools of thought about shoes, especially running. But you'll get the standard party line from any good shoe store . I resisted that because every shoe they said was good for my neutral foot was way too supportive and uncomfortable . I just get going back until I found shoes that felt good. In hiking one is encouraged to pick a.boot solely on comfort... if you're going to stomp around in other for miles and miles , it should feel good. Seems reasonable
  3. gldngrrl

    No Exercise

  4. gldngrrl

    Sore! But in a good way.

    Yes, it's like hot bath every night!
  5. gldngrrl

    Sore! But in a good way.

    I'm working towards 6 out of 7 days with a workout. Saturdays long run, Sunday hike/snowshoe with pack, then two runs during the week and a couple other random gym activities (bike and elliptical this week) Guess what? I'm sore! In various large muscle groups . Kind of sucks. But also a badge of honor.
  6. gldngrrl

    Lean cuisines

    I keep a fridge stocked in my office. I have a bag of mixed greens and protein. . Ofte. Canned tuna or chicken. And drizzled with balsamic vinegar . This week I got some Gardenburgers. I heat in the microwave and crumble in my salad. Like only 100 cals in a meal
  7. gldngrrl


  8. gldngrrl


  9. No liquids with meals, before or after. I don't always plan ahead and will be drinking my Water, tea, latte, wine and boom! Mealtime. Also I know it matters because when I drink and eat... a few hiccups and... bomb! Hungry/more room. Going to work on this one in earnest this year. With 40ish lbs to go I gotta get on track and use this band!!! What is your hardest bandster rule to follow?
  10. Your workout, that is! I tend to really peak in the early afternoon. I've never been that physically energized early in the AM. Races are rough for me for that reason, they all start so fanned early. On a day off, I usually get my run or workout in around 1-3pm. Work days leave me with little choice but to hit the gym around 5-7 pm ( I start teaching pretty early). I've even taken a 7 pm Zumba class. And I sleep like a baby after. Maybe it's more because it's what I'm used to? I dunno, but my body needs time to get going, then... I can go all night.(I love dancing all night!) So I know there are some avowed morning folks here ( looking at you B-52!) What about everyone else? When do you like to do it? BTW, for "it" afternoons, all the way....
  11. gldngrrl

    If you're not loosing...

    Wow! I get on here this morning and everyone is stabbing each other with tiny cutlery!!!!!
  12. gldngrrl


    Wow. Usually it's small portions, up to 6x a day, but very low cal, high protein snacks, like fat free Greek yogurt , etc.
  13. gldngrrl

    New rules!

    I think for some the.band is in just the perfect spot to physically surprises hunger ... but for many if us it does I by making the pouch which responds to the baroreceptors soon. Letpin. Gherlin all that. I find is I have fluids with food, once I'm done, I'll hiccup a few times and "whoosh !" I stop feeling full. Which kinda sucks. But that's me ... we are all special snowflakes !!!!
  14. gldngrrl

    If you're not loosing...

    IMHO and YMMV.... but I think while people need to do research and be accountable about their health... I think the weight loss industry and the WLS industry have some real hacks out there who take advantage of some people's lack of knowledge , lack of insight and sometimes even their mental health issues in order to make money. People do want the easy solution, and they are sold that, even though we know none of it is easy, and patients are frustrated when magic doesn't happen. Not to remove responsibility from the person who makes the.final decision to have the medical procedure, or pay the weight loss center... but to say, some folks are just not prepared for what it takes, and the providers need to ensure that they are. At the same time, we have to be willing to "own it"... whatever. I know my loss is slower because I've chosen to keep my band on the loose side and rely on previous methods of calorie reduction... done mostly by portion control (but still not the 1/2 cup my surgeon wants) and exercising my ass off. Why? Because I know myself well enough that if i change things too drastically I set myself up for a house of cards that will come falling down the minute the slightest breeze blows . I'm a foodie , I love to cook, drink and enjoy life . Luckily that includes exercise and mostly healthy foods. So increasing one and cutting portions of the other is a realistic plan for me. And the band helps me a lot with that. It's just slower going. But overall I feel more fantastic than ever, look pretty damned good and am happy.
  15. gldngrrl


    The good news is you might find underwire bras more comfortable as you lose weight. I never wore them much before and now even my sports bras have them. And.it's a good thing, as they provide a little better support which some of us need moving out of the double letter.cup sizes!
  16. The research, according to my doc is constantly changing the specific time frame , last I hear it's only about 15 min before. The theory is it enables food to slide through the stoma quicker, making it harder to feel full. Same with during and after. The old days of filling up on water before a meal or during the day to stay full are past for bandsters .
  17. gldngrrl

    No Exercise

    The thing is, we need to exercise NOT to lose weight or get skinny or stay skinny. We all need to exercise, every size, shape, age and functional ability because it's good for us. It not only adds quantity of life but quality. While some of us do more than others, being active, mobile and getting that heart rate up everyday in anyway that works is necessary to overall wellness !!!!
  18. gldngrrl

    Off to the Gym.....

    This is awesome.... but I have to ask, what time do you go to bed??? I'm just now waking up at 11am, but I went to bed at 3am.... so our run will be in the afternoon today I am usually up at 6am, but you know. Weekend the advantage of being up all night is the extra calorie burning from all the dancing.
  19. That's a great idea. Swish and spit. Also I need to get better at refusing the glass of water. Servers are pretty aggressive about insisting I at least have a glass of water . If it's on the table I'll catch myself mindlessly sipping it.
  20. In there's no trading food for alcohol for me. I love them both equally. I am pretty careful about it, my point was over the holidays there was a little more, along with all the other overindulgences....

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