My surgery is May 4th!! It was originally scheduled for April 20, but Aetna insurance denied it the first time. They denied it because my 2008 BMI was 39.9 and it needed to be 40. Come on, really?!?!? 0.1% away and they can't accept it. So my doctor figured something out but it had to be moved into May.
I'm on my 2 week protein only diet. It's been hard for sure. Especially since I've used this time to go cold turkey on diet coke as well, which I LOVE! The first day, the headache was insane. But it's day 3 and it's not so bad.
I've had both my pre-op appts and with my dr and the hospital, so now it's really just a waiting game til the 4th gets here.
I've told pretty much anyone I can. I've gotten some really good support too. I'm really excited.:thumbup: