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Posts posted by SoccerMomma73

  1. I love the new me and the fact that I don't push food around on my plate or have the look of pure agony on my face because I'm starving but unable to swallow due to being stuck... I used to get stuck so easily and toward the end of my band wouldn't have anything to eat or drink until 2 in the afternoon be cause I had to 'warm up' my band. Let me remind you I live in florida it is always hot here. It was pure nuttiness and I told myself for over a year everything was ok because I refused to admit I had a problem. I am so thankful I woke up and realized I didn't fail; rather the band failed me. It just wasnt the right answer for me. I think it is a great tool and clearly is great for some but the last year and half prior to rny was pure agony. So glad I changed. :)

    . I knew there was an issue when my 6 year old son knew 'the look' and could predict when I was gonna get sick....so don't miss those days :)

  2. Thanks. I definitely feel alone. Hearing everyone talk about losing 20 plus pounds and a few weeks out makes me happy and sad. I feel like such a loser. I hate pity parties but I thought the fill would make it better and it did NOTHING! The office said i can only come once a month. Is that their rule or the insurance?

    likely that's their rule, my doc would only fill once a month as well. I thought I starve to death the first 2.5 months.

  3. I was banded on Nov 7th and i have only lost 5 pounds ! I want to cry everday. Whats worse is everyone keeos looking at me and wondering why im not losing. Just had my first fill and still NO RESTRICTION! Im at 4ccs. Everytime i think about it i want to cry.

    being a former band patient I can tell ya the first couple months aren't great....it gets better for most people though! Hang in there :). Try the lapband boards and look or bandster hell....you're right in the middle of it! Keep your chin up!!!

  4. Looked for tall jeans at the mall yesterday...two people sent me to xpress, and they only go to size 12. Didn't go there, but it was nice that people thought I would fit in a size twelve skinny jean. In April, I wore a 22/24! By the way, does anyone know where to get tall jeans? At least Lane Bryant had those. When I was thin before, I wore lee jeans, but I can't find tall ones except online. I guess I'll have to try one short ones for fit, and then order the tall ones online. Wish I could go to goodwill...this is expensive.

    kohls has some tall jeans.

  5. I went on a work trip this past summer to Germany for a week. I had a wonderful time and it was a great learning experience for me. I was the only hourly employee on a trip with 7 of my bosses and I was also the only female. I learned that the ambassadors representing my company are tacky and a total embarrassment. Every night most were out all night partying only coming in to shower and dress for visiting the company that was making new machinery for us. Everything was very unorganized and I ended up being the go to person for making decisions and giving directions by the hosting company. I tried not to take over the project (I in no way wanted to make my bosses feel like I was representing myself in any other capacity than an employee there with my employers) but in a large way ended up doing just that. I made up my mind then that I want to go back to school to finish my degree and be a better representative than what we apparently have. I'm 38 and have been at my company for almost 13 years and although I've been approached by several people over the years about going back to school, it's never been a good time for my family life. Now that it is a good time we have accumulated an entire new crew of mgmt and none of my bosses know anything of my past performance or cost saving ideas that have been implemented. I still want to finish my degree but now I wonder if it will even do any good. I make better money than most people in my area but it's not all about the money. Any thoughts? Oh and keep in mind that most of my bosses are around the age of 25 and newly out of school. Now that I've had the surgery I feel like with the pounds lost I will gain the self worth I have been lacking to follow through with school.

    i say do it....anything you can do to better yourself, you deserve to do. Do it, do it, do it!!!!

  6. When I had my band in 2009, this is the part that kicked my butt and NO ONE had prepared me for it. I mourned food. I lost my best friend. I was an emotional mess for a month. There is a HUGE psychological component to bariatric surgery and weight loss...there's no easy way through it. Just know that to be successful you are going to have to be honest with yourself and face your food demons and for a while, frankly, it is going to suck :(. But it does get better. As you learn new habits and start to feel better physically and emotionally t gets so much easier. You can do this, but it takes some work! Congrats on making the decision to take charge of your life and health. Listen to every word they have to say at your meetings, they've got a lot to share. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

  7. My "oh crap" moment was at christmas 2007 when I eighed myself for the first time in a couple of years... the scale said 267 and I literally started to cry. At 5'2" and small boned I was pure fat. I got a consult for lapband on january 3rd 2008 and was banded june of that same year. The first two years of my band life were wonderful but be late 2010 I started vomiting regularly and had terrible reflux. I lived in denial that there was a problem until December 2012. I had gained 40 of my 60 lbs back and was miserable, afraid of food and in constant pain from the band.<br><br> In january 2013 I had my consult to get revised to rny and had my revision surgery on 6/12/13. It was the best decision for me. I now have a healthy relationship with food, I dont pkay games with myself anymore and am losing weight. I am surely a very slow loser but it is going. I am 169 as of this morning and hope to be celebrating 100 lbs lost from the oh crap moment over 5 years ago.

    . Isn't it awesome to be able to A-eat real food (the band and I had issues with this....) and B-not be consumed by food? I no longer (usually) wake up plotting Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I'm not constantly looking for my next snack. I feel like food no longer controls me for the first time ever in my life....it's liberating (okay so there was an incident with a few rolos last week...but the rest of the time food no longer controls me.). Congratulations on your success :)

  8. hmmm I'm not sure I would have made it very far at 6 weeks. I do know that people,are cleared to lift weights at 6 weeks to technically it should be okay. <br><br> You could try it and if you feel discomfort or pain, stop immediately?

    I didn't catch the host comment til just now :D look at us :P. Oh crap. Are we supposed to behave? Staples come to mind....

  9. I'm very open, friends and family knew beforehand and were 100% supportive (worried, but supportive). I initially had not planned to tell my patients (I'm a PA) however, quickly discovered that they noticed every darn pound and that I couldn't lie to them about it...would make me feel like a hypocrite so, when they mention it, I say yup, I'm losing, if they ask, I tell em the truth. I've had a few say they can't believe I needed to do that and I honestly tell them I've spent my entire life obese and this is what I needed to do to be healthy. I've yet to get a negative response to that.

    You have to do what you are comfortable with...I'm comfortable being open. It works for me. (Except with grandparents...Lordy Lordy, they were tough)

  10. So, I'm behind too and when I logged in here last night the first line on my feed was 'I can't believe xxx was killed'. Y'all are so getting coal for Christmas.

  11. For me at first, I always wanted to be thinner. then, I wanted to be healthier and rid myself of diabetes, High blood pressure, high cholesterol and to not die like my parents. What really kicked in for me was, One day I was dancing around and jiggling in front of my grand daughter just to get a laugh out of her. I did get a laugh out of her and she also said out loudly as she laughed " YOU LOOK LIKE FAT ALBERT". I immediately stopped acting like a fool and had lap band done. I made the wrong choice b/c I was so afraid of RNY. I am now in the process of band removal to RNY. I am still afraid b/c I now weigh 214 and still have all the same morbidity. Even having diabetes didn't get my attention. To this day, she still don't remember saying it.

    oh, ouch, I can see how that would get your attention:(

  12. I would write a long and heartfelt letter telling him why you are so worried and letting him know you are there for him if he ever wants to talk about any of it. Don't nag or push the surgery, just tell him you're there for him and ask that he be supportive of you as well. And then I'd drop it. He's a grown man responsible for himself and until he is ready to change, no amount of pushing will help (and would likely have the opposite effect). It's a horrible thing to watch happening to someone you love (I have major guilt over the worry I put my parents through the last few years). Just be there and be his sister.

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