1When did you begin to exercise? 13 days have passed since my banding and I've lost 14 pounds so far without any exercise yet. Hoping to start an exercise routine this week if my bruised incisions cooperate. Feeling good enough now that I can start - no pain meds for 4 days now. I get to switch from full liquid to soft foods Sunday. Looking forward to new flavors :thumbdown:
what kitchen and food storage "tools" do you use to help you measure, store, & prepare your new meal sizes etc? Anyone have any favorites? Where did you purchase them?
post op since Monday - not had a BM yet and am having TERRIBLE bowel pain - almost ready to go to ER - should I take a pain med and ignore it? any other suggestions? besides this I was feeling pretty good today but this is awful...help
#1. Surgery date? Feb 1st 2010
#2. State you live in? PA
#3. Doctor/Surgery Center? Dr. Davidson -Pinnacle Hospital
#4. Insurance or self pay? Insurance & Self Pay Co-insurance & Deductible
#5. Age and height - Age 37 5ft 3in
#6. Current weight and goal weight? 264 current 150 goal
#7. What was your deciding factor for having this surgery? I've tried everything else and failed - my family needs a more energetic me - I need my outside to match my inside - I need to be healthy and start taing care of me and not just everyone else I love.
#7. Do you have the support of family and friends? some yes some no it is complicated but most importantly my hubby and children and best friend are very supported and they are the ones that matter the most to me
#8. Concerns and questions? getting nervous - never had surgery before -
.......................and anything else you would like to add!
God is good- He led me to this - He will lead me through it - I am very thankful for all of the online friends and the info I am getting from them.