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About tinkeringaround

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/02/1977
  1. Happy 36th Birthday tinkeringaround!

  2. Happy 35th Birthday tinkeringaround!

  3. tinkeringaround

    Thinking of having the surgery.

    Thanks!! I appreciate it skinny2Bme
  4. tinkeringaround

    Thinking of having the surgery.

    I have a dr's apt in two days I plan to talk to him and find out the way to go and what all I have to do. I am just worried about all the little stuff that could go wrong I guess. Let me know how your apt goes!!
  5. tinkeringaround

    Thinking of having the surgery.

    I am thinking of having the surgery and I was wondering if you would do it all again.?. I am scared to death after reading some of the stories on here. I know it is a need to but also a scared to. I try to always look at the glass half full and not half empty but this seems a little scary. I would love to have the surgery and no complications but as reading all these blogs I know there are some. So, my question is would you do it all again even after all the bumps and complications.?. I want to know everything before I do it? Thanks for your help.
  6. tinkeringaround

    Thinking of having the surgery.

    I am thinking of having the surgery and I was wondering if you would do it all again.?. I am scared to death after reading some of the stories on here. I know it is a need to but also a scared to. I try to always look at the glass half full and not half empty but this seems a little scary. I would love to have the surgery and no complications but as reading all these blogs I know there are some. So, my question is would you do it all again even after all the bumps and complications.?. I want to know everything before I do it? Thanks for your help.

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