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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by zimmersdreamer

  1. Well, i had my nut. appointment, she is on board with me getting banded, I finally got my Dr to give me a referal. But the nurse said that most Dr wont take medicaid, and my insurance wont pay for bariatrics. :( My nut seems to think I can get approved, so she started me on a diet. 45g a day of protien, under 1200 kcals and there was a Fiber restriction that I had too but I forget this early in the morning. The problem is, and has always been... Im not eating enough. I cant seem to get in 1200 kcals a day, I forget to eat. Im not getting enough sleep either. I average 3-5hours a day. I was supposed to write down everything i ate till I see her again tomorrow. I did great writing for a week. did even better making good choices for a few days after that but I forgot to write them down again! :smile2:. Im afraid she is not going to help me get banded (because let me tell you it is like pulling teeth to get my Dr to agree) if i dont have everything written down and it complies with what she wants to see. :(

    any help, remembering, encouragement, ect would be great! I feel like I have failed before I was even really given a chance to start.

  2. Hi. My name is Adriana, I am looking into getting banded. This is happening fast i guess as I did not even consider the surgery last thanksgiving. I have had a few bumps in the road but feel this is what I need. I have family that will support my weightloss descision (in theory) meaning they will say :thumbup:yea:thumbup: you went to the gym today...but should I need them to watch a sick kid so I can go they back out. Or they will say they support my weightloss descision then ask me to make more fudge (or Cookies or cake ect I LOVE to bake) :sneaky:or want to eat fast food...

    My problem, my Dr 14 years ago said, was/is that i forget to eat (sometimes for days), then eat "too much". starving myself then fasting i guess. Im sorry I just forget to eat.:) Its sad, I work as a baker, ive been working around food for 12 years now and yet I still forget to eat at work. :w00t: after a 10 hour shift I come home go to bed then eat a meal when I wake up. or nibble till i go to work again.

    any who... I love to work out, I just forget to go or find excuses to not go. My "treat" to go to the YMCA is the hot tub! :frown: that normally is enough motivation but it too has lost its pull.

    I guess I need someone that knows what I would be going through, the insurance stress, the pre surgery stress and the post surgery...well stress. Im normally a good motivator, I just need a little push myself now.

  3. hey Cathy thank you for your clerification. I knew there had to be a loop hole, sadly my employer has decided not to include it and it is not an option for me to add it as a rider.

    skinigrl2b- Im sorry if I gt your hopes up. Maybe if you call your employer than you can have more luck than I did.

    for me- I found out that I am covered from medicaid and will prosue that rout. I hate doing it that way but the way I look at it I will be a better mom in teh long run for it.

  4. here are some sites that i have found...

    State laws on insurance coverage for bariatric sur... [surg Obes Relat Dis. 2005 Jul-Aug] - PubMed result

    Insurance Coverage | Bariatric Surgery and Weight Loss Services | St. Francis Hospital, Indianapolis

    Countervailing factors seem nearly certain to boost the number of weight loss surgeries during 2004, however. Legislatures in several states are known to be considering bills that would mandate coverage for obesity surgery. These are Illinois and Ohio. If laws are passed there, they would join the ranks of six states--Louisiana, Virginia, West Virginia, Georgia, Maryland, and Indiana--that already have mandated such coverage. Passage of benefit mandates such as these states have makes it much harder for insurers to deny coverage to persons who fit the prerequisite profile, and to impose further restrictions on coverage for obesity surgery, but does little to address levels of reimbursement for the surgery to hospitals and doctors.

    (from Liability insurance premiums on bariatric surgery soar. | Goliath Business News)

    good luck and please post if anyone else finds more info!

  5. Hi, I am new to the search for lap banding and have contacted my insurance policy to see if I am covered. the surgery is not covered. When I was looking for an insurance that does so I could either switch or add to it I found that Indiana has a state mandate to have bariatric surgeries included in group health plans. (I live in Indiana) Does anyone know what the mandate says? Do I call my insurance back and ask again stating that I know we are in a mandate state? It seemed like the CSR had to look up the information, could she have missed it because of the wording? How should I ask the next time I call?

  6. I have not started my journey yet, or rather I am just taking baby steps. I have to talk to my Dr and get insuirance to approve...yadda yadda yadda... anywho I will be a tight bander, I plan on exercizing because I love to work out but I also know that this is a tool, I will use it to the fulliest of my abilities! I havew 150 lbs to lose and by George I dont want to take 3-4 years to do it! I want it off in a year. I will have my Dr follow my progress but I will let him know that for the part of the time that I am losing weight, I want it tight... now are you going to loosen it eventualy? I guess that question makes since. I mean after you have reached you weight loss goal, will you loosen it to the point your maintaining weight loss and not loosing any more?

  7. So I have made the descision to get a lapband. I have to take the steps and ask my current insurace if they cover it and what the requirements are. I see there are a ton of people on here that have insurance, what is yours? was there any set backs? would you, advise or think about, getting a second insurance to help cover the cost? I have insurence, HealthSmart, through my work, but have also considered getting a second plan, indipendant, to help cover the cost incase my plan doesnt cover it. If they dont cover it I am going to need to get one that does. Okay that sounds bad but...OOP is too much to consider. I still hjave student loans and really dont want to take out a loan but may have to if thats my only option. :blink: I am looking for possably getting banded in 2010.

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