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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by new_to_this

  1. new_to_this

    1 whole week

    the steri strips came off today and only slight bruising at the site. She told me the no burping was normal and to stay hydrated. The shoulder pain was from all the air instilled into my stomach........i want it gone. Hope evryone else is doing much better than me.
  2. new_to_this

    1 whole week

    I am so excited that I have had my new band for 1 whole week. I can't say I feel any different, just a whole lotta pain if i eat anything in my left shoulder. The stomach pain is 90% gone, just slight tenderness at port site. I still can't burp. wondering why??????? I have my 1st postop appointment tomorrow. And of course i know i have water weight from that whole "woman" experience known to us all. I would like to atleast have lost a few pounds.
  3. new_to_this

    1 whole week

    I am so excited that I have had my new band for 1 whole week. I can't say I feel any different, just a whole lotta pain if i eat anything in my left shoulder. The stomach pain is 90% gone, just slight tenderness at port site. I still can't burp. wondering why??????? I have my 1st postop appointment tomorrow. And of course i know i have water weight from that whole "woman" experience known to us all. I would like to atleast have lost a few pounds.
  4. new_to_this

    must have been the drugs.......

    today is day 5 post op, i was a day ahead of myself. The port site still slightly tender but much improved. I attempted some milky oatmeal this am, ate 1/2 and feel really full. I hope this fullness lasts until my first fill and beyond. Will do a yogurt smoothie for lunch. YUMMMMMMMMM. good luck to all my fellow bandsters on our ongoing journey!!!!!
  5. new_to_this

    must have been the drugs.......

    today is day 5 post op, i was a day ahead of myself. The port site still slightly tender but much improved. I attempted some milky oatmeal this am, ate 1/2 and feel really full. I hope this fullness lasts until my first fill and beyond. Will do a yogurt smoothie for lunch. YUMMMMMMMMM. good luck to all my fellow bandsters on our ongoing journey!!!!!
  6. the shoulder dicomfort is gone, but the port site tenderness is still there. Especially when I do too much or bend over too often. My port is up high on my abdomen. Not sure why, but thats where my doc put it. I did eat some pureed pea soup mixed with 1% milk, took me 3 hours to get down a cup full but atleast I ate something. My friend lent me her magic bullet and I will put it to good use. She is 8 mos out from her gastric bypass and down over 80lbs. I think she looks fantastic. I am still afraid of the scale. Not wanting to get discouraged, I just stay away from it. I went shopping today. Felt great to get out of the house. My dear fiance was awesome and pushed the cart (he really hates to do that) and took care of all the carrying. I made my 2 fellows some buffalo chicken soup for watching the game. It smells terrific. I am still not hungry, really have to push to get food in, water is easy. I have been drinking so much water for the last 4 mos that its second nature to always have a drink in hand.
  7. I live in upstate ny, and my surgery went well. How did yours go?

  8. My surgery was Wednesday and the gas pain is 90% gone, but the port site tenderness is definitely still there. WALK, WALK, WALK. Try liquid tylenol if you run out of your prescribed pain meds. Take your time doing things, don't rush. Remember, this is all about you, let your friends and family help you out so you don't over do. GOOD LUCK!!!
  9. new_to_this

    day 5 postop; moving to full liquids!!!!!!!!!

    the shoulder dicomfort is gone, but the port site tenderness is still there. Especially when I do too much or bend over too often. My port is up high on my abdomen. Not sure why, but thats where my doc put it. I did eat some pureed pea soup mixed with 1% milk, took me 3 hours to get down a cup full but atleast I ate something. My friend lent me her magic bullet and I will put it to good use. She is 8 mos out from her gastric bypass and down over 80lbs. I think she looks fantastic. I am still afraid of the scale. Not wanting to get discouraged, I just stay away from it. I went shopping today. Felt great to get out of the house. My dear fiance was awesome and pushed the cart (he really hates to do that) and took care of all the carrying. I made my 2 fellows some buffalo chicken soup for watching the game. It smells terrific. I am still not hungry, really have to push to get food in, water is easy. I have been drinking so much water for the last 4 mos that its second nature to always have a drink in hand.
  10. new_to_this

    I Did it!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am 3 days post op and feelin pretty good. Though I do tire easily, the gas pain in my left shoulder sucks, my incisions aren't too bad. Still on clear liquids until tomorrow, then go full speed ahead with the full liquids. So far, I can say that this is worth. I haven't gotten on the scale here at home; I think I'll wait until my first post op appointment next week. I am not expecting miracles, even 2 pounds will be awesome. I started a food diary. I hope this will help. The hospital said I could go to mushy foods after 2 days, but I will stick with what the dietician recommended.
  11. new_to_this

    I Did it!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am 3 days post op and feelin pretty good. Though I do tire easily, the gas pain in my left shoulder sucks, my incisions aren't too bad. Still on clear liquids until tomorrow, then go full speed ahead with the full liquids. So far, I can say that this is worth. I haven't gotten on the scale here at home; I think I'll wait until my first post op appointment next week. I am not expecting miracles, even 2 pounds will be awesome. I started a food diary. I hope this will help. The hospital said I could go to mushy foods after 2 days, but I will stick with what the dietician recommended.
  12. I am being banded the 20th as well, and know that we will both do great. Just be positive and all will go well. Good luck!
  13. new_to_this

    3 whole days to go.............

    I appreciate all the support from everyone. Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!
  14. new_to_this

    3 whole days to go.............

    3 more days to the new me......and my new internal apparatus. My doctor has requested 3 days of bowel prep. I just had the gi bug, and now more "crap" to go along with it. Gosh no! Oh well, I'll do what must be done. I know I look thinner, people tell me so, but I just don't really see it yet. Except, the whole 2 boobs instead of 8 and the 2 chins instead of 3. As I look in the mirror all I see is me. I'm the same person inside, I like who I am. I just need to be the healthy me with my new "tool" to use for my benefit. I will say that I did have my last meal yestarday, seafood portofino at olive garden. That tasted so good. I am sure that my sugar free jello and diluted juice will be fabulous as well.
  15. new_to_this

    2 to go..........

    I have to say that now I'm getting a little nervous. Only 2 days to go to the new me. My significant other is finally coming around. Thank goodness because I wasn't changing my mind, I have worked too hard to stop now. And now a serious question...........when can I have sex comfortably again? It is something I have to wonder about. Anyone have any comments?:confused:
  16. new_to_this

    2 to go..........

    I have to say that now I'm getting a little nervous. Only 2 days to go to the new me. My significant other is finally coming around. Thank goodness because I wasn't changing my mind, I have worked too hard to stop now. And now a serious question...........when can I have sex comfortably again? It is something I have to wonder about. Anyone have any comments?
  17. new_to_this

    3 whole days to go.............

    3 more days to the new me......and my new internal apparatus. My doctor has requested 3 days of bowel prep. I just had the gi bug, and now more "crap" to go along with it. Gosh no! Oh well, I'll do what must be done. I know I look thinner, people tell me so, but I just don't really see it yet. Except, the whole 2 boobs instead of 8 and the 2 chins instead of 3. As I look in the mirror all I see is me. I'm the same person inside, I like who I am. I just need to be the healthy me with my new "tool" to use for my benefit. I will say that I did have my last meal yestarday, seafood portofino at olive garden. That tasted so good. I am sure that my sugar free jello and diluted juice will be fabulous as well.
  18. I'm getting banded on the 20th as well. So excited. I to am short at 4'11, started at 225 and now weigh 189.4. good luck with your surgery
  19. I will be banded on the 20th as well. Can't wait. Good luck

  20. I am scheduled as the first case on 1/20/10. I am so excited, not really nervous at all. Hope all goes well with your surgery!!!!!!!!!
  21. new_to_this

    a new life to look forward to.....

    I went to my last MD visit yestarday. I had to lose a total of 8pounds in 1 week. I thought it would be impossible.....thank the good lord for a GI bug,(yeah, I know, no one wants a GI bug) because wooohooooo I totally made my required weight. Yeah me!!!!!! The insurance clearance should go through with no problems and I am now a decent 189.4lbs. I haven't been this thin in years, and I do mean YEARS!!!!!!!!! The receptionist and the whole office knew i was psyched when I screamed so loud and asked the nurse for a hug. (the walls are really thin) I had to break down and buy new bras today, my chest area has totally shrunk and I no longer have the whole 8 boob thing going on, you know, 4 in front and 4 in back. My back fat has even diminished. I'm down to 2 chins instead of 3 and feelin good. I am ready for the change and not letting those who do not support this change from getting me down. I will be healthier, I will get off all the meds I take. I will be as fantastic as I have always been, just thinner. :thumbup: I totally rock!!!!!!!!
  22. new_to_this

    a new life to look forward to.....

    I went to my last MD visit yestarday. I had to lose a total of 8pounds in 1 week. I thought it would be impossible.....thank the good lord for a GI bug,(yeah, I know, no one wants a GI bug) because wooohooooo I totally made my required weight. Yeah me!!!!!! The insurance clearance should go through with no problems and I am now a decent 189.4lbs. I haven't been this thin in years, and I do mean YEARS!!!!!!!!! The receptionist and the whole office knew i was psyched when I screamed so loud and asked the nurse for a hug. (the walls are really thin) I had to break down and buy new bras today, my chest area has totally shrunk and I no longer have the whole 8 boob thing going on, you know, 4 in front and 4 in back. My back fat has even diminished. I'm down to 2 chins instead of 3 and feelin good. I am ready for the change and not letting those who do not support this change from getting me down. I will be healthier, I will get off all the meds I take. I will be as fantastic as I have always been, just thinner. I totally rock!!!!!!!!
  23. new_to_this

    15 days to go

    2nd day back at the gym, feel so much better getting motivated again. But I do have to say my legs ached like crazy today. Sticking to the diet. so proud of me. I am bound and determined to stick with it and get fit. I really don't want all of that loose skin, need to tighten and firm up. The last 2 weeks people have been astonished that I am 35, not younger, 25, 26, 28......wohooooooo. I guess my body "detox" has given me a glow.
  24. new_to_this

    15 days to go

    2nd day back at the gym, feel so much better getting motivated again. But I do have to say my legs ached like crazy today. Sticking to the diet. so proud of me. I am bound and determined to stick with it and get fit. I really don't want all of that loose skin, need to tighten and firm up. The last 2 weeks people have been astonished that I am 35, not younger, 25, 26, 28......wohooooooo. I guess my body "detox" has given me a glow.
  25. new_to_this

    the countdown is on

    16 days till surgery. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started going to the gym again today. Surgery (personal) December 1st has delayed my much needed extra activity. 30 min max today n I was tired.Now I need a warm bath, relax and then back to the gym tomorrow. Have my nutrition consult Friday. Am anxious to know what my postop diet will be. Looking forward to the new me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
