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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by txflea

  1. txflea


    My surgery was 12/29/15 and I have lost 101.8 pounds. From 243 to 241 pounds. I take my Vitamins religiously and follow a fairly healthy eating plan but I have noticed the last couple of months I'm constantly freezing. Mainly when I'm inside, but I live in South Texas where temperatures are normally in the 80s and 90s. How did those who have lost large amounts of weight deal with this? Or did you even have this issue? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. txflea


    Well, that's good to know, I'm getting ready to come up to Pennsylvania and Michigan this December to see some friends and I've already started packing my "winter" wardrobe. Lots of thermals lots of warm fuzzies I just have to find an actual winter coat. Down here our idea of a winter coat is just a light jacket LOL but of course me I am over there in four freaking coat ha ha Ha Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. txflea


    Lol sorry I meant 243 to 140 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. txflea

    Icky feeling

    Have been having serious heartburn and indigestion off and on the past few weeks. I'm going to the Dr. on the 9th for a fill but idk I just don't feel right. I'm going to have a long discussion with him. I guess I just needed to say this out loud in a fourm. Thanks
  5. txflea


  6. txflea


    From the album: txflea

  7. txflea


    From the album: txflea

  8. I am not crazy!!

    1. joatsaint


      You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me! :-P

  9. I am 8 months post surgery and yesterday and today I have been burping and burping, and then I feel like I have indigestion and a foamy feeling in my throat. Oh and I have been passing gas like a pro! I have taken gas-x (2 tablets), but it really has not given me any relief. I'm so paranoid that my band has slipped, IDK why (yes I do, my friend who has had her band since 2010 just recently found out that hers has slipped) I am going Wednesday to a new Dr. (My Dr. moved away and referred me to a new Dr who is 55 minutes away from me, and that's the closest one) When I go Wednesday I have to do the barium drink thing so they can see how the band is fitted, and they can tell then if it has slipped right? What are the odds of a band slip? I know its like 1 out of 1000 right? I feel like I am a hypochondriac, but the stress is getting to me. My last Dr's visit was in November (because of the weather I have had to reschedule my appointment several times) Maybe the stress is making me have the indigestion and the hypochondriac feelings lol No nausea unless I think about something gross, or see something gross, but now that I am thinking about it, I am feeling a little nauseous. See?!?! I am going nuts. Never had a problem, only had 1 pb this whole time and been chugging along great, and now I find out that and all of a sudden I feel like I am blowing everything out of proportion. Any words will help, TIA!
  10. txflea


    UPDATE!! I went to the Dr with all my issues and he did blood work and an ultrasound and discovered that I have gallstones!! But I dont have a gallbladder, that was removed in 1994. But yes you can still get stones!! I was referred to a Gastro, went in and talked to him, now I am just waiting to hear back from them on a surgery date!! Then I can get another fill since I have hit a plateau. I am so glad that I am not crazy as I thought I was..lol there was a reason for the pain and it wasnt the band
  11. UPDATE!! I went in to see the Dr. with the problems I was having, he sent me for bloodwork and ultrasound and we found out I have gallstones! But I dont have a gallbladder (not since 1994, had it removed) So thats where all the pain is stemming from! I am not going crazy after all!! I am waiting to hear back from the Dr who is going to go in and bust the stones out, so just waiting on the surgery date, then I can get a fill and get right back on track! (still on track but I have hit a plateau)
  12. I had a friend who went to the same Dr as I did, and was banded in 2010, and she found out recently that her band has slipped and has to be removed. She had not been seeing her Dr in over 2 years, so no maintenance etc. I have had my band now since June 6th of last year and when she told me what happened I FREAKED. My stress level went through the roof. I had been sick with the winter crud so I had been coughing and with the holidays I had been over eating, but not to the point of vomiting, just to the point of ugh I feel miserable. Finding out about her made me stop and reevaluate everything, my eating, my habits etc. I had slacked off over the Holidays and was not being my best as before. Also, my Dr had moved away so I had to get an appointment with the Dr he recommended. And with the weather and holidays I had to cancel 2 appointments so the last time I saw my Dr was in November, I saw my new Dr yesterday. So 2 months of no supervision. I had been feeling fine up till my friend told me about her band slipping (about a week ago) and I had woken up with heartburn. I figured it was from what I had eaten the night before. But of course my mind went to ""OMG MY BAND HAS SLIPPED'''' Luckily I had my first appointment with my new Dr yesterday, we did an upper GI and several x-rays and according to the Dr and the x-ray Dr everything looked absolutely great. No slipping, nothing. Everything was wonderful. Up to this point there has been no pain while eating, etc but I slowed way down on what I was eating, went back to the smooshie stage and have been having 2 shakes a day, so I figured I have shrank my stoma back down and all.. I am also getting ready to go out of town tomorrow for the weekend to Comic Con in New Orleans and I also get to meet an actor I really really like (VIP package) So could all this just be stress that is making me have these symptoms? When I talked to the Dr and told him about the belching he said that was a good thing, he asked if I have been vomiting and I have not (I have only vomited once this entire time, and it was because I over indulged) He also didn't do a fill because he said he didn't think there was a reason to, I have been losing steadily at a slow pace. ok now to the real question. Can STRESS make your band feel tighter and give you these symptoms? I am belching, never really did that before I am having back pain, last time I had this pain was when I first got the band put on back in June, and it lasted for 4 weeks. (gas and bloating) I can still eat, but I get slight back pain when I do. I am so stressed out I have had 2 panic attacks in the past week. I know the brain can be your worst enemy at times, am I going nuts?
  13. txflea

    Icky feeling

    It's been a while, but I have an update. Band is good, no movement (knock on wood) and all looks great EXCEPT...... I found out I have gallstones, but I have no gallbladder. lol Thats what all the pain is from. I have to go in to have surgery (kinda) they are going to do a scope down my throat and rotor-rooter those suckers out! But I cannot get a fill until I have this done, I am waiting to hear back from the Dr's office for a surgery date. Wish me luck!
  14. txflea

    Icky feeling

    Thanks! I just wish the pressure feeling and pain in my back would go away.
  15. txflea


    hahaha I have discovered onions do the same thing to me now too. And Water sometimes..lol I hate the gas pressure but since I am now not as stressed out as I was before I am feeling more human. But I'm still eating as slow as I was before and chew chew chewing. (still setting my timer, and I am finishing at the 20 minute mark) I either have finished whats on the plate or at the 20 minute mark I am full and I throw away whats left on the plate
  16. Haha No trust me I was honestly wondering if I should check myself into a nuthut..haha I never blow things out of proportion like I have done this time. I wasnt even nervous the day before my surgery, heck not even as they were taking me into the OR room, no nerves, no anxiety, none. Yet this sent me over the edge. I think its the stress of this trip (I will be driving and its almost an 8 hour drive), the stress of not seeing the Dr sooner, the stress of knowing I have not been eating as I should because I slacked over the holidays, the stress from worrying about my friend, stress over who is going to pick up my grandson instead of him having to ride the bus (which he never has and he is in pre-k) and just stress period. lol I have had several panic attacks just in this past few days leading up to this trip and the Dr's visit yesterday. I have anxiety meds but all they do is make me sleep, but I'm thinking maybe that would be a good thing..lol Sometime it just takes someones honesty and a fresh pair of eyes to see how crazy you are getting.
  17. HAHA no I didnt take it the wrong way, and I think you are right. I am going to see a counselor when I get back. I really think its all the stress I am under thats making me freak out and have ''anxiety pains and gas'' (thats now what I am calling it.) Thank you all, and have a good point LapBandAnna, I do need to get to know my band again. Thanks guys I really appreciate the comments.
  18. I think I am going crazy

  19. txflea


    Just wanted to let everyone know I went to the Dr today, and I had my upper GI. Everything looked good and band is where it is suppose to be. The stoma is not stretched out (yeaah!!), and I have been timing my eating now every time I eat. And I chew chew chew chew chew......lol I am still burping like a sailor, but the Dr said that it was a good thing. I get gas pains between my shoulder blades after I am done eating, but then I burp, and all pain is gone. Go figure, and its not like a horrible pain, more like an uncomfortable feeling. I didn't get a fill, my previous Dr who moved didn't send over my paperwork that I requested them to back in November! So my new Dr didn't know what type of band I had or how much was currently in it, nothing. When I asked my old Dr's office if they could send it they told me no they could not, so then I asked if I could just come get it myself and they said no, that they were locked out of all their info. wtf? They said they should be getting a new password and be able to get back into their info by the end of the month..again WTF? So in March I am going to call and see if they have their password again. lol
  20. txflea


    Thank you everyone!!!!! You don't know how much your words have helped! Ty Ty Ty
  21. txflea

    It Works

    I have tried the "It Works'' and it works short term. I like to tell people if you are needing to fit into a dress and need a little gone, or tightened then this is great, otherwise you are not looking at long term benefits. Only thing that works long term is exercise and eventually excess skin removal, unless you are truly blessed with great elasticity of your skin (and I have seen it happen) you are destine to have baggy areas that will not tighten or tone up.
  22. txflea

    Belching ans gas

    Thank you soo much Leepers!! I guess every little thing stresses me out since I found out about my friend. She thinks its from eating poorly, too fast, and stretching her stoma. I had noticed myself doing some of the same things, but I am now stomping that out. I am measuring my foods, timing how long it takes to eat, and chew chew chewing. The gas today has been odd, it started yesterday, but I think it was from the food I had eaten, well nibbled. When I woke up this morning I felt great, then I ate yogurt with granola of all things and *boom* the burping and passing gas started..lol No pain, well a little but it feels like it did right after surgery, the gas pressure feeling in the middle of my back. Ugh I will be glad when Wednesday gets here!! I go to the Dr and hes going to do a barium drink and a fill if everything is ok. I will talk to him about my mental issue also..lol
  23. He past few days I have been burping like a sailor and passing gas like a truck driver eating chili lol. I feel great otherwise, I'm 8 months post op and have lost 47 pounds. Which is fine, I wanted to lose nice and slow, but a friend of mine who got the band in 2010, her band slipped and now anything makes me paranoid. Any words of comfort?
  24. txflea

    NSV: Getting Hugs

    Woo hoo! Congrats on the NSV!!
  25. I started walking 3 days after surgery! It was only around the perimeter of my back yard but it helped with the gas pains and the stiffness. Now I walk a mile at least once a night, I might miss a night but never 2 nights in a row. I usually go for my walk around 8pm, I have even gone as late as 10pm. (it's much cooler at that time, I'm in the armpit of Texas and we are running with 100% humidity and 98 degree weather) I look forward to my walks. It's my time to just listen to music and time myself on how long it takes to walk a mile. I'm getting ready to start deep water aerobics at our rec center and I have the Zumba kinect so I do that at times too Whatever you do, make sure it's something you enjoy. Don't think of it as having to do it, WANT to do it. And if it starts getting boring change it up. Good luck!

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