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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tinks525

  1. tinks525

    I cheated !

    What's pb'ing?
  2. tinks525

    The two week wall

    I, too, have (almost) always had success losing weight. It was the "keeping it off" part that was so hard. I agree with Healthy-Me-In-AZ. Unless you can get your head around it, nothing will be long-term successful. The band is just a tool, just like the Paul McKenna book/cd. I was banded on 11/5/09. First fill 12/3 to 2.7 cc's. Yet, I've still been eating wrong and too much. I'm trying to get on track, by being here, by finding the best foods to eat that will work for me. But plain and simple, it's gonna have to be a life style change, not a diet. If only I would listen to myself!!!

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