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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by model

  1. This is somewhat of a strange query. Im hoping someone can offer some insight. I would appreciate if readers could concentrate on my question rather then trying to persuade me in another direction (eg suggesting I should just worry about my health). Recently my port broke through my skin. So the port was on the outside of my abdomen with the tubing going inside. I am awaiting further testing as to the underlying complications. However in the mean time i have nil tension on the band as all the fill came out when the port was cut off. Now i am piling on the weight. I have a small degree of self control to stick to small quantities without it. Is it possible to inject some fill into the tube and plug it up somehow? The tube that was connected to the port is still sticking out through a hole in my stomache. However there is nothing to stop any fill coming straight back oy
  2. model


  3. model


    From the album: model

  4. model


    From the album: model

  5. The forum is clearly divided. On one hand there’s a bunch of pretty rude, judgemental people. It seems people who were probably judged quite harshly for their weight at some stage are pretty good at passing the same treatment to others. On the other hand, I want to strongly and sincerely thank those people who supported me or had a kind word to say. I have added my surgery story in the ‘my story’ section of my profile if anyone cares enough to read. ALL IS WELL, THAT ENDS WELL Thank you again
  6. WTF? I’m incredibly bemused anyone would think I’d make a story up. Why on earth would I bother? As if I get incredible thrills by posting medical scenarios online. If anyone is that bothered, run the story by your lap band specialist to ask if its plausible. Here is the summary 1. lady gets lapband in Mexico with bmi of 22 2. lady loses weight to reach bmi of 18 3. port head erodes through thin layer of skin as there is no protective fat layer 4. port is situated on outside of abdomen until the lady reluctantly goes to a public hospital 5. the unknowing doctors cut of port head and leave tube hanging out and send patient home 6. lady goes to highly skilled lap band specialist. The specialist adds fill to the tube by ladies request and puts a rubber plug in the tube. Doctor cuts off excess tubing and pushes remaining tube back inside abdomen. 7. the lady is very happy with the result Unfortunately I don’t have the best photos but this is what I have. I was somewhat embarrassed by the highly prominent port head so never took photos of it. Here is one photo showing its prominence and where it was situated on my body. The second photo shows my current wound which you can see is in the place where the port used to be if you use the proximatey from my bellybutton as a guide.
  7. I find it bizarre anybody thinks I made the story up for fun. I’m an incredibly busy person and have better things to do with my time. My original post was a genuine appeal for ideas and information. Now….. to dig myself in deeper the doctors said the port most likely popped out because I’m so thin. With most patients there's a layer of fat between the stomach wall to keep the port in. I literally had nil fat, just a layer of skin. I am not giving away the doctors name as its already been discussed that his willingness to help me is controversial and some people might persecute his actions. To me this doctor is a saviour and has a large flower bouquet being delivered to his office next week. I have been very lucky to be walking around with an open wound and had nil infection problems. Incredibly for half the time I didn’t even have a covering or pad over it because it was a bit uncomfortable. Yes I cannot have any fills or fill removed now. I could have another operation in the future to attach a new port but I don't find it necessary for now. I’m more than happy to take a picture of my stomach. It will only show a large wound as I never took pictures of the port when it was dislodged. I shall post the ‘evidence’ photo within the next 24 hours.
  8. Its the difference between someone with their own ideas and agendas as opposed to someone with perception, sensitivity and discernment. Its easy to get on ones high horse and postulate common thought and to shove your views where they’re not wanted. However it takes intelligence to have understanding and a little bit of originality. I didn't know this forum was for fat people who had undertaken surgery to save their life. I thought it was a forum for people who had undergone lap band surgery to discuss complications and other lap band related issues in a positive environment. I joined because I wanted to be involved in an online community that supports each other weight loss journey no matter what stage they’re at. Thank you to the few that responded respectfully. I went back to my awesome doctor on Macquarie Street today. He pulled out the excess tubing. He gave me the fill amount i requested. He plugged the top with a plug he had sterilized. Finally he chopped off the excess and pushed the whole thing inside. I now have a flat stomach with no port and no tube sticking out. I couldn't be happier.
  9. The site was extremely painful for several weeks. One day I woke up and I could see white plastic coming through my skin. The whole port progressively came further out over a period of 2 weeks until it was literally just all the way out. Yep, strange!
  10. Thank you OTR Sleever and ready4change2 as being the only individuals to offer support. This forum is supposed to be a supportive one and a bunch of people persecuting me for my decisions isn’t fair. Furthermore how would you define cosmetic surgery, which requires anaesthesia? That ain’t a medical emergency, it’s a persons choice. My trip to Mexico could be considered cosmetic tourism. But for me the freedom of not living every day with constant digestion problems and stomach pains was a godsend. The acid reflux was excruciating. Every second day I would wake up with burning pains. But the band physically stopped the acid from coming up. And yes I had tried every elimination diet on Earth to alleviate my various food allergies. I just want my band back. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY THEN DONT SAY IT AT ALL.
  11. With all politeness go to hell. If you haven't got anything nice to say then don't post it at all.
  12. OTR sleever, you have struck the nail on the head. Im not a model but I do have a BMI of 18.5 and am 'hell bent' on keeping it that way. But furthmore the band gave me a new lease on life. Small meals, chew everything properly, not overdoing consumption etc Ive had TERRIBLE reflux, indigestion and IBS all my life. After getting the band these problems miraculously went away.
  13. Oh yes right, like I’m going to make up a false story about a serious problem to post on lapbandtalk just for fun. Are you serious? I pay the doctor $120 for a fill and get $80 back through medicare at his private suite. for an OPERATION he has to work in a PRIVATE HOSPITAL and I do not have PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE hence the cost would be very expensive. I am having tests this week to ascertain what the underlying problem is. I wouldn’t bother filing any complaints against the hospital. Its not worth my time or trouble. Its not like they award compensation. My BMI at the time I was banded was about 22…. not 30.
  14. Elcee I’m sorry those are highly personal details that I cannot share on a public internet forum. Nor would those particulars have any relevance to forum members outside Australia. I hope you understand where I’m coming from. I am happy to share via PM if anyone genuinely wants to know. I live in Sydney, Australia. For fills I was seeing a WONDERFUL doctor on Macquarie Street Sydney who unfortunately only operates through private hospitals. The port was cut off by a general surgeon at a public hospital in Sydney, who had no idea what he was doing.
  15. Wow thank you for all the replies. There are a number of posts I need to address. If my situation sounds strange and peculiar that's because it is. The whole thing is a mess. Yes the entire port did just burst through my skin. And yes frankly I was extremely alarmed. The tubing is indeed hard and has quite a sharp end. The end is sticking outside still so is completely accessible. To give readers an idea think of something like those hard plastic computer ties in terms of what the tubing is made of. NWgirl I did specifically ask for original ideas and not for people to just tell me to see medical help. I did in fact go to Thailand to have lap band surgery. Upon arrival I was denied surgery as my bmi was in the upper end of the healthy weight range. I saw some 20 doctors but everyone refused to do it because I wasn't medically overweight. When I contacted various doctors in Mexico they all agreed to do the operation for me. My desire was to be at the bottom end of healthy weight range and that's exactly what the lap band helped me achieve and maintain. I hope that clarifies everything.
  16. I had lapband surgery in 2009. I had fantastic results and reached my weight goal. I never had any problems until 2 months ago. The area around the port was saw and swollen. One day i woke up and the port had broken through my skin. I could see white plastic protruding from my stomach. I saw one doctor who said the band had to be removed. Having it remove would be my biggest nightmare. I would almost rather die then get fat again. I suffered in pain for several weeks until the entire port completely came out of my stomach. So i had a gaping wound with a plastic device hanging out. Then i went to hospital. The doctor cut off the port. He said there was an infection underneath so they couldn't sew up the wound. Im on antibiotics and have to change the dressing several times a day. The worst thing is the band is not working at all and i can eat and drink anything. Im guessing all the fill has come out. I am really distressed now and don't know what my options are. Can a new port be put in?
  17. Ready4change2 I absolutely love your thinking style. That was really the answer i was hoping to hear. If only you lived near me! I will consult with a surgeon tomorrow to see if i can persuade them to give it a try. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks again!
  18. Dear hollydolly they saw it as a medical necessity to cut it off but not to replace it. Sophiespo i don't have private health cover unfortunately. There's absolutely no way i am waiting a year. I would sooner borrow the money and get it done asap.
  19. Yes it is a nightmare. I live in Australia where only medical necessities are performed.
  20. Unbelievably I doubt it. Not in the country I live in. Another trip to Mexico to get a new port I think.
  21. Dear Mis73 thank you for your reply! I thought that was the case but thought I'd put it out there. Life without the band is horrible.
  22. model

    Tight Days. Can Hardly Eat.

    You should be thankful you can still drink and at least get some nutrients! On my tight days I couldn't even drink water. Nothing kills you faster than dehydration.
  23. Sorry just to clarify the surgery was done in Mexico and I am back living in Australia. Secondly the doctors I see in Australia are all VERY unhelpful. The reason is that I was 65kg when I had the surgery and now I weigh 49kg. So every doctor I see says I'm thin and I don't need the band. However without it I know 100% I will stack on the weight. I expect I will have to travel overseas again to get help as stupid Australian doctors just look at an outsiders perspective. I am prettty sure the port popped out as the band got infected and the infection was trying to escape somehow.

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