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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kimmy73

  1. I had my 2nd fill yesterday. My 1st fill was 2 weeks ago (2.5 cc's) and I had no restriction so I went back. I now have 4.5 cc's and everytime I eat something I can't stop burping for a while. It is very irritating because it seems the food is hard to go down, so I just get so fed up I stop eating. The down side to that is I'm not getting full because I'm not eating enough. Now with the 1st fill, I had some burping when I ate stuff like strawberries or oatmeal, but I still had no restriction so I don't think I'm too tight because nothing is getting stuck or coming back up. Does anyone else have this problem? It's so annoying. It is taking me 30 min or more to eat becuase I have to wait for all of the burping to pass. Eventually I just give up on trying to eat, then I'm hungry about 20 min later. Even mashed potatoes have been difficult to get down. However, they do go down. Any advice??
  2. Congrats!! I'm so happy you got approved!

  3. Hi, how are you? Thanks for stopping by!

  4. kimmy73

    my new hair cut

    From the album: Random Photos of me

  5. kimmy73

    Random Photos of me

  6. kimmy73

    No caption

    From the album: Random Photos of me

  7. kimmy73

    summer of 2008

    From the album: Random Photos of me

  8. kimmy73

    No caption

    From the album: Random Photos of me

  9. I read your blogs, they are great! You have inspired me to start blogging :)

  10. Yes YouTube is an awsome resource. My page is YouTube - MissKimmy73's Channel And yes people vlog about their entire lap band experiance. The good the bad and the ugly :) You should check it out. my favorite channel on there is YouTube - skymoon1982's Channel Be sure to let me know what you think. Talk to you soon

  11. kimmy73

    Messed up on preop Diet

    I fell off the wagon during my pre op diet with shrimp fried rice. I ate the entire container over two days. I just got back on the wagon and surgery went fine.
  12. You will be there before you know. I still cant beleive that I actually did this! I have not been to any support groups. I hope to go one day. Right now, my schedule won't allow me to attend any. I use this site and YouTube for support. :)

  13. Hey, how are you? I had my surgery on 1/14/10. So far so good. It's taking some getting use to, but I'm working it out. I am 3 weeks post op and I can tell I'm starting to loose restriction. My 1st fill is on 2/25.

  14. kimmy73

    DayOne Chicago Dr. Galvani

    I have not been to any of the support groups yet. I would like to go, but my schedule just won't allow it.
  15. kimmy73

    DayOne Chicago Dr. Galvani

    Hi Val, Dr. Galvani was originally suppose to do my surgery. I'm not sure why he left but I'm guessing it was abrupt, becuase all of a sudden he just was not there anymore. Any way, I went with Dr. Myers and he's great. If you have to choose a Dr. there I would go with him.
  16. Hey, you look great! Your pictures are so inspiring. I was just banded on 1/14/10, and I cant wait to start seeing a transformation.

  17. I was told to aim for about 1200/day. I'm 1 week post op so I'm not getting in near that amount, but I'm sure I will in the weeks to come.
  18. I've been drinking a coffee flavored smoothie made with protein powder which is very filling. (recipe here:YouTube - WLS Lap Band VLOG #3 - My Coffee Protein Drink as well as the EAS ready to drink shakes. I was starving the 1st 3 days, but I really was not hungry, I just wanted something to eat. I'm such an emotional eater and I'm so use to eating what I want, when I want that it was torcher not being able to. Plus I was off work for the holidays and stuck in the house with nothing to do. It is now day 4 and I'm back at work. I have only had 2 shakes today plus my water and i'm fine. I think the "hunger" is all in my mind simply because I can't have what I want. I know it gets boring but try switching up the flavor on the shakes. It seems that when I stay busy, I don't think about it as much. Good luck :rolleyes2: PS: at least you are allowed to have cottage cheese, that's not on my list What I wouldn't give for some cottage cheese

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