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LAP-BAND Patients
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About warriors_journey

  • Rank
    June Bug Bandit 6/28/10
  • Birthday 05/21/1971

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  1. Happy 42nd Birthday warriors_journey!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday warriors_journey!

  3. warriors_journey

    Have A Question?

    Perhaps it was too acidic for you. After being banded I found my tolerance for food changed.
  4. warriors_journey

    Band coming out.

    I am currently still banded but am having issues. Saw my doc 2day & he thinks it's eroded & needs 2 come out. I lost 85!lbs, gained 10 back & am very very close 2 my goal. I asked him his opinion regarding a revision 2 the sleeve, he's all for it. My hubby on the other hand was sleeved a couple of months ago, has done well, no complications & is very happy w/his progress. I don't know many sleevers but they all seem 2 be pleased. U may want 2 go to the counterpart forum for sleeves. I'm sure u'll (we'll) find goo-gobs of former bandsters to sleeves. Good Luck 2 u & may God ease your path just enough for u 2 make it thru this. Celeste
  5. warriors_journey

    Don't Want To Freak Anyone Out But.....

    If the band is infected the bacteria travels from the stomach/band to the port site.
  6. warriors_journey

    Don't Want To Freak Anyone Out But.....

    I have an appt Saturday. I just wanna know so I can get it fixed & move forward.
  7. warriors_journey

    Don't Want To Freak Anyone Out But.....

    Sx are pain & swelling @ the port site. Stomach pain....is horrid.
  8. warriors_journey

    Don't Want To Freak Anyone Out But.....

    I don't KNOW 4 sure but I have the symptoms & my doc said he wanted 2 see me ASAP.
  9. warriors_journey

    Don't Want To Freak Anyone Out But.....

    It is alarming - greater than 40%!!!! I'm having signs/symptoms of an eroded band, so I AM frightened.
  10. warriors_journey


    I will call. I'm just a ball of nerves.
  11. warriors_journey


    My surgeon explained to me that if I continue to have pain at my port site he wants 2 do an egd. That was 2 months ago. I still have pain, feels like I'm overly restricted & I have a burning sensation & pain in the upper abdomen. I need this band - whether physical or psycho. I'm super nervous & hesitant about calling him. Signed, Scared Cee
  12. warriors_journey

    The Beginning

  13. CONGRATS 2 U!!!!! As of this past week I'm down 70 lbs. I had a fill then had to have some removed but I've found that sweet spot i'm kicking ass and screw the names!! Keep up the good work. And next time send the message to my email, i check that everyday.

  14. got band on the 27th of august at that time i weigh in at 345 and today im at 315 , holla back and let me know how you are doing

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