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About missKAYLA

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 08/27/1989

About Me

  • Biography
    College student, majoring in Social Work
  • Gender
  • Interests
    music, shopping, hanging out with friends!
  • Occupation
    Client Manager at an inpatient rehabilitation facility for chemical dependency.
  • City
    Brooklyn Park//Mankato
  • State

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  1. Ugh yeah I am in college too, plus working two jobs so I am so busy it is hard to find time to work out. I just started doing the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred dvd thing because its only a 20 min workout, but omg it has been kicking my butt haha it was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but i've never been much of a workout person so I am probably just so out of shape haha. I am starting to get a bit frustrated because all of my pants are really too big for me but the next size down is kinda tight :/ so that sucks I feel like I am losing weight but not really seeing much of a difference haha

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