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Mel Mel

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mel Mel

  1. Mel Mel

    Crazy Skinny Goals!

    Take a second honeymoon with hubby ona cruise, wearing a bikini of course. And a buidour photo session. More for myself but hubby can peak too! LOL
  2. Mel Mel

    Almost as exciting as setting my wedding date...

    I was so skeptical about having the surgery because I felt at 26 I should be able to do this myself. If I was able to do this myself I would not have steadily gained 10lbs. since the age of 12. I'm glad she made that point to. My husband always says he loves me just the way I am. I know he does. But I'm entitled to love myself too.
  3. Mel Mel

    Almost as exciting as setting my wedding date...

    I have set my surgery date. DH came to the Drs. appt with me which is helping him feel a little bit better about the surgery. The surgeons wife is so involved and a great 'people' person. She explained to my DH that not only am I preventing health issues before they develop, I'm also entitled to look and feel good about myself. Thank you. DH is thinking that I'm all about the cosmetics, while important it's not the only reason I'm doing this. If it was I wouldn't opt for surgery. So when is the big day?!!?!?!? May 14. It's a friday and then I'll be home with DH all weekend for him to take care of me! lol. This means I start the pre-op liquid diet May 1. I already explained to the Dr. why I have such a hard time with the low carb. My workouts are still pretty intense and working overnights, there are times I stay awake for 24hours. If I allow an extra yogurt and take tylenol, Im ok. But between working as a nurse and driving home tired, it's not so safe to feel like that! :tongue: Well I was told I dont have a fatty liver and I've lost most of my pre-op weight required. I was required 12 lbs and I lost 8 lbs. I explained where Im having difficulties and basically was told to keep doing what I'm doing. I hope for the month of April to lose another 8lbs and make it more than I was supposed to! :eek: Then anything lost on the liquid portion will just be extra! I'm feeling pretty good about everything. It still feels surreal that I'm going ahead with this but I've been honest with the Drs. team. I guess everyone can feel the way I do at times. I still am having a hard time telling others about this surgery. So far DH is the only person who knows and two friends know I'm thinking about it. I'm worried to tell my parents because they are moving soon and I don't want them to worry about leaving me or anything like that. DH is doing a good job supporting me. I hate feeling like I'm lying since I talk to my parents all the time. "So what's new?" "...Nothing..." ARGH!
  4. Mel Mel

    Looking for May Bandsters

    It's exciting but a little scary too. I'm no longer contemplating this, I'm actually moving forward towards this. And the best part is that my husband is on board with me.
  5. Mel Mel

    Looking for May Bandsters

    May 14th!!!
  6. Mel Mel

    Looking for May Bandsters

    Meeting with my surgeon tonight. Hoping we will set a date for the surgery to be done in May.
  7. Mel Mel

    Low carb and pre-op diet information.

    I've been struggling with the low carb pre-op diet (and I'm not on the liquids yet.) So I found this helpful information about the pre-op diets and how they are used for a safe surgery. When I met the nutritionist she told me to follow a restricted carb diet. I figured it was just to lose weight quickly pre-op, which is true but more importantly it's to shrink the liver so that the surgeon will have easier access to your stomach, decreased surgery time and increasing safety. This was posted by SeattleSweetie and at the bottom shows where she found her information. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f273/how-shrink-your-liver-increase-st-weight-loss-low-carb-pre-op-diet-65020/
  8. Mel Mel

    Low carb and pre-op diet information.

    I've been struggling with the low carb pre-op diet (and I'm not on the liquids yet.) So I found this helpful information about the pre-op diets and how they are used for a safe surgery. When I met the nutritionist she told me to follow a restricted carb diet. I figured it was just to lose weight quickly pre-op, which is true but more importantly it's to shrink the liver so that the surgeon will have easier access to your stomach, decreased surgery time and increasing safety. This was posted by SeattleSweetie and at the bottom shows where she found her information. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f273/how-shrink-your-liver-increase-st-weight-loss-low-carb-pre-op-diet-65020/
  9. Mel Mel

    anyone else scared of failing...?

    :thumbup:Bravo Spartan! Your post must have hit home with so many people. I have mentioned in my own post that I was still on the fence with having surgery. I have done everything I was supposed to do and now I'm probably setting a surgery date this thursday with my surgeon. Starting the pre-op low carb diet and how miserable I felt and not liking the shakes I've tried really scared me, almost out of not doing this. I too, am working with a therapist. We talked about my fears about why I wouldn't want to go through with the surgery. I was afraid of some of the complications like my food intolerances (I hope I can still eat shrimp) but mostly of not succeeding. Part of me knows I can do this, I know about nutrition and I'm willing to learn more. I'm active now I hope to do more. So I just keep telling myself that I know what to do and the Lap band will be a tool to help me get to my goals!
  10. Mel Mel

    anyone else scared of failing...?

    More than the anesthesia or the surgery itself, failure is without a doubt my biggest fear.
  11. Mel Mel

    Still on the fence about surgery.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences. It really means a lot to be able to talk to others who feel the same way I do.
  12. Mel Mel

    Still on the fence about surgery.

    I get worried about the surgery and post op how I will tolerate it. If I will be successful. What people will think. I hate having this secret but at the same time I'm not sure I'm ready to share this with many people. I've only told my husband and one friends only because the lap band was recommended to her mom. My parents and close friends don't even know.
  13. Mel Mel

    Still on the fence about surgery.

    Thank you everyone for your support and thoughts. I'm having such a tough time with this low carb / high Protein diet and finding the Protein drinks that I like. I think I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. I've been to the psych eval but at the time I was completely onboard. I haven't been able to see my therapist because I've been working when she has business hours. ssandedocI did the same thing... go through the motions and then make a decision. All I have left is my cardiologist appointment and my followup with my surgeon. I still have a few pounds to lose before the surgery. I guess its normal to get nervous this close. I could be scheduling this surgery when I meet the surgeon next! I was even nervous going in for the endoscopy. sandiegokate At the seminar my surgeon said 10% but the odds still aren't in our favor. And I see your point. This is why my emotions flip so often, if I was able to do this on my own, I wouldn't have steadily gained 10lbs a year for 11 years. amylovescookies Good luck with the tummy tuck. My husband was against the lap band at first, I don't know what changed but he's on board. Not that I want him to tell me what to do, but it does mean alot that he wants me to have it. Like I said I'm healhty... now. But we want to start a family and I just can't at this weight. Too much that can go wrong. I think he understands this and wants me to stay healthy and even get healthier. I really do appreciate everyone's responses. And thank you for the well wishes.
  14. Mel Mel

    Rollercoaster of emotions

    Initial consultation 2/12 check Pulmonary Function Test 2/23 check Psych eval 3/11 check Nutrition Consultation 3/11 check Ultrasound and blood work 3/15 check Met with PCP to discuss surgery 3/15 check Pulmonary consultation 3/16 check EGD 3/25 check Cardiology consult 3/31 Meeting with surgeon and my husband 4/1 It's been a busy couple of months trying to get in all these consultations and appointment. Working nights doesn't make it easier either, people forget you have to sleep sometime! My cardiology has been postponed due to the receptinists sending me to the wrong office... twice. But I think we have it this time! lol I'm been dreading and putting off the low carb diet. That is until I read a very informative post about how the liver actually shrinks. Time to get my butt in gear. I've lost weight, don't get me wrong but apparently I'm not shrinking my liver at all. I was very nervous going to the EGD. I've never been under anesthesia before. They rolled me into the room and once I saw my doctor I felt much better but still hated the idea of losing control. The anesthesiologist says goodnight and the next thing I remember is waking up in recovery. I told the nurse it was the best power nap I've ever had. On the first I will meet with my surgeon again and he will meet my husband since he didn't attend the information seminar. At first my husband was against me having the surgery. Then I started to get cold feet and panic and we had a heart to heart and he thinks that I should go through with this. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions these passed few months and for awhile I convinced myself not to go through with it at all. I'm not sure when the surgery will be since I haven't been doing the appropriate diet to shrink the liver.
  15. Mel Mel

    Rollercoaster of emotions

    Initial consultation 2/12 check Pulmonary Function Test 2/23 check Psych eval 3/11 check Nutrition Consultation 3/11 check Ultrasound and blood work 3/15 check Met with PCP to discuss surgery 3/15 check Pulmonary consultation 3/16 check EGD 3/25 check Cardiology consult 3/31 Meeting with surgeon and my husband 4/1 It's been a busy couple of months trying to get in all these consultations and appointment. Working nights doesn't make it easier either, people forget you have to sleep sometime! My cardiology has been postponed due to the receptinists sending me to the wrong office... twice. But I think we have it this time! lol I'm been dreading and putting off the low carb diet. That is until I read a very informative post about how the liver actually shrinks. Time to get my butt in gear. I've lost weight, don't get me wrong but apparently I'm not shrinking my liver at all. I was very nervous going to the EGD. I've never been under anesthesia before. They rolled me into the room and once I saw my doctor I felt much better but still hated the idea of losing control. The anesthesiologist says goodnight and the next thing I remember is waking up in recovery. I told the nurse it was the best power nap I've ever had. On the first I will meet with my surgeon again and he will meet my husband since he didn't attend the information seminar. At first my husband was against me having the surgery. Then I started to get cold feet and panic and we had a heart to heart and he thinks that I should go through with this. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions these passed few months and for awhile I convinced myself not to go through with it at all. I'm not sure when the surgery will be since I haven't been doing the appropriate diet to shrink the liver.
  16. Mel Mel

    Can we talk pre-op diets?

    Tomorrow I start a low carb, low fat diet that I follow until the 2 week pre-op liquid diet with the Protein shakes. It will be a littl difficult but I'm sure I'll manage. Good luck
  17. Things went well with the psych consult. It seems I have been gaining 10lbs a year which is upsetting since I've tried to LOSE weight. Anyway, everything was going well with the nutrition consult. Basically a lower carb, high Protein diet after my bloodwork, and a 2 week liquid diet. It's the postop diet that has me worried. Mushy ripe fruit? Sounds kinda gross. How am I really going to eat once I'm on a regular diet? I'm nervous that I'm going to be intolerant of the things I enjoy like apples, oranges, and grapefruits etc. So then what do I eat? Please share your experience with me. I don't want to do this and then regret it later.
  18. Mel Mel

    Met with the nutritionist and psych

    Thank you for your reply. I think I'm having a case of cold feet. When I think about how I haven't been able to do this on my own shows me the need for this tool. I just get worried about how I will adapt. The liquid and mushy diet are short term but it's after that. How will my life change with regard to family and friends? Family meals? Eating out? And as I was going about my day today, it dawned on me, I'm choosing food over life. Regardless of whether or not I get the band, I will need to change the way I eat. I just can't eat like I used to... I shouldn't have in the first place! But I still get nervous.
  19. :thumbup:Just got home from one of my first appointments. I had the pulmonary function test. Now, I work as a nurse but have never seen one of these test performed. It was weird, and a bit uncomfortable. Your breathing into a machine and are told to breath normal... it's hard to do when you are all of a sudden so focused on your breathing KWIM? Anyway, the tech said I did well. In two weeks I'll meet with the pulmonologist and hopefully get clearance. I'm the type who has so far been on the fence about the surgery and figured I'd go to my appointments and when I met with my surgeon again April 1, I would then decide if I would go through with this. But I'm not going to lie, I'm starting to get pretty excited about this. I'm really looking forward to the extra help to change my life. For now I'm starting to work on changing my eating and exercise habits.
  20. Mel Mel

    Weight Watchers and the band

    The way I see it, you are actively participating in the WW program. You are doing the same thing as that person. So for that person to say "lazy" just blows my mind. If you were lazy you wouldn't be doing the work. Plus, how many times have people done WW? Joining, quitting, joining again... something isn't working because I remember at a meeting, the leader made a comment about a someone who was joining for the first time, that it's unlikely to meet a WW virgin here. WW is a great program developed by professionals but it's not all will power. There are metabolic changes that occur when you are heavy, that work against you. I'm sorry you had to deal with this.
  21. I've pretty much been heavy my entire life. And yes, my mom did put me on WW at a young age, (9 or 10 y/o). In Junior High I was fit because I was on the school swim team but have steadily gained more weight since then. I have 110lbs. to lose according to my surgeon. I've mentioned that I've been on the fence but after thinking about it I've truly tried on my own. WW, low carb, Jenny Craig among the most popular. Currently I work out with a personal trainer which I love but I'm still not seeing the results I think I should see. So I'm excited about being able to utilize this tool to help me change my life. I'm happily married and live in a great neighborhood too. But I think I can be happier. I want to start a family but I'm afraid pregnancy will be too dangerous at this weight. And I'm also hopeful that I won't develop the comorbidities associated with morbid obesity.
  22. Mel Mel

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  23. Mel Mel

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  24. Mel Mel

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  25. Mel Mel

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    From the album: Pictures

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
