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Everything posted by Nycfw

  1. blunt person or not everyone on here stated their opposition and no one got mad and said f you. we all probably got aggravated cause different points are being made but cmon why get mad at a POST :thumbup: If someone could give their veiws and they get mad when someone else expresses that they dont agree with their veiws, what is the point of getting mad maybe once again i have to look in the dictionary.:thumbup: There shouldnt be any hard feelings especially in this SPECIFIC FORUM that deals with : LBT Rants and Raves *** Off-Topic DEBATE AREA *** Want debate? Get it here. Gripe, complain, moan, fight, rant and rave. Enter at your own risk!:tt1: I mean it says it all in the heading.. alot of forums on here in this particular section of LBT i dont agree with but i dont get mad and curse i just express my opinion and thats That:smile2:
  2. Everyone have their own opinion there is no reason to get mad LBT Rants and Raves *** Off-Topic DEBATE AREA *** Want debate? Get it here. Gripe, complain, moan, fight, rant and rave. Enter at your own risk!
  3. LBT Rants and Raves *** Off-Topic DEBATE AREA *** Want debate? Get it here. Gripe, complain, moan, fight, rant and rave. Enter at your own risk!
  4. I was not talking about you (i was giving an example) I dont know your situation and its none of my concern like I said prior to your response everything you go through just make you wiser in certain areas of life (when i say "you" im talking in general) By having kids young and getting marry young i do believe you become wiser but wiser then people in your age group and younger not more wiser then someone in thier 60's ( just using 60's for a reference)
  5. lol but not over someone else opinion. And not when they are saying they are soooooo mature.......
  6. Long long long time ago ladies were force to marry men 3x there age and have kids and all that happend when that was consider legal, Time changes, and new laws are formed. So does that still mean you are more experience then a lady who is 90 yrs old who was force to get married and have kids at 15 Compare to a person who is 17 and pregnant with their 2nd child in 2009. i really don't think its the same If it was still politically correct to have kids at ages 15 14 be married by a man 3x your age will that still mean you have more experience, or are you just living your life??? I understand people goes through things that people shouldn't go through in their age group but what about when certain things were allow by law and people just lived life like that thinking it was the way of life :thumbup:(And I think it is great that you were able to handle your business with out depending on someone to help you):tt1:
  7. Yup this is what a 60 yr old acts likes. Imagine all the old(er) people in the world giving the finger and texting:thumbup: lol Im sorry if you feel offended but you cant say you are 60 yrs old in the mind but say teenager things Some people did not agree with me on my views (like yourself) but i didnt say f.u bye so maybe if I use your same logic then well...... guess what i have more experience and maturity then a 29 yr old like yourself :thumbup: But I do not agree with that logic so i guess im stuck being 23:blink: :tt1: :thumbup:
  8. Thank you.... i soooo agree with the stress :thumbup:
  9. Just by your comment you are still your age maybe even younger.
  10. The things you went through dont make you age it just makes you wiser then another person who never delt with the same problems you had. You never had to experience slavery, you never had to experience the feeling of not being able to vote because you are women... so on and so fourth I bet you couldn't walk in the shoes of a holocaust survivor, I know I can not
  11. And I understood the question it just stupid if a 29 yr old think they have the same experience as a 60 yr old just couldn't get pass that
  12. A 29 yr old won't have the life experience of a 60 yr old that is a whole different era what 60 yr old went through and what a 29 yr old go through is way off base, that's 30 yrs less experience then a 60 yr old.. if the times were like it was 60 yrs ago I don't think a lot of 20 yr olds now would be able to handle it. So point of this is I would never say I have more life experience as a 60 yr old its just does not make sense
  13. That is what i am talking about!!! I go to an AGE SPECIFIC (20's) forum for that purpose. Maybe I dont know what AGE SPECIFIC means i guess i have to look it up:wink2: If i had a non specific question i would post it as a regular post. If im in the AGE SPECIFIC group asking about weight lost or any excessive skin ect.. a 20yr old response will be different then a 45 yr old response I can not compare my self or problems with someone who is older. Its like someone older is talking about menopause in an AGE SPECIFIC FORUM and a 20 yr old is commenting on it by saying its ok you will get over it. You are going to be thinking to yourself: look at this kid he/she is like 20 they know nothing about this ugh wrong forum kid. :thumbup: i
  14. Nycfw

    Google cell phone users

    Yeahhh cool when u start using it tell me how u like it.. even their website is like a weightlost myspace lol... good luck
  15. Nycfw

    Google cell phone users

    Oh yeah with the iphone u never know it might be there (dosent iphone have like a million apps lol) if not their website is just as good.....
  16. Nycfw

    Changed my doctor to Dr. COLLIN BRATHWAITE

    In my prior blog I was talking about going with Dr. Arif Ahmad but he was out of network and i was willing to deal with it since i could have the surgery with in a month and I read so much about him. But my ex supervisor (the best supervisor you can ever have) told me about the doctor she went to and he in my network. she had great results with him and his staff is very helpful and almost all his staff had the LAP-BAND® surgery (performed by Collin Brathwaite). so anyway I decided to listen to my ex supervisor and I called Dr. Brathwaite office and I spoke to a lady name Gina, who was very helpful and she didnt act like I was taking to much of her time by asking questions and asking her to explain stuff to me. So by the end of out 15 mins conversation she put me in a seminar, give me a consultation, nutrition appt, and phyc appt. I looked up a lot about Dr. Collin Brathwaite and he has very great reviews and PLUS PLUS PLUS he is in my network:thumbup: (YAY) so instead of my having to pay $500 (383$ as my deductible and the rest was for my nutrition appt and phyc) to Dr. Arif Ahmad all I have to pay is $150 to Dr. Collin Brathwaite. The 150$ is just for my nutrition and pych appt. so I am very excited and I cant wait to go through everything and be able to have a great 2010 to look back on when Jan come back around again:smile2: If anyone knows anything else about Dr. Collin E. Brathwaite I would really like to know
  17. In my prior blog I was talking about going with Dr. Arif Ahmad but he was out of network and i was willing to deal with it since i could have the surgery with in a month and I read so much about him. But my ex supervisor (the best supervisor you can ever have) told me about the doctor she went to and he in my network. she had great results with him and his staff is very helpful and almost all his staff had the LAP-BAND® surgery (performed by Collin Brathwaite). so anyway I decided to listen to my ex supervisor and I called Dr. Brathwaite office and I spoke to a lady name Gina, who was very helpful and she didnt act like I was taking to much of her time by asking questions and asking her to explain stuff to me. So by the end of out 15 mins conversation she put me in a seminar, give me a consultation, nutrition appt, and phyc appt. I looked up a lot about Dr. Collin Brathwaite and he has very great reviews and PLUS PLUS PLUS he is in my network:thumbup: (YAY) so instead of my having to pay $500 (383$ as my deductible and the rest was for my nutrition appt and phyc) to Dr. Arif Ahmad all I have to pay is $150 to Dr. Collin Brathwaite. The 150$ is just for my nutrition and pych appt. so I am very excited and I cant wait to go through everything and be able to have a great 2010 to look back on when Jan come back around again:smile2: If anyone knows anything else about Dr. Collin E. Brathwaite I would really like to know
  18. I'm am very interested in this surgery I have an appt in a couple of days but I will like to know can I smoke after surgery or before it? By the way I'm not talking about smoking a cig ; ).
  19. Nycfw

    Smoking after surgery

    Yeah wow I'm just sooo nervous right when I see a needle my right arm goes numb lol but I know I can't let a 5 second prick hold me back from a whole new life I just gotta keep telling myself that and I will be ok and I'm glad ur surgery went good
  20. Nycfw

    Smoking after surgery

    Lol 1 sugar free popsicle I will def keep it in mind
  21. Nycfw

    Smoking after surgery

    Lol yeahhhhh when I broke 4 of toes I did that and my man took me to the hospital I was smooth sailing like " yeah I just broke 4 toes but hey its life" lol if I didn't smoke I would have been like "omfg omfg ima get a clot ima die plan my funeral, WHAT stick that needle where oh lord I see white light" lol that how I would have been lol but ima keep in mind that it help with pain
  22. Nycfw

    Smoking after surgery

    Ohh ok lol that's good lol I thought it will be cut out of my life forever
  23. Nycfw

    Smoking after surgery

    Lol yup I don't want the docs to be like yeah this girl celebrated 420 couple times a month let's call the cop lol

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