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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Nycfw

  1. Nycfw


    I was following this a little they have something like that in ny You can't walk around with no id on you, you could be arrested untill you show some proof of id. A cop can ask you for id and if you can not produce any id your going straight to bookings By my town there was a guy he was hispanic and he was piss drunk laying on the side of the road the cops seen him and arrested him they asked for id and he had none but as it turned out he was illegal and from what I remember he was deported. My thing is if you know your legal what the matter with carrying you papers in your wallet or in your purse I mean why do you need to keep prove that your legal in you home. Its not like the papers they have to carry weigh over 10lbs Just my view, just my opinion, and just a little fact
  2. wow thats a long time to wait. why did you wait so long for that one particular doctor? congrats thats good you still wanted to do it after so long...
  3. i went into best buy this morning looking for a new television since my wanna be hip father try to play wii for the first time today and u can guess it, broke my TV:scared2: ugh parents. :tt2:He is on a strict PUNISHMENT LOL. well anyways while i was there i found this book KITCHEN SURVIVAL GUIDE COOK THIS NOT THAT I find it to be very informational, the first chapters tells you what type of pots and pans you need, and it also explain what type utensils you need and all the above mentions is all the tools you will need for the book. Some people may not find that to be important but for me it was because i am about to move out on my own and i never cooked anything until now (had to heat up some broth) lol and i don't even know if thats cooking lol This book has sooooo many recipes that you can learn and see the full nutritional values, and there is a couple of pages that compares items. for example: have this in your pantry ....... Smucker's natural Peanut Butter creamy ................................... don't have this in you pantry ....... jiff reduced fat and it explains why by saying your trading hydrogenated oils and corn syrup for more healthy fat (small excerpt) I took a pic as you can see below of one particular recipe.. yogurt parfait ................ made @ home the calories are 330 G fat (3.5 sat) 34G sugar ................... but if getting from Au bon pain its 700 calories (4 sat) 91G sugar Has anyone else brought this book and cooked anything out of it?
  4. Omg you should check them out they are very great and you will see like a salad from fridays might have 1400 calories but if you make it the same way at home with healthier ingredients it comes to 200 calories Like go to target in their book section and just read through those books and your going want to buy them.. I have the resturant one when sooon I might apply it but the cook this not that I like a lot because for one thing it has better health choices and a second reason I need to learn how to cook I don't want my kids being over weight likke me and thinking a super size @ mcdonals is the only size (don't have any right now)
  5. Yes I also have the resturant one I never used it yet but the cook this not that is very good I can't wait untill I can eat again... I keep reading the book like its a porno mag I want everything in it lol lol And the book also have a lot of interesting facts like one for instace Men who moderately drink alcohol 3 to 7 days a week are at a 32% lower risk of heart attack then men who drink less then once a week. Which me boyfriend pointed out to me after I said I think he drinks to much (foot in mouth) lol I can't wait untill I can start making this and there is like 3 fullfulling meals Breakfast lunch and dinner that I can make and it will only add up to 1200 calories and low fat They also have a section on instant lunches for example They have buy a rotisserie chicken at the supermarket remove the skin and shred every last bit of meat. Then it gives you a lunch idea for each day of the work week and all together it will cost 20$ I just want to eat.. I'm not hungry but all the food ideas look ohh soo good lol
  6. i was also banded on may5th i really dont feel that hungry i am clear liquid diet untill the 14th and then on a full liquid diet to the end of the the month and the last day of the month i move to puree but i just been snacking on Jello which fulls me up quickly and a friend of mines who had it done told to me try the broth from soups like chicken noddle soup so i did and i felt full filled i brought progessive (how ever its spell) and it was really good of course i dumped all the good stuff out of it but the broth from it was very thick and flavorfull. so i been able to maintain for now.
  7. Nycfw

    Cook This Not That book

    i went into best buy this morning looking for a new television since my wanna be hip father try to play wii for the first time today and u can guess it, broke my TV:scared2: ugh parents. :tt2:He is on a strict PUNISHMENT LOL. well anyways while i was there i found this book KITCHEN SURVIVAL GUIDE COOK THIS NOT THAT I find it to be very informational, the first chapters tells you what type of pots and pans you need, and it also explain what type utensils you need and all the above mentions is all the tools you will need for the book. Some people may not find that to be important but for me it was because i am about to move out on my own and i never cooked anything until now (had to heat up some broth) lol and i don't even know if thats cooking lol This book has sooooo many recipes that you can learn and see the full nutritional values, and there is a couple of pages that compares items. for example: have this in your pantry ....... Smucker's natural peanut butter creamy ................................... don't have this in you pantry ....... jiff reduced fat and it explains why by saying your trading hydrogenated oils and corn syrup for more healthy fat (small excerpt) I took a pic as you can see below of one particular recipe.. yogurt parfait ................ made @ home the calories are 330 G fat (3.5 sat) 34G sugar ................... but if getting from Au bon pain its 700 calories (4 sat) 91G sugar Has anyone else brought this book and cooked anything out of it?
  8. Lol aww yeah : ) omg my mother swears she has wrinkles too.... so one day I walked into her room and I thought she was having a seizure or just got finish having one, because she was doing all these face movements I'm said "wif r u ok should I call the ambulance" and she said "no I'm doing facial excersize to get rid of the wrinkles on my face" lol I told her "she looked like she was a scary women having a seizure" lol. So even though u might have more wrinkles if you can still be mistaken to be 20yrs younger then those wrinkles don't mean anything lol. I can't wait to love my weight lost, I want to go to the gym real bad but I keep forgetting I just had this surgery. Sooo bad I want feel that fullnes after eating a little bit of food, that's just what I can't wait to feel. Right now I have no hunger pains I'm still on my post liquid diet and I'm doing fine well sometimes I might do a annorexic move and chomp on something and spit it out lol but that was like twice and that even made me more hungry so I don't do that anymore How I feel now, just not feeling hungry and sometimes I say to myself eh "I want some broth but it can wait untill tomarrow" I never felt that feeling before. If my dad was cooking and it was taking to long I would go to mcdonals and get something to eat to whole me over for 20 more mins...... so I do see an extremly drop in my food craving I'm not quite sure if that has anything to do with the band but I hope it does :drool: and hope I continue to have this feeling, On may 5th (surgery) I was 284(starting weight 299) and now I'm 266 I used my wii fit so hopefully that's right.. its just soooo amazing that It took a week to lose a good amount of weight that took me 4yrs to gain lol I'm just amazed @ that. I know it was a lot of writing but I am in my writing zone lol
  9. Omg u look great!!! Cant wait untill i can wear my shirt tucked in and not look pregnant or more fat lol
  10. And by the way I seen your profile and I think you have your age backwards lol. You look sooooooo young.
  11. Hi yes I was able to get one I went to rent a center and spent 26$ for two weeks for the recliner and I had to put 200$ deposit so all together I spent 226$ and after two weeks I get back the 200 so it works out. The recliner helped me out so much all I do is sleep on it look at tv on it and relax on it. Its sooo comfortable and I feel less pressure on my stomach. I keep forgetting that I just had this surgery like 6 days ago that's how well I feel, but sometiimes I do feel a little bit of pain by the port but other then that I feel great, thank you soooo much for asking :scared2:
  12. I am kinda worry because i have not had a bm since surgery. I flush my system out before the surgery and i have not ate anyfood for about 1 week before surgery. so now that i am out of surgery im thinking i will have a bm even though i have not ate anything ust Water down applesauce. TWO QUESTIONS When did you have a bm after surgery? Should i be worry that i have not had a bm since may5th?
  13. i have to keep remembering that i just had surgery, i still cant believe i had it lol, and i have no pain so sometimes i keeps forgetting but the itching its making me remember i had surgerylol... but i was just nervous about the whole bm thing like i feel like want to go but i dont want to push and put any pressure on my stomach. but i feel at ease now about it..
  14. WOW 3 WEEKS. im going back to solid food i think the day of this month or the second week of june i have to get my paper. i cant wait untill i can eat food lol, even though im not hungry im just tired of liquids lol
  15. oh ok i was going to buy something that will make me go to the bathroom but i wasnt quite sure if i should do that. i have gas coming out but i think its just from the air they filled my body up with.. thanks for your quick response
  16. Lol I went to that website and I'm the FREE FALLER and its soooo true for what they defined the person who sleeps that way. Thanks for that site
  17. I also found myself sleeping on my side and crooked to avoid the the port. I am also miserable in my bed I can't get comfortable but as I wrote above I am going to rent a center and getting a recliner, I do not want to mess anything up inside of me. No you didn't read it wrong I was by myself my boyfriend took to the surgery but he couldn't enter my apt because he has server allergies to my long hair cat which I will never give up lol and my "mother" I'm not really talking too but she had shown me she could be a mother and did help me out a little but other than I was on my own but I'm glad nothing serious happend I just kept looking @ my stomach every 5mins to make sure I wasn't bleeding lol....... also right under my right boob too I have that discomfort when I use the tolite I have to hold those bad girls up cause if not my port site begins to hurt....
  18. Thank you very much, I try the whole propped up thing but I just slid all they way down lol maybe its because I have no ass who knows lol. @ night I find myself sleeping crooked trying to avoid my port side and yes its kinda hard to get up but I'm getting through it
  19. Thank you everyone for replying. I just had my surgery may5th and I did not buy a recliner I just didn't have time to find someone to pick it up and bring it to my home. But I am so uncomfortable on the bed I prop pillows behind but after like t mins I slide all the way down and got to shimmie my way back up. Now on my second day I'm having alittle more discomfort I'm guessing by my port because of how I'm wiggling myself out of bed or how I'm pulling my self up. So my dad gave me a great idea he told me do rent a center it will save me a lot of money and they deliver it for free and pick it up for free. So I was willing to pay 300$ for a recliner that I would have only need for two weeks but instead all I had to pay was a 200$ deposite and 18$ per week for the recliner and when I am ready for them to pick up the recliner they will give me back the 200$ deposit. So all I would really pay for the recliner is 30$ after two weeks so I'm happy about that :thumbup:
  20. You see I was looking for something very plush but when I sit on a plush recliner its like I have to use my legs to close the leg rest and I'm like will I be able to get out of this when I have my surgery, but then I try like a firm recliner and I feel like I'm going to flop out of it lol. For some reason everytime I sleep flat on my back my lower back hurts or I can start off on my back and I wake up on my stomach. But today I'm going to buy some of those pillows and try it out and see how it works.....
  21. Thanks for everyone advice. I'm going to buy a recliner a day before surgery and the next day I'm going to use it but if I don't feel right I'm just going to have my friend return it for me, I'm just worry about waking up and seeing me on my stomach and blood everywhere or whatever lol I just get worry over ever lil major thing but oh well
  22. Thanks.... I over think everything but its like its just me here and I want to make sure I have everything together so I don't have call "parents" for help I just want to be comfortable as possible I'm just nervous about the day after
  23. Nycfw

    No caption

    you and your daughter are soooo beautifull!!
  24. Hi thank you for you comment on my blog, im sooooo upset but i know its for the best, i just hope i dont have anything wrong with me. i keep on googling stuff online to see lol.

    and whats soooo funny about this is that the whole time i been sooo concern about my liver not shrinking that i over looked any blood work problems ...

    but thanks again for the comment :)

  25. omg i been on my liquid diet for about 10 days and i lost 15 lbs i been very very motivated because i know my surgery date is coming up. well the problem that i am face with and that could have prevented is this: i had blood work done by doctor's brathwait office about a month ago and my blood clotting was a little slow, then i had another test 1 week later at my PCP office and it was normal, 2 weeks later i had another test for my pre admission and my clotting was slow again here are the results, (recent blood work) PTT: 39.6 NORM: 27.0-36.0 INR: 1.23 NORM: 0.9-1.2 now this is what get me furious:mad: (i did not get clearance for my surgery 4/12) My surgeon doct wife (who works there) called me and told me about her concern about my clotting time that it was a little bit slow, so she wanted to speak to my PCP to ask her if i should go to a hematologist because she can schedule me in right away so i gave her my PCP number. my surgeon wife called me back and discussed with my PCP about my clotting time and my PCP said "its not that high and she has no other problem and is in relatively in healthy shape" so my the surgeon wife did not plan my the hematologist apt because as stated above my PCP said i did not need it :thumbup: WELL today was my clearance appointment and my PCP now does not want to clear me and need me to get clear by a hematologist :scared2:. i was sooooo mad she was told about the same results before and she told my surgeon wife that it wasn't needed so now i have to go to a hematologist app on the day that was suppose to be a life changing experience.. I'm not mad at the fact that i have to go to the hematologist i am mad at the fact that i could have went ahead of tI'me and still been able to have the surgery. but im looking at my clotting time and there are not that far from the normal ranges so it doesn't look like it can be bad enough to not clear me. ugh i don't know..... just soooooo mad right now :cursing::cursing:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
