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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mom2cjpx4

  1. Four months out I only regret I didn't do this years ago but the first three weeks after surgery I did regret it. It was normal. I was in pain (I had never had surgery before in my life), I was HUNGRY, I couldn't eat, I was tired, I couldn't sleep comfortably, I was constipated - you know the routine. So I wasn't at my optimum and just felt like SHIT! Excuse my language. And I had it two weeks before Christmas - WRONG time of year to have it especially with little kids and parties and such. It was too much all at once. Once I started healing and adjusting things started to come together and my new life took hold and I had no regrets. It's kind of like giving birth. At the time it's so fresh and you're like "never doing that again" but it fades and you think "well it wasn't so bad." LOL :thumbup: I have been able to lose weight successfully in the past but have always gained it back within a year so this time I know (at least I hope!) that I will NEVER have to worry about that again and that is a GREAT feeling!!!!
  2. mom2cjpx4

    Chicken Salad for dinner?

    When I was on softies and I had chicken salad for lunch I would just eat it with a fork and had some cottage cheese on the side.
  3. mom2cjpx4

    Four months post-op - 247 pounds

    LOL - great clothes! Honestly, the top part of my tummy is getting flat (and I'm not doing any ab exercises) but I still have that lovely gut going on below my belly button. I attribute that to the four children I've had. I need to start doing the ab lounger or some sit ups or something because I'll be 40 this summer and I don't want to end up with lots of loose skin. I don't know what would be worse - to be overweight, or to have lost weight and then have flabby skin.... I do walk about 2 miles every other night though (or try to at least). That's the only exercise.
  4. I'm the same way. People think I'm strange because I don't burp - I just don't and can't really. I think I've burped about five times in my whole life and I'm almost 40! I also don't vomit much, a few times in the past 10 years maybe. I will feel nauseaus but never actually vomit. I suffer from migraines too and they will make me nauseaus and I sleep them off! When I get stuck, it's horrible! I get that little bit of air and gurgling in my throat but I almost go into a panic attack because I can't relieve the pain and no matter what I do it doesn't get any better. I had a bad stuck episode about a month ago and experienced what sliming was. I don't ever want to do that again!
  5. I had that pain, too. It felt like my guts were ripping out. Sorry to be so graphic. I thought I had tore my port loose or something, that is how bad it was. I couldn't bend over to pick anything up and couldn't sleep or lay on that side for months. I still get a pain there every once in awhile if I bend a certain way and it's been four months since surgery. I also have trouble sleeping on that side still, I have to put a small pillow underneath me first. It will get better, but it is not fun, that's for sure!
  6. My port is tipped, not flipped. It was fine the first couple of months but then it just tipped, from losing weight. Doctor had a hard time and several needles getting it. Boy was that painful! So he put a pillow under my lower back and maneuvered enough that he could get the needle in and then remembered it when I went back last time and it was easier. Hopefully that is all he'll have to do for the future and I won't need surgery, but we'll see.
  7. I'm at 7.5 cc in my 10 cc band and I still don't have restriction. I was banded 12/11/09. I will get another fill in a few weeks and I'm hoping it is the "magic" one and I have restriction with that one. This last fill (from 6.5 cc to 7.5 cc) really helped alot, the most of any, and made me finally realize the band was actually there and helping. Before that it was all me doing the work and I was really getting discouraged. Although I have been losing weight, I wanted better results by now. I understand your frustration but don't sabotage yourself. Stick with your plan and learn to work with what you have. Good luck!
  8. I was told no Motrin, too, ever again. I suffer migraines and have always took 800 mg of Ibuprofen but am no longer allowed to take any Ibuprofen, only Acetominophen (Tylenol.) You might want to check with your doctor on that.
  9. mom2cjpx4

    April 2010 I've went from a size 24 to a size 6/8!!!

    Congratulations you give me hope. I was banded 12/11/09 and I've lost 49 pounds since surgery but 79 pounds overall. I was a size 28 at my largest and while I'm going down, it is slow.
  10. mom2cjpx4

    Shelyn 12 weeks 2

    Thank you! It is hard work, that's for sure. I had preconceived notions about bariatric surgery before, thinking the surgery caused the weight loss and BOY was I proven WRONG! It is the PEOPLE that cause the weight loss - nothing is going make you lose weight, but you. It's a struggle, but so worth it.
  11. mom2cjpx4

    Shelyn 12 weeks

    Thanks guys. I feel alot better. Still have to get my big butt doing some exercise. Was walking 2 1/2 miles a night after work when the weather warmed up for a week but then we got snow and cold/rain again so haven't been doing it since last Thursday. I'm soooooooooo ready for Spring!!!
  12. mom2cjpx4

    Troy and Me 3 6 2010

    We were banded on the same day! I am down 35 pounds from my two week post op. I didn't get a fill four weeks ago because I had a few stuck episodes but had a fill yesterday so am hoping things will move along faster now!
  13. mom2cjpx4

    shelyn 10 weeks 2

    Thank you. I knew my clothes were fitting different but I really didn't "see" the difference until this last round of pictures. I'm just impatient for more! LOL
  14. I was supposed to have a fill on the 10th but because I had a major stuck episode a couple weeks before and because I had lost 8 pounds in the four weeks between appointments my doctor opted not to give me one. I was SO disappointed!!! I had lost eight pounds because I am dieting and exercising NOT because the band is doing anything for me. I have NO restriction. I am HUNGRY all the time. I am just eating what I "think" I should eat and no more. Still only about 800 to 1,000 calories a day. He told me if I was still hungry after eating my 1 cup of food to eat more until I'm full, well okay, I did that and I do eat less than before surgery but I know it's WAY more than I should be eating according to the standards. For instance, I can eat 1/2 a sub, 1 cup of coleslaw, 1/2 an apple, and a cheestick - NO PROBLEM. Before surgery I would eat a whole sub, a small bag of chips, a whole apple, a large drink, and maybe a cookie or something, but now I should only be eating the 1/2 sub MAYBE. I have not lost any weight in two weeks. I go back on 3/12 and I'm definately asking for a fill then....
  15. Honestly, I don't know what I"m doing and I think I need to do more. I only eat about 800-1,000 calories a day TOPS. Everyone tells me I should eat more and this past weekend I did eat more calories and I lost 2 pounds! Go figure. I still have a protein shake every morning. It is a good source of protein and the milk is good for calcium so I don't see ever stopping that at this point. My hardest time is breakfast because I'm not that hungry in the morning but if I don't eat I will be starving. I try and have a scrambled egg with some fat free cheese melted on top and a couple slices of turkey bacon. I don't drink enough water either, which is something I have to start doing. I do go to cardio class twice a week so maybe that is helping. When the weather gets warmer (it's been 5-20 degrees here for months and we have snow and ice) I will start walking at night after dinner. I HATE to exercise but know I have to do it! Good luck and let me know if I can help you out any.

  16. I am feeling MUCH fuller with smaller amounts of food than pre surgery that is FOR SURE. Before surgery I could go out to dinner and eat an appetizer, full dinner, and dessert, plus drink 2-3 drinks. Now when we go to dinner I can't eat 1/2 of my food, only about 1/4. No appetizer or dessert, and of course no drinks. I have started ordering Water though because the waitresses look at you like you have three heads when you say "nothing to drink" and they try and talk you into water anyway so to save the hassle I just order water, plus I thought if I choked it would be good to have! LOL I feel satiated at all my meals no matter what I eat. Because I have to chew so much I want to get to the point that the meal is over. Food does not taste so good when you have to pulverize it in your mouth. As for calories, I'm still stuck on what to do to increase. I don't want to eat fattening food as I am eating healthy now, but if I bump up my portions it will be too much. Here is a typical day for me: one egg beater with some fat free cheese 50 cal two slices of turkey bacon 60 cal Protein shake 200 cal chicken salad with reduce fat mayo 150 cal wheat crackers 80 cal 1/2 an apple 50 cal reduced fat string cheese 60 cal handful of almonds 70 cal Ground turkey burger w reduced fat cheese (no bun) 80 cal 10 sweet potato fries (baked) 50 cal steamed broccoli with butter spray 40 cal IF I have a snack at night I will have sugar free cool whip inside two chocolate wafers and frozen (homemade ice cream sandwich) which is 50 cal or sugar free choc pudding which is 80 cal or sugar free Jello which is 60 cal I am getting a fill tomorrow, we'll see how it goes!!!
  17. Thank you my bandster twin! LOL. I have had TREMENDOUS willpower. More than I ever thought I would. I have successfully "dieted" for years. Going 6-8-12 months without snacking, eating small portions, not cheating but then BAM I give in to temptation thinking "oh this one bag of chips tonight because I'm feeling bad won't hurt me" or "we are on vacation!" etc., and before you know it, right back up with the weight again. If I could live through the two week liquid diet and not die, then I knew I could successfully live with this band. It is just so much to learn that you can't wrap your mind around PRE surgery.
  18. mom2cjpx4


    Wow you look amazing! I'm struggling right now as I lose this weight as my breasts are terrible and my stomach is getting flabby. I doubt my insurance will pay for anything. Did you fund this yourself?

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