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Everything posted by phil1336
I got banded on Jan 11, 2010, the day Haiti got hit with the Earthquake. Wish the significance of that event would have carried over to my weight lost, but it never happened. I started at 285 with a BMI of 44. I got down to 238 in less then 5 months with a BMI of 38, gained a few pounds and lost a few more. Saw my Surgeon monthly and had a small fill added almost every month. I have the large band and I am not yet filled to the max. I have gained back about 7 pounds and now am holding around 250. I`m still happy that I am 35 pounds lighter then where I started but I have to admit, despite daily walking and bicycling, I have NOT kept my eye on the ball. I tend to eat too large portions, have not eliminated carbs and bread like I should have and continue to drink a few pints of beer daily. I have reduced my soft drink consumption drastically as well as seltzer water. They warned me before Surgery about "Head Hunger" and that the Lap Band was simply a Tool. They were right. I would say, if you don`t have the will power or discipline before the Surgery, It is unlikely that a few gagging or sliming episodes will get one to dig their heals in to take control. It still helps to avoid binge eating and really pigging out but Pizza, Wings, Burgers, Chips, Beer, etc will still be flirting with you as long as you live.
Would I go through Surgery again and get Banded?
phil1336 replied to phil1336's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Perhaps I should see if they can do a Pouch Stretch Test but I know if I eat too fast, do not chew everything very well, or eat too much I do suffer sliming as well as getting food stuck which once in a great while results in some brief vomiting. Everything you said makes perfect since but when you have been a life long "Foodie" its not a simple flick of a switch to change food habits or desires. The thought of never enjoying a Micro-Brewed hand crafted Ale or Beer I cannot imagine no would I desire to do so. A few slices of Coal Fired Gourmet Pizza, a few Wings and a couple of Pints of Brew while watching Sports. I personally cannot see myself becoming a Monk. -
Would I go through Surgery again and get Banded?
phil1336 replied to phil1336's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Talk about Brain Dead flat-liner Tea Bagger Republicans...whatabout MS Governor Haley Barbour? He wants NO temporary stoppage of deep oil drilling in the Gulf cause the crew and rigs may go elsewhere to drill and the area might loose jobs! The entire Gulf and the sea life and water fowl are all going to be killed off and this idiot still wants to keep drilling while the oil is still gushing. Even Palin has shut her dumb ass mouth and has`nt said Drill Baby Drill in months. Where do we get these wacko`s? Must be that "Old Time Religion"!
PG is obviously "drunk" with her Religious nonsense AGAIN! She claims that American`s voted for Obama because they wanted to be part of history by electing the first African American to be President.....what a hoot! Did we have a choice? Ohh, perhaps we should have voted for John McCain and his sidekick Sara Palin who was a heart beat away from being President? Now thats a scary thought! Experience you say? She has the IQ of her waist measurement, has enormous past (experience) as being Governor of a State with a smaller population then any major city in America, but she was Commander and Chief of the Alaska National Guard and on a clear day she claimed she could see Russia or the Soviet Union from the front porch of her house. Now THAT`S the kind of experience you can sleep well at night knowing who has the code to start the next nuclear war! This Blog has become ridiculous attempting to reply to the Village Idiot that resides in Naugatuck! Report me to the Moderator....I`m done raising my blood pressure listening to this individual. If the show fits ...wear it! And believe me, it fits you like a glove!
Here we go again, "crazy kooks" that (murder babies). A FETUS that has not gone full term and been delivered alive is NOT a Baby! Worrying about Homosexuals be they gay or lesbians getting married.....at least they don`t pro-create and bring another generation of hate monger bigoted inbred fools into this world with their prejudiced half baked ideas. Oh, and about wealth redistribution, I`m glad that pattygreen still takes up the case for Joe the (NON) Plumber, who never made $50,000. a year in his entire life yet worried about "his" wealth being taken away from him. One thing the Dems and Liberals CAN`T take away from him is his brains.....nothing from nothing leaves nothing. Typical Teabagger.......been soaking in that teacup so long, what little brain cells he had to begin win (which wasn`t much) has in deed shrunken! Give my regards to Lieberman and his pathological liar friend Blumenthal. Maybe Joe will loan him one of his dresses.
I`ve got a great idea. Since pattygreen is staying awake at night worrying herself to death over the Federal Debt and all of the Obama (spending policies), I`ve got a way to pay for most of it. First by stopping our Wars of Imperialism to make the Wealthy even more Wealthy without making us any safer, just shedding more young American blood and adding to the national deficit, lets cut the Defense Department budget in half, The Pentagon will cry but even they realize their budget is grossly bloated. Step two,start taxing all Churches and Houses of Worship! These institutions of spreading bigotry and fairy tales have had a free ride way too long. I don`t care what your religious stripe is....you wanna support your Pastor, Preacher, Priest, Rabbi, fine, but not on the Tax Payers dime. Tax payers are not asked to subsidize Disneyland and Disneyworld, why should us non-believers be forced to contribute to these entertainment centers that we don`t attend? The Tax Base of every village, town, and city is effected by having hundreds of billions of dollars omitted from the Tax Rolls because of this flaw. Fix it, and let the (believers) pay the full amount to "believe"!
I see that Naugatuck, CT has an elevation of 273 feet above sea level....not a mountain by any means, but enough height to avoid joining the flat earth society. Hell, here in Monroe County- Key West, FL the highest point in the center of this Island which is only one and a half miles wide and 4 miles long, (Solares Hill) is barely 18 feet or 5.5 meters above sea level, and no one is buying into that nonsense either. For some its makes things some much easier when you differ all judgment to G-D (the Bible) said it, I believe it, and that settles it! Give me that "Ole Time Religion"! Must be fun working for the Texas School Board Book Advisory Panel. The scary thing is that these Tea Party Yahoo`s are editing and changing historical facts in school books that are distributed and purchased for use ALL over the nation. The "Dumbing" of America....its almost complete. President Bush even had the banner flying on the Aircraft Carrier...."Mission Accomplished" He wasn`t talking about the War in Iraq, just the moronic mindset of the Mass`s. Imagine an entire nation populated in the near future with nothing but slack jawed, mouth breathing fools toting guns and waving flags. The same people that show up at Veteran Cemeteries and picket Funeral services with Bill Boards claiming Gay`s and Lesbians are bringing G-D`s anger on us due to their immoral behavior. Nice send off for those who served our country with Valor and Bravery and had their lives (taken)! Anyone know where Joe the Plumber is? I gotta take a leak.
There you gone again Patty with your biblical stretch. Most folks don`t consider a (fetus) a full term human being until the developed fetus gets delivered "alive" and is recognized at birth as a infant child. He we go again with your Stem Cell`s and opening up the Pandora`s Box of partial birth abortions too. Do "Creationist`s" believe that the Earth circles the Sun, the Moon circles the Earth and the Sun comes up in the East and Sets in the West? Is there anything that folklore and science can agree on?
Opps....I`m sincerely sorry and apologize for posting my response to you! This Oil Spill and BP situation in the Gulf has got me so upset, I replied to you instead of ariscus99. Usually its my misguided friend PG from CT that gets me jacked up and force`s me into a rant!
Also amazing, you big proponents of the Defense Department and Pentagon don`t seem to be overly concerned that the Veterans Administration is so badly underfunded? You love the Troops but when it comes to care and providing the funds to keep the VA Hospitals in top shape, total silence. Bethesda Naval Hospital and Walter Reed Army Hospital are a total disgrace. Where`s your OUTRAGE!
tdlsf1: Your Postings are starting to sound a hell of a lot like "Joe The Plumber"? Remember that Yahoo that was worried about (his) taxes being raised and his concern about "Wealth Redistribution"? He never earned 50K in his lifetime, wasn`t a licensed Plumber and had about as much hope of one day owning his own Plumbing Business (without being licensed) as he had in securing a position on the Supreme Court. What the hell you guy`s been smoking? Life`s too short to drink cheap beer! It`s rotting what few brain cells you have left!
The Military Industrial Complex has drained the US Treasury of 100`s of Billions of dollars of waste and useless spending due to the fact that they use National Security to defend their budget. Much like the US Postal Service who uses the same Contractors as the Defense Dept. Siemens, Lockheed-Martin, Martin-Marietta, Gruman, etc to purchase state of the art, high tech automation mail sortation machinery that is no longer needed due to drastic drop in mail volume, yet they continue to get billion dollar contracts to fill in the gap for whatever wasn`t picked up by the Defense Dept. It`s funny you right wing Tea Party advocates have No Problem with "corporate welfare" but always throw a shit-fit when money is wasted on "social welfare"! They always use the same tired excuse.....the old (trickle down doctrine) that throwing money at Big Business will ultimately create jobs.....WRONG! Most of these jobs are out-sourced off shore anyhow and the only group that truly benefits are the Board of Directors and to a lesser degree the Shareholders. The Big Lie!
I agree with you 100%. Lets start by cutting the Defense Department Budget and that of the Pentagon by half. Bring the troops home from Germany, Panama, Korea, Japan, and last but not least Iraq and Afganistan. There will be plenty of money left over for Prescription drug coverage for Medicare, National Health Care Reform, and Cash for Clunkers! You can`t fight terrorism when it has no defined leader, country of origin, and consists of hundreds of splintered cells that can only agree on their hatred of the West and Israel. When they strike, you retaliate much as the Israel does. A school bus or rocket attack hits from Gaza or the West Bank, NO PRESS CONFERENCE, just fighter planes in the air within minutes for a heavy handed response! Case closed!
How sad for those who are can`t face reality and live their own lives in a productive manor with out being so judgmental of others who don`t believe in mysticism and ghosts! Better to associate with an agnostic or atheist who is honest and straight forward then a religious zealot who`s a liar and two faced hypocrite but (saved) according to "YOUR" criteria!
Wrong once again! Rand Paul suggestion that he was in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights act but felt it was wrong that restaurant owners could not chose in a public dining facility who that would serve and who they would not based on the whim of the owner (not public intoxication or rude behavior) but (other criteria), would bring back the days when Blacks could not sit at the counter an order food at Woolworth`s years ago. Thanks exactly what Rand Paul stated. Its like stating one is not anti-semitic but simply anti-zionist in their views towards Jews and Israel. Kind of ironic, he represents Kentucky, home of the original KFC in Boone, KY and home of the annual Fried Chicken Festival. Wonder if he likes his (Tea) black?
Blah,blah, blah. Don`t believe in reproductive freedom for Women and Abortion Rights...Great. Simply don`t have one! Since to the best of my knowledge, Men don`t get pregnant, this is strictly a Women`s issue anyhow. Whether one be Pro-life or Pro-choice, its a WOMEN`S decision to make and a private one at that. Remember, Hate The Sin, Love The Sinner, and by the way, how about adding, mind your own business!
Like for instance, Canada? Another horrible Socialist county that its citizens are put under the boot of their government and not allowed "free speech"? True, they have somewhat less tolerance there for Religious Crackpots!
YAWN......When your child looses a tooth, if (you) don`t put money under their pillow while they are sleeping will there be anything there in the morning? Answer...No! Why? Cause there is no Tooth Fairy! If your child wants a certain toy or present for Christmas and you don`t purchase it for them, will it be there under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning? Answer...NO! Why? Cause there is no Santa Claus! Grow up already and stop being so superstitious. When its over your either going "up the chimney" or becoming "compost" at your local cemetery. I wish Florida had a Blumenthal and Lieberman as AG and Senator! Wasn`t there a Gov. in CT that left in disgrace not long ago too? Ahh, all forgiven too. I remember spending many a summer vacationing on the Connecticut Long Island Sound shoreline in Old Saybrook,Soundview, Westbrook, Old Lyme,and Hawks Nest. I still remember the smell of (low tide). PS 5 weeks and counting on BP`s Oil spill in the Gulf, and no end in sight. The largest man made environmental tragedy in Modern Day History. We still chanting "Drill Baby Drill"?
Wrong Again! The federal government is in financial ruin due to the 8 years of the previous Bush administration which spent hundreds of billions of dollars in an unnecessary War on Terror looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq as an excuse for the attempt to get cheap oil for his and Chaney`s Texas oil interests and to help increase profits for Hallibuton Corp. while sacrificing thousands of America`a young men and women in our War to democratize a Arab State. American empire building due to our endless thirst for cheap oil. Want to make some real savings and reduce the federal deficit? Cut the Pentagon budget by 50%. Lets have a Tea Party!
Must be something in the water, air, or radon gas in the soil that makes Connecticut a hotbed for (political) wacko`s. First we have the political cross-dresser Joe Lieberman, now we have a DEM as the longest serving Attorney General Richard Blumenthal that (forgot) that he NEVER served on active duty in Vietnam, despite the fact that he stated so on several occasions. Unfortunately for Mr Blumenthal, being of the Jewish Faith, he can`t get a pass like his Christian politicians. Ain`t it a damn shame. Perhaps he can join Jews For Jesus and get (Saved"!
Its simply amazes me that those that believe most strongly in fables and fairy tales as adults are the most forgiving of two faced liars and hypocrites because as long as the offenders believe in the same nonsense, they too are (saved). Like Sarah Palin often stated, Putting Lipstick On A Pig.....its STILL A PIG! Same thing with closet homosexuals and those that speak constantly about (family values) while their poking their secretary at work. You might not believe you can be (Saved) by acts alone, but I`d rather share my company with an atheist then a hypocrite who`s entire behavior is a phony as a three dollar bill! Ask your local Oral Surgeon if he believes in the Tooth Fairy?
The only Canadians and Europeans that you state that run to the United States for its (superior) Health Care are those that have Insurance or are so independently wealth that they are planning on paying for their personal care with cash, no different then taking a vacation at a 5 Star Hotel! The vast majority of Americans that are either un-insured or under-insured with fake low pay out limits coverage would be MUCH better served by a Canadian Universal Health Care Program with all its short comings and faults. Same said with the impoverished country of Cuba. Even that Communist dictatorship has basic health care provided for its poor at no cost. You Tea Party-Teabaggers have to realize one simple fact. Single payer/National Health Care with all its problems is still a hell of a lot better then nothing. We already have Medicaid for the poor and undocumented, Medicare for those over 65. What`s the problem? Stop bashing Michel Moore! He has exposed more fraud and corruption of the ruling Republican elite and crooked corporations in this nation then anyone else since Ralph Nader. Take a swim in the Gulf of Mexico and thank BP and Halliburton for your "oil bath"! PS: And who do you think ultimately ends up paying for he un-insured and under-insured in America. You, me and every other tax payer by funding the un-paid bills through Medicaid!
Wanna know whats funny? Whats REALLY FUNNY? Whats about that born again fundamentalist charismatic Christian Minister who (specialized) in converting Gays and Lesbians back into becoming straight, he got busted with a Male Prostitute that he picked up on OutPersonals - Online Adult Personals for Gay Men. Find Homosexual Dating, Amateur Member Videos, Adult Gay Chat, and Sexy Male Photos! He said he was only looking for someone to assist him with his luggage and (bags)! LMAO, he soon resigned his position as director of (out-reach) at his Churches Headquarters. Another example of hypocrisy but its okay cause he`s Saved!
Anyone spirt a gusher of blood after fill needle removed?
phil1336 posted a topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Had my 4th fill yesterday 1cc for a total of 8.25 in my 14cc LapBand AP Band. No pain or problems with the first 3 fills, no pain or discomfort at all. This time, after syringe was removed after adding the additional 1cc fill, Dr put on a band-aid, starting writing his notes and noticed my shirt stained with a huge blood spot! He removed the band-aid, replaced with a larger thick gauze pad with surgical tape and the bleeding immediately stopped. He apologized, I rinsed my shirts in his sink with cold water to remove the blood and left the office till my next fill. What the hell did he hit? It freaked me out, and HIM too?