LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by phil1336
I can Feel the Love.......wheres Joe Leiberman when you need him? Oh, he`s probably in the Closet changing his suit from Dem to Rep again. Love those (kosher) cross dressers. Wanna know why I can prove that Obama is in fact a Christian? He forgave Joe (the turn coat) Leiberman for endorsing the McCain/Palin ticket at the Republican National Convention and "ordered" the Democratic leadership to let Joe keep his Chairmanship positions on several key committees despite the fact he was a traitor to his (former party) and to Obama himself. Ahhhhh, don`t you just love that forgiveness in Obama! I would have appointed Joe, Chairman of the Latrine Committee!
Instead of angering PattyGreen anymore in her futile attempt to defend Sarah Palin`s intelligence, Lets finally put this issue to rest. Instead of having her appear on Fox News (fair and balanced) with Shawn and Glenn pitching her soft puff balls, put her on Jeff Foxworthy`s, Are You Smarter Then A Fifth Grader Show! Their both country hicks and redneck`s which Jeff is damn proud off, and lets see who wins? My money goes on the Fifth Grader, even if he or she has (learning difficulties). Wow, close call, I almost used the ® word!
gwins, my Surgeon says Carbs are the "killer" Keep to 60 grams daily if possible. Its almost like (Atkins). I`m just a month post op, not much hunger though. Maybe I`m doing under 1000 calories daily. 2 slices of lean moist roast beef, 2 table spoons of mashed potato`s with a spoon of beef gravy and some steam carrots. Sugar free jello and pudding for dessert. Same with fish and chicken.
jaxmom, Be careful what you wish for. I think your Surgeon is being very wise and conservative with your fills. Better to slowly get to that (sweet spot) then to put too much restriction in and have the throw-ups and slime drool events. Everyone is different but unless your starving between your 3 small meals, go slow! I don`t want to vomit and want to be able to swallow my pills and other medication without worry. Too tight a Band is MUCH worse then too little restriction. I got banded on Jan 12, 2010. My Surgeon put in 4.5 cc when he placed the Band and just added 1.25 cc yesterday. I have no real stomach hunger, just once in a while (head hunger) from smelling something that excites the taste buds. 31 pounds down to date with (N0 exercise)yet. Had gout flare-up for 2 weeks....talk about timing!
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH..........WAAAAAAAAAAAH......... I think I`ll find a felt tip marker and write down some thoughts on the palm of my hand for (future) reference! She could`nt even do that right! She ended up marking over some previous scribble with her pen. How sophisticated.....a (real) Lady! Be actually very comical to see her as President or First Lady at a State Department Formal Dinner and a quest noticed the pen markings on her hand and asked Sarah, whats that was all about. Oh, its just a Alaska style Tattoo, shucks, kinda neat don`t u think? Lets have a shot out for all those ice fishin snowmobile Mom`s with Magic Markers on hand to write down those very important (brain farts) we all get from time to time. Next time it will be John 3:16!
How do you compare writing notes with a ball point pen on the palm of your hand (like she obviously did in school cheating on tests) to get her Certificate of "Attendance" to using a telepromptor which ALL public speakers use unless reading from a prepared speech sheet. How juvenile! Maybe should have continued on biting her nails as well. Just because she gives Shawn Hannity an erection ever time he interviews her does not make her Presidential material. PG, Hatred of Women? Again, your an IDIOT! Actually I`m into Goddess Worship, not your book of Fairytales! Obama is hated because he`s a Negro..you got that? African American, Black, whatever you want to describe him as. Your probably another dumb ass Teabagger Birther denier too. One of those yah-hoo`s that fear intelligent Blacks.
Don`t compare what Sarah Palin can get away with compared to Barack Obama. Sara is (white) somewhat attractive and appeals to dumb ass white ignorant hillbilly rednecks! She gas an IQ smaller then her waist measurement. Shawn Hannity melts when he interviews her. I hope she and the rest of these Joe and Joele six pacs get their way and she becomes President in 2012. Lets get the next civil war over with. I wanna move to OK and have Sen Coburn represent me! LOL
I got banded on Jan 12, 2010. Had my first fill yesterday. My surgeon had placed 4.5 cc in my band at time of placement. Did`nt even feel the need of a fill because no hunger problems (yet). He added 1.25 cc so I now have a total of 5.75. Elma creme? Novacaine? Whats to numb? Ever have blood drawn or a blood glucose pin prick on your finger tip? You call that "Pain"? Please.......how delicate can anyone be?
Well, they say misery loves company. I can relate. A week ago Sat a got intense pain developing in my left foot from the ankle down through the arch to the entire bottom of my foot. The pain was so bad Sun and Mon I went to my Podiatrist they took xrays that were not conclusive. They sent me for MRI`s of my foot and ankle and I find that I have a hairline stress fracture (as well as Gout with Uric Acid levels of 12.9) I`ve never has Gout or high Uric acids before. 4 weeks post op..how can you exercise on one foot? Oh well, few calories in should still cause weight loss. We are all in this Lap Band thing for the long haul so, whats another setback?
Don`t worry about a overdose on Soup. It goes right through the (Stoma opening) into your regular stomach much like drinking any liquids like water or juice. Only if it contains solids like pasta,rice,veggies, etc that the solids will interfere.
PB is what they called a "Productive Burp". Sorta like drinking a gulp of Seltzer Water (which I miss sooo dearly) and burping afterwards. Now, PB attempts to dislodge a food particle thats not passing as it should and may have either been too large or not chewed enough. Theres still other (neat) adventures that will come too. Like sliming drool and full blown (stuck) food between your throat and the new small stomach pouch. I hear they are very painful like your having a full blown heart attack until you either through it up or until it finally passes. The only possible way to reduce these incidents I`ve been told is to always take very small bites of food and chew until whatever is left in your mouth has the texture of applesauce. Also, I`ve been told, when your stomach lets you know that your full, (not your brain hunger), drop your fork and STOP. Otherwise, prepare for one of the above unpleasant situations to possibly occur.
longbaygirl, Boy, you had an easy trip. Guess your surgeon doens`t buy into the 5 week requirement of 1 week liquid pre-op followed by 2 weeks liquid post-op, followed by 2 additional weeks of soft/mush food. Frankly, I have little appetite and don`t want to attempt eating anything I want prior to my first fill (next Mon) because I`m sure the Band and internal organs are still healing from the surgery. Since I`m not getting either stomach or head hunger, I`m going to request a small fill to begin with. I`ve heard too many horror stories of gagging on liquids, food getting stuck despite consuming small bites and chewing 25/30 times. I want to avoid the painful food stuck, sliming drool as much as possible. Better to be cautious and precede slowly. Good Luck! You have no idea how lucky you were to have avoided 3 weeks on just a liquid fast!
2 Incisions? I`ve heard of Single Incision Surgery where (all) instruments are inserted (trocars) through the bellybutton. Most procedures leave one large incision where the Port is attached and 4 other quarter inch incisions where co2 gas, lighting, and surgical instruments are accessed. As far as that thin plastic film that covers the dissolvable stitches that most surgeons now use, usually they wear or peal off on their own. I think you`ll be fine, if in doubt, call your surgeons office for advice.
I`m sorry, I don`t disrespect you as a person, only your idiotic ideas that have no scientific or logical backing. If you want to debate an issue without anything to back up your stand except (Faith), I`m sorry, you have a Very weak argument! I am open to any form of debate or discourse, but to always have the same lame come back that G-D said it, I believe it, that settles it? Sorry PG, whatever blarney yours selling, I`m not buying nor will many educated intelligent (adults) either. PG, there is NO Santa Claus!
Remember when (ORAL) Roberts made the threat on his Evangilical Television show if his faithful viewers did`nt send in the amount of "SEED" money he needed, G-D would take him home? He never got the funds he needed and lived for many years afterwards! As a sign to true believers, he should have killed himself to make the faithful aware of the truth in his message...no money/G-D takes me home. Like the fools that pick a day out of every other year that the world will end and give away all their earthy belongings. They awake the next day...homeless and broke!
PG, now talks about the (LAW). I thought you Christians no longer were required to Keep the Law? Remember, Jesus was your sacrifice and you no longer had to keep to the Mosiac Law,,,Right. You keep the LAW like Joe Leiberman? No Pork..No Shellfish, no consuming meat and dairy products together ae: cheeseburgers? Don`t start talking about the LAW PG unless you want to obey the LAW! Your were (blind) before being "born again"? Your still totally Blind and Dumb too. I assume you can still hear by responding to posts on your (voice activated) monitor screen! Guess even Naugatuck needs a village idiot, although I thought Connecticut having Joe Leiberman as one of its Senators would have sufficed!
3 weeks post -op, finished first week of soft foods after 2 weeks full liquids. Boy, I never figured tuna/chicken/egg salad would taste so good. Cottage cheese too. Now starting week 4 post op...no appetite at all. Force myself to do Protein drinks and a few tablespoons of soft food but no desire whatsoever to eat. Great feeling ...as long as its not permanent. Going for my first (fill) a week from tomorrow, going to ask for small fill adjustment due to the fact that I don`t feel (any) need for restriction to curb hunger. Guess its a week by week learning curve.
PattyGreen , I know that even YOU don`t believe that Faith or Religion is necessary for a Human Being to realize that stealing, murder, etc are wrong....(Morally) or otherwise. Its just common sense. We by mere instinct know certain behavior is right or wrong with or without our Preacher instructing us to do so due to some chapter an verse in a book of "fairytales". Does one have to believe the Jona was swallowed by a (whale or fish) to understand that Murder is wrong? You Christians hate it when intelligent people refute statements like a (Person) acted like an animal, when in fact animals (Never) commit the kind of horrible crimes and acts (you call them Sins) that Humans do all the time! Ahhhh, but Christians are forgiven none the less because through their Lord they are automatically Saved! Some folks even refute the theory of domestic beloved pets (Dogs and Cats) being reunited in the future in Heaven because only Humans have (Souls) and can accept the Lord. As far as I`m concerned, if Animals don`t occupy Heaven, there`s only one logical conclusion, That Heaven is a hoax and doesn`t in fact exist, OR there is only Animals in Heaven, and Humans (including Christians) are excluded! As far as your commandment about Humans not using drugs (recreational) unless your a Christian Scientist that exclude all medicine and leave the (Healing) to Prayers) because the body is G-Ds temple, whatabout all those Profane Tattoo`s that are so in vogue! Defacing our skin is another Sin! You would`nt happen to have a cute (flower) tattoo above your ankle or calf would you?
Where does the Government (State or Federal) have the Right to make a Woman`s decision whether or not to proceed carrying her Embryo/Fetus, especially during the first trimester. Your Religion tells YOU, that Life begins at conception. For many others it begins once the cord is cut, the baby`s buttocks is spanked, a cry comes out, a new life is delivered....Born. Until that point of delivery, we have stem cells in different degrees of development! The Xray shows a partially formed human, but until delivery, it is not a living child. Like I said in earlier posts, if Men could get pregnant, there would never-ever been any laws legislated to interfere with a Males option to interfere with (His) Reproductive choices. What a Male Chauvinist controlled Judiciary we have! Old Men eating Viagra Tablets like M&M candies who can`t get it up anymore making laws that Women need to obey! Do what (your) own Religious faith mandates...don`t force everyone else to observe your Church edicts or Papal Bulls! Or outlaw Vasectomies! Why should Men be allowed to spill their precious bodily Fluid (Minus) their furtile seed, that was bypassed during that Pro-Choice procedure? Where are you Pro-Lifers protesting in front of your local Urologists office screaming at Men NOT to have a Vasectomy? !
With our Federal Government as inept as it.....THE Shilaki`s...Obama party crashers...SECRET SERVICE, do you expect more over sight from any other agency?
Speaking of the Most Honorable Clarence Thomas, who advocated ending all affirmative action and EEO programs! Being Black himself and having made himself the Man he is today (I`m sure HE never made use of any of those LIBERAL Government programs) once he passed through the door, close it, lock it, and screw the "Bothers and Sisters" that get shut out. I gots mine! Anita Hill lied about that (pubic hair) on her can of Pepsi? Whatever happened to "Long Dong Silver". I did`nt think conservative Republican CHRISTIAN folks enjoyed Porn? I forgot....hate the Sin....Love the Sinner! LMAO
My primary care physician DR David Felker gave high praise to this Surgeon. Said, if he needed surgery, he himself would consider this doctor. I myself was more concerned that Bethesda Memorial Hospital does so few Bariatric Procedures that they have yet to earn the coveted Center of Excellence Award for these procedures. After much though, it was JFK with DR Andrew Larson or Hollywood Bariatrics at Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood FL. Dr Thomas Bass and DR Brett Cohen have done countless Lap Band installations and are Proctors as well that teach other surgeons the proper procedure. I chose DR Cohen, very happy with him and the office. Banded Jan 12, 2010
I`m not a Milk or Milkshake person by any means........ice cream,cheese, ok. But I was excited about a high Protein (CLEAR) drink that was not of milk shake design. ISO-Pure was VILE...Period! ALL flavours to me tasted like car anti-freeze with a slippery glucose slime aftertaste. Sorry, I like the idea, but for me...it`s back to the drawing board on this product!
Remember the old saying, Whats Good for General Motors is Good For The USA? Isn`t it ironic that GM is NOW Government Motors. With the FCC now allowing monopoly ownership of ALL TV and Radio Stations nationwide airing the same pre-packaged crap, every station plays the same (loop) programing with identical sponsors? Now, one needs XM radio or Public Radio to avoid this corporate noise. You go Murdock, buy every Newspaper and Radio outlet you can. Fox will certainly take them off your hands when you want to sell them. And for the Supreme Court to rule the corporations have the same rights to freedom of speech as living breathing individuals and can now give unlimited monies to back their profit driven agenda, ( as long as they are USA owned entities) whatabout FOREIGN owned and run companies that have USA divisions or maildrops, No longer will funds be limited or be required to be driven through PACS. How can a Corporation be given the same freedom of speech as a individual. Corporations have no "soul" except at the base of their feces smeared shoes! This Country is Doomed! Thanks Glenn, Rush, Shawn, and lets not forget Newt. Don`t you just love Apple Pie and Family Values?
What happened to John Dean politically happens to lots of adults as they age an mature. Once awe struck by Looney Tunes cartoons on Sat mornings and being thrilled to see coins left under their pillow the following morning by the Tooth Fairy, they finally come to the realization as Adults, that once they loose their teeth later in life, the only item found under their pillow the next day after tooth lose is the Bill from the dentist. Ahhh, can we only return to the days of Santa Claus. Much the same, many evolve from the myths and supernatural and superstition also known as Religion.