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Everything posted by phil1336
Its gated and has state of the art security in place! He needs it to keep "all the love" at arm`s distance from his devoted Dido Heads!
After Congressman Randy Neugebauer`s "shout out" the other night (Baby Killer) at Congressman Bart Stupak....a devote Roman Catholic/Pro Life/Anti-Abortion/Conservative Democrat from Michigan, I`d be ashamed I was from Texas too unless I was fortunate to be from Austin, (which does`nt even belong in that state). I think it would safe to assume if your going to stick an (enema) into the USA, the best place to insert it would be in Congressman`s Neugebauer`s district of Lubbock, TX. You would`nt even need to use KY Lubricant there! PS Great name for the Product, using a States abbreviation for it! Isn`t that where Mitch McConnell and Jim Bonner is from?
Rush Limbaugh is not moving anywhere. I`ve driven by his Mansion on the Ocean in Palm Beach, FL where he "Broadcasts" his show. Funny how he was able to get a zoning variance to run a commercial office inside his Mansion located in a Residential Zoned area? Wonder if he would have protested if his "buddy" Al Franken was doing the same on" Air America" before it folded, in (his) neighborhood had Rush not been doing the same? If he does move to Costa Rica, will he still use his " domestic servants" to go drug/pill shopping for him or find a local doctor to write a prescription for Viagra (in the doctors name) so that he would`nt be embarrassed that he suffered Erectile Dysfunction should someone find (his) pill bottle? How vain but obviously non-virile these cold hearted, right wing Republican conservatives are. Remember Larry Craig, picked up playing (footsie) with a male undercover cop at the Minn/StPaul Airport Mens Room? He said, his foot entered the other occupants stall due to his (wide stance)! LMAO
Cleo`s Mom, I`ve been carping on the same subject matter on and off this blog for months. These "Patriots" might just as well slip on their KKK (sheets) or their Nazi (brown shirts) and start (goose stepping). They always bring ideological matters up as a pretense to their protest, but their under belly shrieks of racial hatred. The Democrats and Liberals are going to take away their Guns. Obama has NEVER mentioned a word about any agenda to change gun ownership law yet there has been a (run) on ammunition purchases since he came to office. Next up, their favorite, Abortion or Pro-Choice, which by the way was supposed to have been settled years ago with Roe vs Wade. Don`t want an Abortion... don`t have one! The same Old Men that refused a Women`s right to vote want to control their reproductive rights as well. Its a riot, its always a bunch of ole white corroded broken down men that suffer (erectile dysfunction) and eat Viagra and Cialis tablets like M & M`s with no positive results and still can`t get it up, want to control a women`s right to make (her) decision. Until a male can get pregnant, regardless of what side of this issue your on, its a women`s issue..period! And like I`ve stated before, look at the makeup of those that attend the Pro-Life Rally`s. Almost All White protesters. Because of a long waiting list for (white baby`s), just ask Supreme Court Justice Robert`s, these Pro-Life protesters what to assure that every white fetus is delivered to allow an opportunity to a couple that is childless and waiting patiently for their turn in line. There is not shortage of available Latino or Black babies waiting to be adopted,....go figure?
Watch out BJean, The "Moderator" may be notified by PG that you broke the (rules) by character insults ae: (silly). I would never characterize her as silly. I`m sure if she has parents or grandparents, they too have refused their Social Security and Medicare benefits as well! Silly, absolutely not, Pathetic is more like it. Like Brittany Spears says....."Oops, I did it again"!
bjean.......Just checking if your paying attention...LMAO. I threw that out there figuring that a Teabagger might bite. After PG jacked me up throwing her provocative grenades over the past few months, just had an urge to toss one myself!
I`ve always said, I hope when I`m "grown up" I can be rich enough to afford an Ocean Front Mansion, fly a 50 ft tall American Flag, that "Shouts" my Patriotism, drive a Bentley and vote solidly Republican! Yikes...........it was a bad dream after all. I woke up an screamed.....Rush Limbaugh was my next door neighbor. Moral of the story, Life`s too short to drink cheap beer!
Brilliant! For those that either Don`t Want or Don`t Need Health Insurance, you should not be forced to purchase it! What a beautiful American Libertarian concept! WRONG! Just who do you think is (now) picking up the "TAB" for all the uninsured that show up daily at Hospital ER? Both citizens, documented aliens with legal status or undocumented illegals that just jumped off a boat from Cuba or Haiti or walked across the border from Mexico or Canada, ALL their medical expenses are now being picked up by the US Federal Government and paid for through Federal Income Tax Dollars through Medicaid! You conservative right wing teabagger`s must realize that one way or the other, someone other then the uninsured poor must eventually pay the bill. Like the ad years ago for FRAM Oil and Air Filters stated, "You can pay me now or pay me later". Eventually, Healthcare for everyone has to be paid for. You can stick your head in the sand an wish the problem away, its not going away! We already have the "Single Payer" option with Medicare and Medicaid....why do Republicans keep framing the issue that Democrats are attempting to reinvent the wheel? Social Security and Medicare are here and not going away, the Doomsday predictors claimed when those laws passed the world would end too. Same when civil rights laws were passed and both slavery was abolished and women gained the right to vote! The only reason the right wing conservative Republicans have dug their heals in and have become total obstructionists is due to their Greed. They don`t mind corporate welfare and Bank Bailouts to Wall Street but Social Programs to help the common good of what`s left of middle class Americans and the remainder of the lucky (working poor), forgetaboutit!
I wonder how many of our beloved Republican "friends" such as John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, Alexander Lamar,and a host of other Right Wing politicians, oh, lets not forget Jim DeMint, rammed down our throat through "reconciliation" the Tax Cuts for the Rich with a simple up and down vote that passed with a 51 vote majority in the Senate. No cry of fowl then without a 60 vote mandate! Where was the chant then by the Democrats , lets start over with a (clean piece of paper). Health Care Reform was going to be Obamas "Waterloo". Go back to your rat hole Mr DeMint. Now that your eating huge slices of (Crow Pie) with your Southern Sweet Tea, you can now refocus on your true love, God, Gays, Guns, and Fetus worship!
Thank You and Bless you for your "Forgiveness". I promise to attempt better control my demons and avoid Satan`s influence in the future. I might even switch watching Keith Obermann and that Lesbian, Rachel Maddow on MSNBC and start watching Fox News Network instead and get the real truth. Can I still watch Comedy Central and John Stewart & Stephen Colbert?
Cleo`s Mom, Thank you for your support as well. Its pretty transparent that Patty has no problem throwing provocative bombs around at will, but when one is tossed back at her, ouch. I`m going to cry and report you cause you not only insulted my position but made me look stupid as well....oops, I did it again. I guess I truly am....Beyond Redemption! Boo Hoo, funny, the only person to report me to the (moderator) after many post has been PG. I guess her (love, forgiveness, and tolerance) is reserved for the blessed ones of her particular stripe! I`m being singled out and discriminated against because I refuse to believe in the "Tooth Fairy" and her Book of Fairytales. Funny, I still enjoy watching re-runs of Bullwinkle & Rocky though.
Thanks BJean, Good to know regardless if I get my "Called Third Strike", I`ll go to the dug out with my head held up high. I have no patience to walk around tippy toed while responding to a (Flame Thrower) like PG. I doubt the Moderator is afraid of her on account she may either (shun him or her) or "will" him or her to Hell, which by the way, only exists in her imaginary mind! Intolerant fanatics such as PG always feel they always on the RIGHT side of their issues. I`ll give her that much, that she is off the edge politically to the Right! See pattygreen, you`ve finally won a point with me after all!
Its so funny, when someone responds to PG and she cannot defend her position, she always cries Foul and gets the Moderator to send ME a threatening email and promptly has the thread shut down. ALWAYS, My Fault. To simply ignore an outspoken Christian who always evokes their (faith) as the prime basis for their position and then get defensive when that same position it thrown back at them is silly. I choose not to get my third strike by dealing with this "can I say" hyper-sensitive individual and will leave this thread now! Bet your sorry Mcain and Palin did`nt win now..huh? Cheer up, Karl Rove will have a newbie for you in 2012! Just stay tuned to Fox News and continue to read scriptures until then.
pattygreen, you love to bring your provocative stupid idea`s and airing them in these open forum rants and then plea innocent when the Moderator ends up shutting them down, Just go back to watching your Fox News Network and stop baiting people all the time. Maybe Glen or Rush will let you sit in for them when they go on vacation!
You logic makes NO Sense whatsoever! I pay taxes, I choose not to want MY money spent on Wars of Aggression in foreign lands. Can I OPT OUT? What the Federal Government decides to do to provide services for the (Common Good) for its Citizens, is the function of a Democratic society! You tax monies (CANNOT) be spent as you would like "ala carte" to programs that you like. Your a selfish uncaring individual that obviously believes that since YOU are fortunate enough to have or be able to afford decent Health Insurance, the Hell with those that have the misfortune of not having coverage. Guess who ends up paying for the un-insured when they show up at the hospital instead of the doctors office and a $50 office visit become a $1000 ER visit. Medicaid picks up the tab...the so called (single payer) or (public option) you Teabagger`s so dislike. Who pays the cost of Medicaid? Good Christian, I am my Brother`s Keeper as long as it does`nt cost me any tax dollars. Compassionate Conservative?
Its funny how religious "compassionate" G-D fearing folks don`t feel that ALL US citizens deserve the basic right to Health Care. The United States in the only Industrialized Country in the world without some form of national health coverage for everyone. You can feel pattygreens love once again. She says, "I gots mine"! Case closed! Mitch McConnell and his lover Jim Bunning from Kentucky by the way have their Health Insurance through the Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan (exchange"). Think they are going to OPT out as a protest to prove that they don`t want (their) coverage? As for not being able to afford covering the 40 plus million Americans that are currently uninsured, lets get out of our Wars of aggression in Iraq and Afganistan, and the 100 millions dollars an hour we are wasting 24/7 on the Defense Dept. will easily pay for Health Reform. Did we not learn anything from our adventure in Vietnam? American continues to want to be an Empire pushing our will on unwanting Nations. There is no such thing as former President Bush was quoted as saying, some countries are Evil Empires. ALL Empires including the USA are Evil! We have toppled over 25 countries government in the past several decades. Wrapping yourself in Ole Glory makes some folks feel sooo good regardless of the wrong doing!
Sorry for intruding into an obvious all female discussion! I apologize and will excuse myself immediately. I don`t deal well with "touchy" women that get agitated over minor nonsense like having a "bad hair day"! Take your hyper-sensitivity and share it with one of your delicate (sisters). Maybe your (Band) needs another adjustment!
I don`t mean to be insensitive, but come on girls.......all this complaining about port sensitivity and minor discomfort after a (fill)? Hell, if you can endure and tolerate the pain of child birth, I find it difficult to understand this minor discomfort?
Going for my (second) fill this coming Monday too! Had 4 1/2 cc put in my Lap Band at Surgery and had additional 1 cc put in 4 weeks ago. Total of 5 1/2 cc in 14 cc Band. Very little restriction now and basically can eat anything....bread,rice,pasta, celery, with no problem. Still loosing slowly but only by watching portion size very carefully. Think I`ll have either a half cc or maybe 1cc added. I`d rather have to rely on a bit of self-control then have the sliming and stuck food episodes! Guess its a trial and error on the fills until we reach our on individual (sweet spot) of constriction or have to rely on mostly will power to continue with slow weight loss. But, the purpose of Surgery was to eliminate the need to (diet) and the Lap Band tool was placed to help eliminate the hunger cravings.
Try taking a Colace Stool softener capsule and a Tablespoon of Metamucil before bedtime and you should be good.
Guess I can`t argue with your "logic"! Anyone can have the miss fortune of Buying a Lemon from "any" car manufacturer! Despite your bad experience with your Ford product, many folks are very happy with Ford cars and trucks! As to your (worship) at the "Thrown of Toyota", I see there`s a reason for such devotion. I live here in SO Florida, home to over 500,000 illegal Haitians and 99% of them are driving 15 to 20 year old beat up Toyota Camry`s and Corolla`s. They all can`t be wrong! LOL
Opps, sorry..its your thread and I`ll leave! I never argue about religion or politics and it appears Toyota is another I will add to my list! LOL
Its not as easy as Buy American anymore. Even Ford builds over half its "American" cars in either Canada or Mexico with parts supplied by vendors from all over. The old days of Buy American Cars where (all) the cars were built and assembled right here in the USA are gone. Remember the Pontiac GTO that was re-introduced and sold by GM here a few years ago? Buy American? Entire production of North American Pontiac GTO were built and assembled in Australia an shipped over to USA. What was American about that except for some profits to GM before it went bankrupt. The UAW workers did`nt build or profit from those cars being manufactured over in Australia!
The so called FU you speak about had (NOTHING) to do with Toyota building cars in India...duh! The problems were Toyota`s built in Japan and Georgetown, Kentucky with parts made by a USA Vendor to Toyota`s specifications! What the hell does India have to do with all of Toyota`s recent problems? Face it, Toyota admitted to letting its quality control take a shitter....period! If you "Love" Toyota, fine.....I have no problem with that. Don`t start dragging all this unrelated crap into the Toyota thread!
Why you so tough on Ford? They are the (only) US Automaker that did`nt go bankrupt and ask for taxpayers money for a Bail Out! Quality of NEW Ford products are as good or BETTER then any other brand. JD Powers Quality Surveys and Consumer Reports prove it. Ford fusion (especially Hybrid) leads all! New Ford Fiesta coming out this summer, (best selling car in Europe-Australia-China), will be huge success! You should have bought Ford stock last year at $3.00@ share. Heading for $14.00 any day now!