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Everything posted by phil1336
Easy......Easy, be careful BJean, you just might piss PG off and she will likely report you to the Moderator as she did me and you will given a (warning) from the Moderator. I must refrain from speaking too bluntly on both this Blog as well as Yahoo Blogs. I was fitted with a "Gag Ball" from Yahoo Shine for a TOS due to the fact that I was reported to have given a previous poster a verbal (wedgie). Funny how censorship and freedom of speech is allowed for some points of view but not others. I know that yelling FIRE in a crowded theater is wrong an illegal but it seems that postings that are too far to the right and want to take us back to those so called (good old days) are tolerated a lot more then progressive rants.
The "End" must be near! I finally agree with something that PG stated! Obama made promises to end our War and engagement in Iraq where we still have tens of thousands of troops and instead is sending the same and additional troops to a never ending loosing War in Afganistan where drug war lords have and always will rule that country. This out of fear that Pakistan with its arsenal of Nuclear Weapons will fall next. Of all the disappointments that the American public should have with Barack Obama, is America continues to waste both billions of dollars of Tax payers monies and the agony of losing more young American Men and Women in a distant land where Victory will NEVER be accomplished. Even our closest allies Canada and Great Britain have put our Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on notice that they are both pulling their troops out later this year. So much about our partnership. The end game there will be the same as Vietnam, we will eventually leave both Iraq and Afganistan and their people worse off and ourselves as well then the situation was before we got engaged. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed by un-manned drones sacrificed in our "War on Terror". The United States in our futile effort of Nation Building and wanting to extend our "empire", has become the Terror we so fear!
Anyone spirt a gusher of blood after fill needle removed?
phil1336 replied to phil1336's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
cntryheart, I had surgery on Jan 12, 2010, day of the Haitian Earthquake, started at 286, BMI 44.3 now 4 months later down to 246....40 lbs! Most of it was lost during the first 2 months.. Nothing last month, just 4 pounds this month. No restriction whatsoever yet. I`m happy not to have experienced choking, PB, sliming, etc..yet! I can eat anything and everything. All meats, veggies,rice, bread. I keep my bread intake to a minimum, still have a few flat diet sodas, and a few Lite Beers too. Although I can tolerate and eat still large portions, I don`t. The only reason I know so far that I`m "banded" is that I have no hunger even if I don`t eat for 18 hours. I still have appetite but little hunger? I still have head dreams about pizza and bbq but only indulge rarely. I need to exercise more too! My goal is 3 to 5 pounds per month with hopefully not many plateaus. -
The only point in aricus99 rant that was true IMO was the proposed health care reform bill that is supposed to sur-tax the so called Cadillac Health PLans that have great coverage. That would include all present and retired Federal Employees that have the Federal Employees Health Benefit Plans. What about the biggest and best Cadillac Health Plan of them all... that covers everything and anything......Medicaid! Do they plan on attempting to recoup these sur-taxes from the poor and those living in object poverty too?
Many thanks to my secret admirer PattyGreen who`s recent post on this Blog, woke me back up! Now that I`ve retired and moved to Key West, Fl here in Monroe County, the epi-center of Sodom & Gomorrah here in the USA, I`ve been kicking back a lot and chilling out. Teabagger`s would hate it here! Lots of Gay`s (who don`t bother anyone who`s not interested) including myself, but more difficult to find the other 2 G`s.......G-D and Guns! Oh well, guess that proves that no place is perfect.
Funny all those warm fuzzy ads the American Petroleum Institute were running showing those Oil Platforms that can be connected to (multiple wells) on one Platform were suddenly pulled from airing....why? Maybe cause the ocean water is a bit murky now and we can`t see the real truth! Ahhh,to be a Teabagger.....you can see the bottom of your cup no matter how strong you like your brew or how many times you dunk your teabag. Maybe Joe the Plumber was just letting his (feminine side) get comfort by feeling the silk panties around his (manhood). LMAO!
Where`s all the Sarah Palin supporters chanting "Drill Baby Drill"? Kinda quite.....huh? Shucks.......its kinda like you can`t cook an omelet without cracking an egg....huh? Guess further drilling in the Gulf is kinda off the table for a while.......both Obama and Gov Crist have done a discrete push back from that idea. Lose of eleven lives and billions of dollars of damage to both the environment and wildlife, putting countless thousands of fisherman out of work, all in the name of a futile attempt to be (oil independent), when we don`t have the refining capacity to do so (even) if we found an ocean of raw crude under our nose! Perhaps we aught to enlist John McCain`s buddy...Joe the Plumber to help out. He should know how to fix a leak. He might be too busy trying to stop "wealth redistribution". Did Joe ever get his license or is he still an apprentice plumbers helper?
Anyone who has ever had the pleasure and enjoyment of walking along the white powder sandy beaches mixed with beautiful pink coral and shells on both Sanibel and Captiva Island on the SW Coast of Florida can imagine what a massive oil spill would do to that area. Just because some of us are unfortunate enough to remain in ugly, urban, polluted, inner cities, (no names), must we all be forced to face the same potential blight so the Exxon-Mobil can continue to profit by billions of dollars while giving their shareholders nickels and dimes on their individual investments?
TN-girl: So glad that Obama finally did something to make you happy even though you thought that Sarah was more qualified to lead this Nation in case something had happened to John McCain. That said, you living in the Central part of the US, a massive oil spill (accident) is unlikely to ruin your day Cat Fishin on the Muddy Mississippi River, however those that live or make a living on the ocean coastline and that survive on Tourism based on the Ocean and Beach, drilling off shore could present a potential nightmare. Its easy to get a warm and comfy feeling that you`d rather have home grown domestic oil then buying from the Arabs that perhaps sponsor Terrorism, but the American Petroleum Institute admits that we still don`t have the (refinery) capacity to make raw domestic crude oil into its finished product ae: diesel fuel/gasoline, #2 heating oil etc. Sarah Palin wanted to :"Drill Baby Drill", but she forgot to mention we CANNOT "Refine Baby Refine". Remember the old song...Love and Marriage, "you can`t have one without the Other"!
Bjean,I`m sure there is some minor benefits and improvements geared towards the Consumer with the new credit card reform law, buts lets not forget one thing. Regardless of who sits as President in the White House, be they Liberal Democrats or Conservative Republicans, the "Throne" they occupy and sit on is much larger and more powerful then themselves. Surrounded by Wall Street, Lobbyists,Big Oil, Big Pharma, and Huge Banks as well as Corporate America in general, they will always continue to dictate the ultimate course of America. Left wing/Right wing-Teabagger or otherwise is just background noise and static. The wealthy power interests and robber barons of the past will ultimately decide what`s best for its Citizenry. Like former vice president Dick Cheny stated when told of the huge opposition to the Iraq War by both Republicans and Democrats alike, his response was.......SO? That said volumes. The Public be damned! They will soon forget, the few who don`t, well....they will at least, "forgive"! LMAO
By the way, has the Moving Truck pulled up to Rush Limbaugh`s Ocean Front Mansion on Palm Beach yet? He promised to move his fat ass to Costa Rica if and when the Obama Health Care Reform Bill passed. Since I don`t live far from him, I`d be more then happy to drop him off at PBI or FLL Airport so that he can fulfill his threat. PS: Chris _ NJ, you did`nt have to state that your not a Liberal Nut Job, everyone excepts the fact that right wing Republican conservatives are simply raving lunatics and obstructionists. Most of us (including) Obama, forgive them because their mostly white born again evangelicals that are "Saved"! I must note however, I exclude myself from this forgiveness group due to the fact that I "Spend" more then I "Saved"! Poor Sen Jim DeMint,from SC had to drop out of competition with Dancing With The Stars due to a foot fracture and now has another one from attempting to kick the Democrats in the ass with their Health Reform Bill which passed. Hope he can "feel my love"!
Sharon, I`d go along with that! But, by you very description of those "charitable organizations" lets make sure that they can`t Hide under the umbrella of faith,G-d, church, etc to get the exemption. A Temple of Satan doing charitable work would get Tax Free status while a Catholic Church next door would still be required to pay taxes. Allowing Priests to (poke) 8 year old boys and look the other way should not earn Tax Free exemption.
All of the folks that I`ve known that were members of Universalist/Unitarian Churches have been mostly college educated,intelligent (liberal leaning) individuals that could just as easily been Secular Humanists. The few services I was invited to attend did not make me feel uncomfortable whatsoever. Everyone just recited a favourite poem or read a short story. I did not even hear the Minister quote a chapter or verse from the (good book). If I recall, there wasn`t even a large cross attached to the wall either? I guess if I ever felt the need to belong to a faith based group, Universal/Unitarians appears to be a sane selection. No speaking in tongues, passing out, healing hands, threats of fire,brimstone, Lake of Fires, Eternal Damnation, you know, all that good stuff you get with that "old time religion"! Guess most Charismatics would classify these low octane Christians as Socialist/Communist Lefties that are all throw backs to the Woodstock generation. PS One other comment, how about eliminating ALL Federal,State,County, and Local Tax exemptions for All Churches, Synagogues,Temples, Mosques, etc. and make the Membership pick up the Tab for the Taxes. I feel its Unconstitutional to force the general public to supplement the coffers of the Tax base by giving these institutions a free ride. If your a non-believer and going to Hell anyway, why should you have to contribute to the tax base to make up the shortage? I`m sure the fiscally responsible right wing Religious Republicans want to reduce all deficits and this would be a good starting point! Can I have a Amen?
That logic is like saying....How do you know you got a "good deal" when you purchased a New Car? Ask anyone who sold cars......If you bought it, "You Got F....D"! Same with entering ANY house of (worship). Case Closed
Is purchasing Auto Insurance MANDATORY in Connecticut? Most states require drivers have a minimum of Liability Insurance when they drive a vehicle. Is that Un-Constitutional too? Why should you not be forced to insure yourself for protection against sickness or ill health. The US Tax Payers end up picking up the tab otherwise through Medicare or Medicaid. Is that (fair)? Oh, I forgot, some still believe in the "Tooth Fairy". I don`t want to disturb your dream. Who besides the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus is ultimately going to pay the bill of the un-insured (if) they elect to Opt Out?
aahhhhhhhh, I know it was an oversight, but you forgot to add PG to that short list! If you have HBO, you MUST watch Real Time with Bill Maher. Just like his past movie on Religion, he shoots the painful truth right between the eyes and takes no prisoners. He, like myself has equal contempt upon (all) Religions and although raised Catholic by his Dad, his Mother was a non-practicing Jew, he points out all the time that more harm, agony,war, blood spilled,bigotry and prejudice has been nurtured in the name of G-D then any other platform! If thats what they say spreading the "word" or "good news" is, I`ll pass!
Republicans and Big Business have historically lobbied hard to keep "right to work for less" laws on the books as well as trying to avoid attempts to raise the hourly minimum wage. Their argument is that raising the hourly minimum wage by even a few cents will force Employers to reduce expenses by laying off Employee`s. This false premise is based on a theory that companies hire people out of the goodness of their heart and that if they had to pay a quarter more per hour for their labor, they would end the (charity) and let them go. I don`t care if its unskilled labor flipping hamburgers or pulling weeds, Employers only hire people because they need the extra hands and backs to perform the necessary labor to profit from. Its quite simple, jobs are created and staffed as necessary regardless of the hourly minimum wage and like wise reduced when business does not profit from having these extra Employees on the payroll. Don`t you just love the lobby groups (anti-labor) that the Chambers of Commerce represent to keep the working poor eating 1 dollar Value Meals for life! Its Soooooo Patriotic! Like McDonalds says, " I`m loving It!"
Assuming the 12 Attorney`s General (All right wing Republicans) including I might add, the idiot from my state of Florida, who is just pandering to his base to assure his upcoming race for Governor is in the bag,(if) the petition that the newly passed Health Care Reform Bill is ruled by the US Supreme Court as unconstitutional, why is it lawful that I and the rest of the American Tax payers must continue to pay the health care cost of those that (Choose) not to want to buy Health Insurance. Who the hell do you thinks pays those hospital and doctor bills eventually through the Medicare and Medicaid Programs? Oh, I almost forgot, you lunatics what to repeal those laws as well and let humans opt to continue to get sick and die without medical attention. Now thats an All American idea if I ever heard one!
Besides bashing all the "waco`s" in Texas, lest we not forget that the largest hot bed of radical racist KKK territory outside of the deep south and the pacific northwest (Idaho), lies in New England of all places. Where you might ask? Ask someone from Connecticut, maybe PG? James Farrand, (Catholic) by the way, was the Grand Dragon of the Connecticut chapter of the Invisible Empire of the KKK headquartered in Shelton, CT. Must be something in the water or soil there like (Radon) that causes twisted thinking and behavior. Speaking of which, I (still) love Joe Lieberman! Is he a Democrat or Republican today? Maybe he`s like Congressman Larry Craig and he simply has a "wide stance".
Can we all please rise, raise and wave our hands over our heads and can I have a "Praise the Lord, "Hallelujah" "Praise Jesus" Amen!
Trying to explain or talk sense to a mule is only going to make you agitated and frustrated. The Mule isn`t paying attention nor is it interested. Moderator...please note (No Names mentioned) or initials either! Just like the fools that drank the Kool Aid in Jonestown years ago or had it bored down their throats if they resisted, todays Teabagger is much the same. Note, if the shoe fits...Wear It!
Cleo`s Mom, I am truly ashamed of myself. I somehow forgot to include as further justification of their ill behavior, their Bible which most use as a GPS to keep them on a moral track! Perhaps they got derailed once they got to John 3:16 Maybe they would be better off getting a new App for their iPhone instead!
A "True Patriot" can justify any act or behavior as long as their draped in a Flag (Ole Glory) and can sing out of tune a few verses of "God Bless America". Its really that simple! Most of these Teabagger`s are just pissed off that they have to wait till next January for the annual White Sale! They hate to pay full price for new sheets to wear at their next KKK rally.
By the way, anyone catch Sarah Palins (map) of the USA where she placed (cute) bulls-eye/cross-hairs ae: rifle barrel sights, to (target) elimination of certain politicians for this Novembers elections? Just a reminder to her (base) about what ever it takes to "remove" the enemy from office! Shuck, if I did`nt know better and she was`nt so damn (cute) I`d figure she was trying to stir up domestic terrorism. I think she will leave that for Fox News!
I LOVE JOE LIEBERMAN ! Betcha (he) knows how to "really" Teabag!