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Status Updates posted by NtvTxn

  1. Hey! Congrats on your surgery and weight loss. I just made my appt. today for the seminar and first doctors appt. (both in April) Surgery on June 11th!! Scheduling around my daughter's vacation and we are going to work in a recovery week for my husband and I in Galveston! I'm coming to Dallas to have it done...much less expensive than up north. We are from TX, so I have friends and family there. Is there anything I MUST know before getting sleeved that you wish you'd known? :) Have a great evening!


  2. "It Could Always Be Worse"

  3. "Seas The Day"

  4. DeeDee - I just looked at all your pictures. OMG - my surgery is scheduled for June 11th. You are such an inspiration! I can't wait. You are critiquing yourself way too much, you look wonderful.

  5. He just told me there would be much less after care. He said there is more risk of something going wrong DURING surgery, but much less chance of anything going wrong afterwards. Soooo, I been obsessive about reading these forums and anything I can find, and I am sold on it. I am not even considering the band now. I like the fact that they remove the 'stretchy' part of your stomach now, different from the 'olden' days and leave the muscle part, so less chance of any or much stretching.

  6. Hey again!! How are you? Will you be at Dr. Davidson's office this Monday? You mentioned being able to help us if we wanted to RENT when we first moved back to TX. Well, we are thinking about it. Can we talk? Can you help us rent anywhere in the metroplex? We'd be interested in the Las Colinas, Valley Ranch area. I HOPE, hope you can!!!!! If not, maybe you can direct me in the right direction!! :) Write when you get a chance! ttyl Stacy

  7. Hi Bigtex! You've had surgery!! What date? How are you? I've made some changes since we last wrote. I'm going with Dr. Davidson instead of Dr. Nick simply because I can have surgery on a Friday and that works better for me. I see where you said something about road trips are a little being a little rough, how far were you talking about and how soon out? Right after I'm released, I'm going to a friend's house in East Texas, it will be a three hour drive! Should I be prepared to be miserable? After my one week check up, my husband is coming down (we are out of state) and picking me up and we're headed to Galveston from Dallas for a week. Give me the low down, what should I expect??!! Tell me how you are, and what about getting off caffeine what is that all about?? Do tell!!! :) Have a great evening!

  8. Hi Devo!! I've done this already, I ordered them from a doctor's website. In fact, I signed up to have them come monthly, so there is no shipping! Yippee! I got the lemon this first time, and they are a little tart to me, so I'm getting chocolate this next time. I tried the gummy vit. first and now I have the other chewables, I do NOT like them, I'm going back to the gummy ones. I told my husband he will HAVE to finish up the chalky chewables! LOL I know what you mean about the chalky stuff! Thanks for the advice, I wasn't able to find the citrate at any of the stores around here, so I had to go on line!

  9. Hi Fencepost. I don't think that I've written you previously. I see that your doctor is Dr. Davidson, that is who I am using. I am FROM Texas, but we currently live out of state. My first appt. is April 6th, I'll be attending the seminar and Trevor has arranged for me to have some pre-op training the following day. Surgery is scheduled for June 11th. I am very excited. I'm hoping the time will fly by. Is there anything I should know? Anything you wish you'd known before hand that you did not? I am going to 'recover' the first week at a friend's house in East Texas, then my husband is coming to pick me up and we are spending a week at a beach house in Galveston before flying home. I have to kill time to get my 2 week post op visit in. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated! I can't wait to meet the doctor! Thank you in advance!

  10. Hi Lynda - Who's going to do your surgery? I'm scheduled for June 11th with Dr. Davidson in Dallas! I can't wait. Good luck....

  11. Hi Rene - I decided almost three weeks ago to get a sleeve! I was going to get banded, but changed my mind. I'm a Native Texan, and am coming back to Texas (Dallas) to have it done. My BMI is low (36) and I have no health issues, so insurance isn't going to cover it. Medical is much less expensive down there than it is in WI. Where are you having your surgery? It's almost time!! I can't wait, I made my appt. for the seminar and first appt. with the doctor (Nicholson) yesterday. I'm headed south the first week of April and plan on going back for the surgery in June. I can't wait!!! Good luck to you!!

  12. How are you??!! Do you feel better at all since we last talked??!!! I'm thinking about you!!! Good luck!!!!

  13. I bet you could see the suits on ebay, might be more trouble than you want to fool with, but something to think about! :) Congrats on the success!

  14. I just looked at your stats....did you lose all this weight since AUG of THIS YEAR???? OMG, for some reason I thought you had the sleeve done a year ago....last Dec. I can't wait!!!

  15. I see you are in the DFW area; who's going to do your surgery? I'm looking at Dr. Nicholson and Dr. Davidson.

  16. I'm laughing!! You weren't "big" to begin with, I hope you're finding life easy after being sleeved. The thought of NOT being hungry is wonderful. My BMI isn't real high, (36.5) which is why our insurance won't pay for WLS....and I have no health issues....darn the luck. LOL I hope this will avoid any future issues and I love the idea of going shopping and it being FUN. Isn't that silly??!!! How is Ft. Worth these days? We lived in Weatherford when we first got married and I used to drive over to FW and shop at Ridgemar sp? Mall. We went down Camp Bowie last spring and it has changed a lot since we were there last! I sooooo miss Texas! ttyl

  17. I'm scheduled to head to TX for the seminar and pre-op stuff the first week in April. I can't wait....I notice you've LOST 30 lbs before surgery. HOW??!!!! Congrats and good luck. I know you must be as excited as I am!!!!

  18. Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD!!

  19. KayKay! I have an appt. scheduled with Dr. Davidson April 6th and am penciled in for surgery June 11th. I am so excited. I've only spoken with Trevor, and he's the one reason I chose Dr. Davidson, he's been very helpful. How many sleeves has the doctor done, do you know? Y'all were happy with him and the outcome, correct? What size bougie does he do, do you know? Is there anything I should know ahead of time??!! Thank you in advance!! We are Native Texans, but are currently living out of state....so we are traveling back 'home' - it's less expensive. Have a great afternoon.

  20. Linda - I have another question about Dr. Nick....I've been reading a forum and people were discussing the 'size' of their sleeve. What size does Dr. Nicholson do?

  21. Linda, I am either going to do the sleeve or lap band. After talking to someone in Dr. James Davidson's office today, I'm leaning towards the sleeve. How do you like your doctor? I do NOT have one yet. I am a Native Texan but live in WI. I am coming to Dallas to have surgery. I'm self pay and it is very expensive here. Lap band is 18k - 25k!!! Anyway, let me know how you like Dr. Nicholson, I just book marked his web page, so far he and Dr. Davidson look the most promising! Thanks, you look great! Stacy

  22. Linda!! (this is too long, it's going to have to be THREE messages!!) I just found your messages!!! Thanks for responding! :) So YOU personally used Dr. Nick?? Dr. Davidson is my back up, but I've talked to someone in Dr. Nick's office twice now, and I feel really comfortable with them. I was just like you, I started out going to get a band, but then someone at a different doctor's office (maybe Davidson's) suggested the sleeve, because I live out of state. We are Native Texans, and have friends and family there....but we are currently living in Wisconsin. He said it would be difficult if something DID go wrong and there are the fills etc.

  23. Love the picture Tiff!

  24. My "Rag", Oliver will sit in my lap occasionally, but he'd rather sit by us. He is huge, almost 18 lbs. He is very 'dog like' - meaning, wherever we are, he is in the same room and near us. He meets us at the door and we can throw a mouse and he fetches! It is so funny! He carries his toys around from room to room. He's a real 'people' kitty and likes to visit with visitors. I will go look for your other ball of fluff! :) There is nothing like a Ragdoll.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
