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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. I'm out of state and self pay as well...I'm heading to Dr. James Davidson in Dallas. Phone number is 214-696-2890 web address is: Weight Loss Surgery Dallas Gastric Bypass Sleeve Gastrectomy LAP-BAND? Adjustable Gastric Band Home Page I have an appointment for the seminar in April and they are letting me have a pre-op appointment the following day since I am out of state; usually you do this two weeks prior to surgery. I have been penciled in for surgery for June, I'll fly in the day before for all the pre-surgery blood work. They are VERY easy to work with. I've been talking to Trevor. There is a one week follow up and then another one at two weeks. I don't know if that one is mandatory or not. We have planned a week in Galveston between week one and two, so it's not a big deal. Price is $12,500 and they are a center of excellence, which apparently, according to my doctor is something she told me to look for. Good luck!!!! :w00t:
  2. OMG - you poor thing! Good luck, I sure hope it helps you!!! I know what you mean about missing home!!! I love OKC!!! We were there last November, we spent the night on our way back to Wisconsin after Thanksgiving! We ate at Crab Town in Brick Town.....great area, our first time to see that new area!! I understand being home sick! We've been in WI for four years and I hate it....the cold, the snow. I used to love snow, or I thought I did until I had it from Dec. until Mar without it melting!! :) We are both Native Texans...I don't know when we'll ever move back, but one of these days. How 'bout you, will you ever get back home?

  3. I suffer from migraines....this caffeine talk worries me. I just made my seminar appt. today, I'm not going until April. I have plenty of time to prepare for all of this I guess. What is the purpose of no caffeine, any idea??
  4. I'm laughing!! You weren't "big" to begin with, I hope you're finding life easy after being sleeved. The thought of NOT being hungry is wonderful. My BMI isn't real high, (36.5) which is why our insurance won't pay for WLS....and I have no health issues....darn the luck. LOL I hope this will avoid any future issues and I love the idea of going shopping and it being FUN. Isn't that silly??!!! How is Ft. Worth these days? We lived in Weatherford when we first got married and I used to drive over to FW and shop at Ridgemar sp? Mall. We went down Camp Bowie last spring and it has changed a lot since we were there last! I sooooo miss Texas! ttyl

  5. Hey! Congrats on your surgery and weight loss. I just made my appt. today for the seminar and first doctors appt. (both in April) Surgery on June 11th!! Scheduling around my daughter's vacation and we are going to work in a recovery week for my husband and I in Galveston! I'm coming to Dallas to have it done...much less expensive than up north. We are from TX, so I have friends and family there. Is there anything I MUST know before getting sleeved that you wish you'd known? :) Have a great evening!


  6. NtvTxn

    VSG vs LapBand

    When I decided about a month ago that I was going to get WLS, I was going to get a band. Since I am going out of state, because of cost, (I'm going to be self pay and it's much less expensive in TX) I had narrowed it down to two doctors. I was talking to someone in the one who I have ended up deciding to use, and they suggested the sleeve since I was out of state. I would have a hard time finding someone to do the fills and going back and forth 1000 miles away was out of the question. He said that there is slightly more risk during surgery for the sleeve, but a bigger risk of something going wrong (erosion, slipping) after surgery with the band, and I would not want to be that far away and need my doctor. He just suggested that I do research and think about it, which I did for a couple of weeks before making a decision that the sleeve was right for me. I know a friend that got banded almost two years ago and is happy as a clam, so it is great for some obviously. Just read up and make a decision on what will work best for you! Good luck. I am going to Dallas....seminar in April, surgery in June. I can't wait. I made my appts. today!!! :tongue_smilie:
  7. Thanks Linda!! It does help and I agree with you, I want to be able to eat something! :) Y'all have a Merry Christmas! :)

  8. Linda - I have another question about Dr. Nick....I've been reading a forum and people were discussing the 'size' of their sleeve. What size does Dr. Nicholson do?

  9. Hi Rene - I decided almost three weeks ago to get a sleeve! I was going to get banded, but changed my mind. I'm a Native Texan, and am coming back to Texas (Dallas) to have it done. My BMI is low (36) and I have no health issues, so insurance isn't going to cover it. Medical is much less expensive down there than it is in WI. Where are you having your surgery? It's almost time!! I can't wait, I made my appt. for the seminar and first appt. with the doctor (Nicholson) yesterday. I'm headed south the first week of April and plan on going back for the surgery in June. I can't wait!!! Good luck to you!!

  10. Ugh, I bet you are looking forward to the other 'goodies'!! I'm so excited for you. How long is the pre-op diet? What kind of protein shakes have you tried? I was on the opti fast diet years ago, and from what I remember..IF those count, the opti fast shakes were NOT bad at all. I went 'soup shopping' Saturday and there is a LOT out there. I had Campbell's Tomato Bisque today, and it's good....I'd have to put it through a blender at the beginning, but the taste is good. Keep that in mind! :001_tongue: Keep me posted....Have a great evening!
  11. Has anyone used or does anyone know of this doctor? He also goes to Mexico to do surgery once a month from what I read on his web site.
  12. NtvTxn

    Indiana, Ohio or Florida?

    I may be a little biased, but Texas has some of the best doctors around. I have been obsessively checking out numerous ones the past two weeks and have narrowed it down to two in the Dallas area. Dr. Nick Nicholson and Dr. James Davidson. This won't mean anything to you, but "D Magazine" is the Dallas Magazine, and every year they put out an issue with the 'Top Doctors' in the Dallas metroplex. Both of these doctors have made the list. Dr. Davidson for seventeen years, and Dr. Nicholson for the past three or four. This is a pretty good stamp of approval. The sleeve with both doctors is between $12,200 and $12,500....and that includes everything. I know with Dr. Nick, it includes appointments after surgery at six months and twelve months too. So, you can google these guys, or send me a note and I'll send you a link, they both have web sites. Good luck!!
  13. I see you are in the DFW area; who's going to do your surgery? I'm looking at Dr. Nicholson and Dr. Davidson.

  14. Hey there! I was sad to see that the Cowboys LOST!! We are Native Texans....misplaced Texans right now. I see Dr. Nick is going to do your surgery. What can you tell me about him? I'm guessing that you like the doc and his staff. Any info you can tell me about what you have learned about the 'sleeve' would be greatly appreciated. I'm planning on making the trip for my consult in March and scheduling surgery for June. I don't want to wait, but it will be convenient for everyone, and we can work a 'vacation' into it after I recover at a friend's house for a week afterwards. All our family lives in Texas. So, between now and then....I'm going to be obsessively reading the forums and all the on line info I can find! Thank you in advance!
  15. Hi Wisc. Gal....I was just in Madison today! We are in Wisc. Rapids. It is EXPENSIVE to be self pay here in the north for some reason. I'm heading 'home' to Texas next summer and will save a bundle, although not quite as much as you. $12,200, but that includes everything, and I have friends and family there. I can't wait.....it's so exciting!!!
  16. I just looked at your stats....did you lose all this weight since AUG of THIS YEAR???? OMG, for some reason I thought you had the sleeve done a year ago....last Dec. I can't wait!!!

  17. Linda!! (this is too long, it's going to have to be THREE messages!!) I just found your messages!!! Thanks for responding! :) So YOU personally used Dr. Nick?? Dr. Davidson is my back up, but I've talked to someone in Dr. Nick's office twice now, and I feel really comfortable with them. I was just like you, I started out going to get a band, but then someone at a different doctor's office (maybe Davidson's) suggested the sleeve, because I live out of state. We are Native Texans, and have friends and family there....but we are currently living in Wisconsin. He said it would be difficult if something DID go wrong and there are the fills etc.

  18. He just told me there would be much less after care. He said there is more risk of something going wrong DURING surgery, but much less chance of anything going wrong afterwards. Soooo, I been obsessive about reading these forums and anything I can find, and I am sold on it. I am not even considering the band now. I like the fact that they remove the 'stretchy' part of your stomach now, different from the 'olden' days and leave the muscle part, so less chance of any or much stretching.

  19. NtvTxn

    Cost of Sleeve in Wisconsin WOW

    No, the cost for SELF PAY in Wisconsin for a band is 18k - 25k, I've called around. The band I am guessing is higher. Medical care up here is much more expensive. I talked to a lady at a hospital in Milwaukee last week and she said she knew it was less expensive in other areas I.E. Texas and CA and could not explain it unless they were competing with Mexico. Who knows...anyway, that is why I am going to Dallas to get my sleeve....total package cost $12,200, that includes the 1 week post-op visit, the two week if necessary. He wants to see you at six months, and that's included and then again in a year. It's a no brainer. This man has been named one of the 'Top Docs' in Dallas for the past four years...but he is not the only one with similar prices in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. Those are the ONLY three cities I checked. Definitely worth the flight, especially since we have family down there.
  20. NtvTxn

    Self Pay

    One question. The doctor I'm considering in TX has a follow up appt. one week later, six months later and then yearly afterwards for five years. All is included in the $12,200 price. Why does he want to see his patients that often? Is there a reason? What happens if there is a problem with a doctor in Mexico. I'm not ruling it out, I'm just curious, I want to cover all basis. I've heard this one doctor, Dr. Aceves, mentioned many times, he must be very good!!! Give me more info!!!
  21. I can't wait....I LOVE reading this stuff!!!! Y'all are real inspirations to those of us who haven't been 'sleeved' yet!!!
  22. NtvTxn

    Artificial sweetners

    anything that is sugar free has artificial sweetner in it, which concerns me with my frequent migraines. I'm on a preventive medication, and also have a stash of Imitrex, but I get more than my fair share per month! I can drink iced tea without lemon or sweetner, I do NOT like 'real' sugar in it, but coffee, especially Starbucks...yikes, as my grandfather would say, that stuff would put hair on your chest. I have to have milk and sweetner!! I LOVE IT, BUT.....LOL I feel so much better, and the migraines are LESS since I am OFF sweet 'n low and do am cautious about 'sugar free' anything.....I discovered this in July. I have never been a big Diet Coke fan, I don't like the after taste, and we've never ever kept soft drinks in our house. A fountain coke occasionally, but it's not my thing...thank goodness. WHAT is the thing with the sleeve and band and carbonation???!! Thanks for your input, I appreciate it! Have a nice Saturday! I'm headed out to do a little shopping!
  23. NtvTxn

    Artificial sweetners

    i appreciate the replies, thanks y'all.
  24. NtvTxn

    Artificial sweetners

    thank you so much....one more question!! i know we can't drink while we are eating, but how long beforehand should we NOT drink anything, and how long afterwards do we wait before drinking water, tea or whatever? again, thanks, I can't wait!! :w00t:
  25. NtvTxn

    Wisconsin VSGrs?

    Hi Aimee, I'm in Wisc. Rapids. Are we the only ones? I have not been 'sleeved' yet. I just made the decision this past week. I started out thinking I would get banded, but after MUCH research I've changed my mind. I've been obsessed about reading, and I've talked to two different doctor's offices in Texas. (I'm from TX and it is MUCH less expensive there) I know my ins. is not going to pay, so I'm looking else where. Medical care is so costly here....anyway, have you had it done? If so, tell me everything!!!! Have a great weekend! Stratusphr

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