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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. If someone comes on here and says they had a bad experience with MY doctor, well hell, so be it, not everyone is going to be happy and a doctor is not God....I am not going to make an ass of myself and defend them...all I can say is what my experience is, good or bad. Dr. Davidson has the 'center of excellence' distinction, just like many other in the DFW area, Dr. Nicholson for one....and that told me all I needed to know to begin with, I went from there. When we were self employeed back in Texas, I use to run an ad, "You get what you pay for" That is kind of how I approached this whole thing. 'Nuff said.
  2. Tiffany - I saw your name and even though this has nothing to do with this thread, you're the one I needed to ask, so since it's on my mind, I thought, no time like the present. My husband was wanting to know if there is any data on older patients 65+ that have been sleeved and then tragically been diagnosed with cancer? How have they faired through chemo treatment? Any kind of cancer/chemo. Any stats, is it any more difficult for us? I think he was a little concerned about the need for our supplements, keeping them down, the needed protein etc. Any answers on something like this and our need for additional calcium? Are more females who are sleeved, when we get older, are we at a bigger risk at osteoporosis? I really should have asked this at the seminar, but didn't even think about it. :smile1: Thank you in advance!
  3. Wow! You've done great! Congrats!
  4. My "Rag", Oliver will sit in my lap occasionally, but he'd rather sit by us. He is huge, almost 18 lbs. He is very 'dog like' - meaning, wherever we are, he is in the same room and near us. He meets us at the door and we can throw a mouse and he fetches! It is so funny! He carries his toys around from room to room. He's a real 'people' kitty and likes to visit with visitors. I will go look for your other ball of fluff! :) There is nothing like a Ragdoll.

  5. NtvTxn

    NSV shout outs

    I just looked at your pictures, wow, what an inspiration! I may have asked you this before, I'm not sure, but did you or have you had any excess 'skin issues'??
  6. NtvTxn

    49th birthday #1

    you look great.....and i see you have a beautiful kitty too. we have a Ragdoll that looks similar to the baby that's behind you in this picture! :drool5:
  7. NtvTxn

    NSV shout outs

    I can't wait to 'find' collar bones and hip bones!! Yay for you, congrats!!!
  8. Ok, I see what you are saying, but are we to believe that this ONLY happens with doctors or facilities that are out of the country? Does this happen to any U.S. doctors, here in the forums? Surely there are disgruntled employees within the states, people that have been fired or 'wronged'. Lord, we know how bit*hy women can be, if people are prone to post nasty things, it seems it would happen with doctors in Texas, Kansas, NY, Florida....you see what I mean!!
  9. I'm trying to imagine why someone would have a GOOD experience, love their doctor, have no problems and lie and say they did. Am I missing something??!!!
  10. I am shocked that posts are removed; all information should be out here for all of us to read and sift through. We should be equipped to ask question, research etc. How quickly some jump to attack and defend, makes me wonder why.
  11. NtvTxn

    Worried about so many things

    Tiffany - about the PPI - our ins. will cover the Prilosec, or whichever one the doctor prescribed for me when I was in Dallas last week, but the co-pay is $50, they did say I could get an OTC chewable if our ins. didn't cover it or if it the co-pay was high....I cannot remember which one it is, but what do you think about the OTC, will it be ok?
  12. I would be monitoring oral surgeons if I were currently looking into having my wisdom teeth pulled. I'd like to hear the good, the bad and the ugly...weed through it and come to my own conclusions. Surely this isn't a place where everyone sees nothing but rainbows and farts butterflies??!!!! LOL
  13. My current/starting BMI is 35.5 and I'm healthy as a horse...so even though our insurance covers WLS, it will not even consider me. I'm self pay and to me, this is preventive maintenance. =)
  14. NtvTxn

    Hi from Louisiana

    Good luck, the time will fly by!!!!
  15. NtvTxn

    Greek Yogurt

    Our WM doesn't carry it, but I'll ask the dairy guy about it next time I'm up there! I got the Dannon plain Greek yogurt at WM last night and it is good....the single size is a little over 5 oz and has 15 gr of protein. The only thing that isn't about the same as the Okios is it has 10 gr of cholesterol, but that isn't an issue for me. It was a $1 per.
  16. NtvTxn

    Greek Yogurt

    I like the Brown Cow too, but they don't carry it in our little town. I've gotten it before when we shop at the Woodlands, a large grocery store about an hour from us....but we aren't there on a regular basis! It is also less expensive, which is nice!
  17. NtvTxn

    Greek Yogurt

    Okios is what I buy....the plain because the carbs are so low. I add stivia to sweeten it when I make a smoothie or whatever and last night I used it for sour cream on a baked potato, and so did my husband....it really does taste like sour cream!
  18. BTW - I can't wait to go shopping.....you make it sound sooooo fun!
  19. I initially thought I'd get banded, but when someone suggested I investigate further and told me to read up on the sleeve, I was sold. I still cannot imagine getting to goal, actually losing 75 - 80 lbs!!! It seems like a dream that I'm so close to getting started on this journey, you so inspire me, thanks!
  20. Did you have ANY idea that this was even possible? I cannot begin to wrap my mind around losing enough weight to fit into a 6 - 8 or even a size 10!!! Did you lose most of your weight with the band or sleeve or was it a combo Tiff?
  21. NtvTxn


    My surgery is scheduled for June 11th.....I think every doctor is different. My pre-op diet isn't horrible, some people have a 2 week liquid diet. Ugh....it could always be worse! :thumbup:
  22. NtvTxn


    All my vitimins will be chewable except the B12, it disolves under my tongue...I take Topamax to help prevent migraines, and it comes in granuals, or I can crush them and take them with a touch of yogurt the nurse said....I am giving up my Imitrex (migraine med) and my PCP wrote me a script for Maxalt, rapid disolving. Six weeks for the tummy to heal, he is serious about being careful I guess. His sleeve patients don't start 'regular' food until week seven. One week clear liquids, two weeks full liquids and three weeks soft/mushies.
  23. NtvTxn


    I just attended the seminar last week, and my doctor says no pill swallowing for six weeks. Does the medication come in another form, I.E. pill, liquid or granuals? If so, that is what you will probably need to do, or else see if your PCP can put you on another medication that will be just as affective for the time being that does come in liquid, rapid disolving etc. Good luck!
  24. You'd LOVE San Antonio!! I hope he'll get that assignment! My fingers will be crossed for you and I'll say a prayer!! When will you know, any idea??!! Good luck!!! Is your whole family in Texas? In-laws? I hate waiting....it's nerve wracking!!? I am so excited about the sleeve. I made the decision back in Dec. and have been obsessivly reading up on it....and this forum has really helped a lot. I've learned so much! They want me to lose 15 - 20 lbs between now and June 11th, so hopefully that will not be difficult. I've started two Protein smoothies a day and am just eating a regular meal at night. I'll see how that goes. I've got two months, surely it will be plenty of time! It seems much easier than the two week pre-op diet. I guess living out of state has it's advantages! They let me do the pre-op meeting while I was there....and gave me all the instructions...I have a head start!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
