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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. NtvTxn

    Looking for Texas Sleevers???

    I am a lot happier with the staples out! He left one, the one in my navel and it came out a couple of days ago, and I'm glad. I was patting dry after my shower and it ended up on the towel! Anyway, I am in Galveston this week, but will be at a nutrition class the a week from tomorrow, will you be there? I'd love to meet you too. I agree, I think he did a bang up job. I am totally off of pain meds for two nights now. I'm doing cream soups now. I'm trying to be creative. This Protein business is driving me nuts. I'm sitting at a Star bucks now but coffee isn't good to me any more. I hope that doesn't last. I brought my own decaf iced tea, my husband is drinking coffee. We have no internet at the beach house. What a bummer! Oh well....I'll be back and check my email etc. in a couple of days! Take care!!! Glad you are doing well. Hope to meet you soon!!
  2. NtvTxn

    Baby..oh Baby!!

    Hello from Galveston Tiffany! Week #2, I'm recovering at the beach. Gotta kill time before my 2nd follow up visit with the doc. Anyway, this has nothing to do with a baby, but you said you never used Protein supplements. Yay, I cannot, I have tried. The taste was killing me. I am a week out as of yesterday, I have not had to use my medication for naseau at all, I have not been sick at all. I don't want to start now. I can spend hours trying to get a shake down....I finally gave up because I was freaking out about Water, and just focused on liquids that I could do, crystal lite, water and Sobe. Anyway, this week I can have liquid yogurt and anything that will 'go through a straw' so i'm being creative. Greek yogurt, plain, I'm adding Weight Watchers Key Lime or whatever for flavor and then skim milk to thin it. Blend it and there ya go. I can only do this once a day, and am only using half the Greek yogurt. It's not enough. I've added boiled shrimp to Campbell's healthy choice chicken gumbo Soup and blended it, but I'm not hungry. I'm eating about an eighth of a cup once or twice a day. Do you have any suggestions? The good news is, I'm down 30 lbs since my first meeting with my doctor back on Apr. 6th. :biggrin0: Thanks Tiff!
  3. NtvTxn

    Hey Hey!

    Hey 'Sleeve Sister' - how are you? How are you feeling/doing? I am good, basically no pain at all since surgery. Staples are out, the last one that he was going to take out next week, FELL OUT two days ago! It really feels much better! :biggrin0: I am not hungry at all. I'm doing pretty good with liquids, but am doing horribly with getting Protein in. I get to full to fast. I am making my own 'liquid yogurt' which is allowed for me now. I'm using Greek yogurt, adding weigh watchers for some flavor, and skim milk to make it thin. He said it must go through a straw. I do good to get in 20 grams of protein a day, I can do this because it tastes good, if it was yucky, there is NO WAY!! How do you do it, or are you able to??!! I've been thinking of you!
  4. What is life like 2 months out? I'm a week out. I cannot get my protein in. I'm trying all sorts of creative things. Adding shrimp to Campbells healthy choice chicken gumbo was my deal tonight. Dr. Davidson said it has to go through a straw, and it did. The blender is great. I'll be glad when week 4 gets here.

  5. NtvTxn

    Looking for Texas Sleevers???

    Sleeved a week ago yesterday in Dallas by Dr. James Davidson. Basically NO pain after surgery. I had a migrine that was a killer, a side affect from the paid meds, but once I could take MY prescription meds the next morning I was 'tender' but pain free. I took Tylenol w/Cod only at night to help me relax and sleep, but mostly so I could sleep on my side comfortably...and did that for six nights. I love the sleeve, I have NO hunger, very weird feeling. I am having trouble getting in enough protein. It has not happened yet. :biggrin0: How about you that are a year or more out, does the hunger come back at all? I am so full trying to get in protein, it is uncomfortable.
  6. Loved him!! I'm really happy I did this for myself too. Great people up there! I finished my 'protein' drink that I made with the Greek yogurt and skim milk. I am so pleased that I liked it and drank it all. Five weeks out? So you are on soft foods? Tell me what you are eating with that? During the first three weeks, did you do like I am, blending stuff to try and get in Protein or just stick with the shakes or bullets? Congrats!
  7. NtvTxn

    Will I ever eat a reular meal again?

    I don't understand it Tiffany. Before surgery, if I didn't eat, I would get the shakes and/or develop a headache, but now....no hunger, no shakes, headache, nothing. How can that be??
  8. Dr. James Davidson did my surgery at Forest Park last Friday. The place was great. I had basically no pain from the time I woke up, but I was plagued with a killer migraine. By the next morning someone figured out that the pain killer I was getting was making the migraine go away, but a side affect was a headache as soon as it wore off. A vicious cycle! As soon as I had my leak test the next morning I could take my migraine medication by mouth, it disolves under my tongue. I didn't have a drain, I was dreading that, so I was relieved. I stayed one night, the staff was really good, all of them. Staples out today and I've lost 4 lbs since last Friday. So far so good, no hunger AT ALL. WOW!
  9. NtvTxn

    Post Op Clears to full liquids

    Hi 'Goodlife' - I worried a little about Protein, but I worried MORE about staying hydrated!! I had to make a choice. The bullets of protein and the protein powders....ugh, I just have a hard time, and that first day I wasn't getting protein OR liquid. Thanks for responding!
  10. NtvTxn

    Post Op Clears to full liquids

    Thanks Jillian! I got the staples out today and the doctor told me, "nothing for the next two weeks that won't go through a straw" - so I questioned him a little, and he said if it is thin enough to go through a straw and NO chunks or lumps, I can have it. With that said, off to the store I went, I came home and got plain Greek yogurt, a banana, skim milk and came home! I am currently drinking a Protein shake made of half a container of Greek yogurt, half a banana, 3/4 cup of skim milk and a packet of Stivia. Yum! Sip, sip, sip!! I appreciate you taking time to respond!!
  11. NtvTxn

    Post Op Clears to full liquids

    Tiffany - surgery was last Friday and I'm on the mend. Staples come out today. I had little or no pain. Just tenderness where the staples are. My question is this. HOW do I possibly get in enough Protein and Water?? I think I did good on liquid yesterday, but protein, not even close. I do NOT want to dehydrate, that is my main concern at this point. I am sipping on a water with some New whey protein in it now, but it will take all day to get the whole 'bullet' down. Ugh! Any hints would be appreciated. I am hoping to go to full liquids today and not have to wait the full 7 days. (Friday) We'll see!! I am NOT hungry at all.....it's amazing. I LOVE my sleeve and Dr. Davidson!! Yay!
  12. How are you??!! Do you feel better at all since we last talked??!!! I'm thinking about you!!! Good luck!!!!

  13. Thanks....I'm thinking of you too!!!!!! Good luck!!

  14. NtvTxn

    Just my luck

    I saw in another thread where you were one day out! How do you feel one day later??!! I'm so curious and so anxious to get to Texas and get this done!! I can't wait! Good luck to you!!
  15. Hi Jennymac - I don't live there...or I'd be happy to help you out and take you to your hotel. I'm not sure, but if you get a hotel (and also ask your doctor about close hotels that will give medical rates) that is close to the hospital and one that deals with patients and visitors, you might get a shuttle. If you haven't booked a room yet, ask! Just an idea!
  16. Hi Maddie - My surgery is Friday too - (11th) with Dr. Davidson, who is doing yours? Mine will be at Forest Park Medical Center. I fly in on Wed.
  17. NtvTxn

    32 French, "tight sleeve"

    I'm thinking of you!!! Mine is on Friday!
  18. I made the decision to have WLS last Dec. (i'm self pay) I was going to get banded. After much, MUCH research and after starting out on the band forum and ending up here in my 'knowledge quest' I changed my mind in January. The sleeve just seems like 'the perfect' tool all the way around. You need to make up your own mind though, and read...any question you have, ask Tiffikins, she is a wealth of knowlegde! Good luck!
  19. I fly to Dallas in four days! Surgery next Friday, then I'll join you and the others! Yay! I'm am SO anxious!
  20. there shouldn't be any problem taking Protein powder on the plane. you can always go to GNC or Whole Foods and get the travel packets, or 'sample' packet sized to take! i thought about getting ramen Soup or something to 'strain' so i'd have broth, i've had the same thoughts about flying home.
  21. NtvTxn

    Cool book for WLS patients

    I've bookmarked it Tiff, thanks!
  22. I'm glad you asked, I was wondering the same thing. I've told close friends, but then there are those who I see but aren't close enough to tell....good answers! Hey, we're almost there!! :ohmy:
  23. NtvTxn

    June Surgery anyone?

    June 11th - me too! Good luck!
  24. NtvTxn

    hunger on clears

    Hi Deb - I hope you can answer my question. My surgery is June 1th. I've gotten some Soup for my clear liquid stage. Does beef broth count as a clear? I can't find it mentioned. Thanks!
  25. NtvTxn

    Wisconsin VSGrs?

    Hey there! Congrats!! How are you feeling??!! Funny that you just posted, my husband and I are heading to Milwaukee in about an hour, we've got Brewers tickets for tonight!!! My surgery is two weeks from today, I fly to Dallas June 9th (Wed) and surgery will be on the 11th!! How did you do, is there anything I should know that you were surprised about??!!! I am so excited, I can't wait to get started on this journey!!! Have a great weekend, I'll check in Saturday night!!

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