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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. NtvTxn

    2% vs 1%/Skim Milk

    My doctor says skim or 1% - but 2% and whole are off limits. I've just been drinking skim for about fifteen years now, drinking anything else feels like cheating. =)
  2. NtvTxn

    2% vs 1%/Skim Milk

    You'll get use to the skim milk, it will just take a while. Pour the 2% down the drain. There is very little difference between it and whole milk....the doctor told my daughter that nobody over the age of two should drink anything other than skim! I was stuck at DFW airport, my flight was canceled and I ended up getting 1% milk from Wendy's because that is what they had. It tasted wonderful, but I felt GUILT!!!! I do not want to sabatage (sp??) myself. It is easy to justify something as harmless as milk, but a little here and a little there...then it's a lb here and a lb there. =) I'd ditch it like a cheap date!
  3. I drink decaf iced tea. It saves me!
  4. Your post caught my attention. All of a sudden, the past four days I am having migraines...every day. I am a migraine sufferer, but ever since my surgery I had NOT HAD A HEADACHE. It's been wonderful, not one until four days ago. We had thought I'd be able to add one food at a time back, I'm keeping a log and then I could find any food triggers, but then here we go, headaches without any new foods. What do you think is causing your headaches??!!! I'm at a loss. HELP!!!
  5. I had basically NO pain. I took pain medication at night for the first week just to help me sleep. I had the easiest surgery, but I have no health issues, so I think that made a difference. It hurt when I would cough and I avoided sneezing for about two weeks! =) I am into my fifth week, it's been great, I took an afternoon nap for the first three weeks, it IS major surgery, you do get tired easily, keep that in mind, do not over-do. Take care of yourself, it is difficult to get your liquid in. First think I do in the mornings, from the beginning is get a glass of skim milk, I started out with a half cup and am up to a full 8 oz now. I discovered Atkins ready to drink tastes good, and it has 15 grams of protein, so that helps with getting protein in. The 'bullets' from GNC are only 3.4 oz - I sip them straight...I don't like them, but they're 42 grams of protein so i can manage to get one down throughout the day. If you can get in your protein, it helps with healing and losing weight. Also, a heating pad that first 7 days or so really helps when you're sitting around the house. I really felt remarkably good after surgery....good luck to you. The sun zaps you, I'm a Native Texan and my father in law was a football coach, pace yourself! =)
  6. It is so strange. I don't enjoy coffee any more and pre-op I put a packet of Stivia in my iced tea, and not, I cannot find the right amount. Half a packet is too much, I don't like it without one, I'm trying to find the right amount. Those are my biggies as far as changes, but those are big one for me! =)
  7. Do you worry at all about the fat in pork rinds? I know they have protein, but is it enough to justify the fat, that is what I'm trying to decide!!! I've been wanting to ask this question and keep forgetting!!!! HELP!!! :biggrin0:
  8. NtvTxn

    Hubby's 1 Month Progress Pics

    Ian's doing great!!! You can definitely see the difference! Congrats!
  9. NtvTxn

    BM after the Sleeve

    Pre-op I would go once a day, maybe twice. NOW, one time a week. So weird. I'm not taking anything yet, but I've heard about people taking a sip of MOM once a day and I think I may start that.
  10. NtvTxn

    Share your surgeon!

    I just had surgery on June 11th with Dr. James Davidson at Forest Park in Dallas. He is at Presbyterian Hospital. I'd recommend him. Self pay is $12,510, that includes everything, including up to two nights in the hospital. All aftercare up to your three month visit. They do consider you a patient for life and he wants to see you every few months if possible and annually after the first year. The staff is great, Forest Park is wonderful. Sandy, Dr. Davidson's nurse....you get her cell phone number and it is ON from 6 AM until mid-night, 365 days a year. 'Nuff said!
  11. My doctor really wants to protect the staple line! Three weeks of 'it must go through a straw'! Oh boy! Fourth of July weekend and I can have real food! Actually this Friday is three weeks for me....I'm not hungry at all ever, although I do feel 'something' occasionally. The taste of real food will be nice!
  12. It isn't gas, just an uncomfortable feeling, I shift and it's fine for a little while. It's weird. My husband thinks it is just everything healing. I'll ask today. I'm sure it is nothing. It isn't pain and it is mostly when I'm riding in the car. I really noticed it when we were coming back from Galveston to Dallas, but even one day when we went to Houston, it was uncomfortable, not painful, just shifting positions every so often. I am hoping it doesn't last long. I am on a plane tomorrow! Ugh. How are you feeling this morning?
  13. I'm curious if anyone else has had this experience. This started for me about five days ago. Surgery was on the 11th. When I sit for any length of time, it bothers me up under my ribs, just a little uncomfortable, like I need to 'shift' positions. The only way to compare the way it feels is it reminds me of how it felt when I was pregnant and the baby would be 'up under my ribs'. Make sense? Has anybody else had this feeling? Any idea WHAT it is?? It is so weird.
  14. NtvTxn

    i cheated!!

    Add a little Greek yogurt for some extra Protein, and it will thin them some too. I ate them on full liquids, which I'm still on, only about 2 TB, when my husband and I went to Ninfa's in Houston. I ate a little of his. They are very thin there and went down easy. I squished them to make sure, but they were fine. I bought a can and did what you did, added a little cheese and yogurt too. I ate just a little. I did feel guilty, like I cheated, but I think they sat heavy with me, but it may have been all in my head.
  15. NtvTxn

    5 more days......

    You'll do great, this past Friday was was two week 'suriversary'. I feel wonderful. I've had very little discomfort. Turning over in bed was the worst, I had to be careful. If you are leaving your hometown, take a heating pad, it is wonderful. Don't bother taking a nightgown or slippers, they will have you in a hospital gown and those little hospital slippers your entire stay! Be prepared for a change in tastes after surgery. I'm from Texas and love everything COLD, extra ice. After surgery, the first week anyway, I like everything room temp., even milk. Very strange!
  16. NtvTxn


    I am worried about counting carbs. I've gotten a book, hopefully tomorrow, when I meet with the nut for the first time, I'll get a guideline. I've never 'counted' anything that 'counted' like this! Thanks Tiffany!
  17. Yay for you!!!!! I have clothes now that fit comfortably that were snug before. Like you, now they look good. Isn't it great??!!! I have a few things that will be too big in a week or two, I just know it!
  18. I know this sounds weird, but I started making an EFFORT to eat slower before surgery....I would fill up and leaving food ON MY PLATE for the first time in my life, was satisfying. It is strange to do it, but it was satisfying. I have china that I love and seldom use, the salad plates are beautiful, I think that when I get back home, my DH and I will both use them. He is so supportive and it will be fun for him too. He can just get refills. He doesn't need to lose weight. I have my grandson's silverware, I may try using it. The toddler size may be perfect!
  19. NtvTxn

    What are your favorite snacks

    Yikes, we are Starbucks addicts....pleeeeeeeeze check the fat gram count of the whipped cream, it is the real deal and I swear, once I found out WAY before my surgery, a few years ago in fact, the actual amount, I never got it again. It's like a million grams! Ok, maybe not quite that much...but it might as well be. Sadly, the SF cool whip or Rediwhip is what we need to drag along to add. That stuff they have.....is lethal. :confused1:
  20. NtvTxn

    Will I ever eat a reular meal again?

    Tiffany - this is GREAT. I think this is what "normal" thin people eat. Isn't it wonderful??!! If things stay this way, I pray that I will do what I am doing now. On this trip to Texas for my surgery and the two weeks we have been here for my follow up visits, I am 'eating out' with my husband....we were at El Fenix just last night. I 'ate' - not because I was hungry, but because it was totally social. I realize at some point in a couple of months I'll be able to eat more, but I ordered a cup of tortilla Soup and it 'tasted' marvelous. I ENJOYED it even though I only ate a teeny, tiny bit of it. I wasn't hungry, but I needed to eat a little something and he was eating, so we had dinner together. The atmosphere was nice and I brought the rest home to his sisters house. I'll have it this evening. I am curious, are you hungry now or do you eat because you need to and because it tastes good?
  21. NtvTxn


    Tiff - early on, did you stick to ONLY eating Protein, not adding veggies, like you mentioned below at all? if so, for how long? i'll be getting to the mushy stage before long and before i know it, i'll be at the end of week six and that is when i will start adding everything. any advice/hints will be appreciated. BTW - I LOVE MY SLEEVE!! i have had NO HUNGER for two weeks now! WOW!!
  22. I slept on my side from day one, IN the hospital, but still, at 2 weeks out, I have to have a pillow under my tummy no matter which side I'm sleeping on. I'm a side sleeper, it would have been difficult had I not been able to do this. Ugh, I feel for you! Just find a nice soft, flat pillow and work with it. As far as fluids, my main concern is getting fluids in. I do not want to end up in ER with an IV, so I watch the color of my urine!! :confused1: I don't know HOW much is going in, but I am sipping something from the time I get up until I go to bed, or so it seems. Part of that is 12 oz of skim milk, so at least I am getting SOME Protein in, because very little is the yucky protein we are suppose to be doing. I DO have protein 'bullets' and I will take a swig of one a few times a day, but not nearly what we are suppose to do. YUCK!!!! I am working in some Soup with cheese, and Greek yogurt a little at a time at this point. Just not enough. Pleeeeeze week 4, get here! Good luck!!
  23. NtvTxn

    Need Ideas

    I've made some great baked potato, brocclli, cheese Soup. Bake a potato, steam some broc. Put the brocclli in the blender with about a third of a can of Campbell's cream of potato soup, and some skim milk, blend a little. Add this to the mashed baked potato. Add a little Greek yogurt, a TB or 2 for some added Protein and then some skim milk to thin it to however thin you want it. Heat and add cheese and melt. I use 2% cheddar. This is heavenly. I only used a little over a half cup of broc to one baked potato. Good luck!
  24. Hey again!! How are you? Will you be at Dr. Davidson's office this Monday? You mentioned being able to help us if we wanted to RENT when we first moved back to TX. Well, we are thinking about it. Can we talk? Can you help us rent anywhere in the metroplex? We'd be interested in the Las Colinas, Valley Ranch area. I HOPE, hope you can!!!!! If not, maybe you can direct me in the right direction!! :) Write when you get a chance! ttyl Stacy

  25. NtvTxn

    My new journey

    What is a super sleeve? Hi Kathy!!! Are you still 'loving' your sleeve as much as I am? No hunger, what-so-ever! It is truly amazing! I am eating only about an eighth of a cup of soup twice a day, if I eat more, I feel uncomfortable. I concoctocted (sp?) a baked potato, brocclli, cheese soup that is wonderful. I thin it with skim milk and add a little Greek yogurt. I put the brocclli in the blender with some skim milk and a little Cambells cream of potato soup and blend. Then add it to a smashed baked potato and thin it all with more skim milk, heat it up and add cheese and a little yogurt. It's devine! I hope you are doing well. My two week appointment is Monday.

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