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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. Go!!! Don't over-do but have fun. I had surgery on June the 11th in Dallas, (we live out of state but are from Texas) I hung around with family members for a week, went to my one week ck up and had my staples removed and then my husband and I headed for Galveston to a rented beach house for week two of my recovery!! (I had my doctor's blessing!) We drove, it was five hours and the only instructions I had were to get out EVERY hour and walk for a few minutes to prevent blood clots!! It was wonderful, restful and the best decision I made! We headed back to Dallas for my two week check up and then I flew home!! At three weeks I felt great, actually I was feeling really good by week two! Have fun....nothing is better for the soul then the sand, sun and surf!!
  2. NtvTxn

    Gurgling Stomach

    I have the same thing. I'm into week 8 - I contacted my nurse, who is our 'go to' person and she said it is normal, said it is 'gas' or something like that, but it is intestinal.....anyway, she said gas X strips should work and they do. If I can remember I will take on BEFORE I eat and I will avoid it altogether. Hope this helps, it's funny, I tell my husband that it's my new tiny tummy talking to us!! LOL
  3. I bet you could see the suits on ebay, might be more trouble than you want to fool with, but something to think about! :) Congrats on the success!

  4. I'm into week eight and I'm on the scale almost every single day! :thumbup1: I can't help it. I've gone DAYS and the scale hasn't moved...or it will go up one day and down the next, but this is a marathon, not a sprint. I'm doing everything right, so I'm not worried!! I am sure my body thinks I'm starving and at times it is HOLDING ONTO EVERYTHING...literally for days at a time. Several times the scales haven't moved for four or five days or it will go up a lb one day and down the next. Then one day I'll get on and be down two and it will stay that way! It's great, I love it. I know that once I was able to, and figured out that I needed to UP MY Protein, it helps!! I get in between 60 and 80 grams per day. I've settled on GNC protein bullets, Blue Raspberry are the least offensive!! LOL Only 3.4 oz and I can take a few sips in the AM a few around lunch and then again later on and finish it up....and I've gotten in 42 grams!! This flavor is not bad, the grape was STRONG!! Good luck....sorry to be so wordy!!
  5. Don't get discouraged, I have done the same thing or will stay the same for two weeks even going up a lb, then back down the next day. Did you read the entries after yours. It is weird what our bodies do. I don't worry about it, I know I'm not doing anything wrong. I am eating NO refined surgar, I am only eating fruits once or twice a week , as instructed by my nut. - so I'm on track. My protein is way up, at least 60 per day, and sometimes as high as 80. Slow and steady is good....patience is a virtue, that's my motto!! :thumbup1: Hang in there!!!
  6. NtvTxn

    FINALLY -- 50 pounds

    Nevermind, I didn't read far enough! LOL
  7. NtvTxn

    FINALLY -- 50 pounds

    Congrats!!! One question, what is a pouch re-set?
  8. I am into week 7 and would do it again in a heartbeat!! I've had zero problems! Basically no pain from day 1. I wasn't sick at all, ever. There is no food that I've tried that I can't eat. I'm losing weight at a healthy, steady pace. I feel great and have taken four bags of clothes to Good Will. I put on a pair of 34x34 jeans yesterday that I hadn't worn in years. You know how we keep clothes 'just in case'- the first bag of clothes I donated contained a pair of 40x34!!! Yippee! Life is good!!!
  9. We must have been sleeved about the same time. My date was June 11th. I lost 23 lbs pre-op, 47 lbs total. We are doing just about the same it would seem! Congrats!! I feel great, how about you? I think we've 'talked' before, what doctor did you use? I went to Dr. Davidson. Write when you get a chance. Stacy

  10. OMG - you're doing great! I was talking to my hairdresser this week and he has several weight loss patients. He said that the ones who lose slow and steady are the ones who are much less likely to have hair issues. He said the ones who have drastic weight loss quickly are the ones he sees that have problems. My fingers are crossed. This is not a sprint, it's a long distance marathon!! =) :thumbup1:
  11. There are definitely peaks and valleys. Like I said, I've had three periods of just staying put or going up and down for four or five days. You wouldn't think in only 6.5 weeks that could happen so often, but it has! I lost so much pre-op because I cut out all bread, baked chips, two Snacks a day.....I totally changed the way I ate except I always ate a regular dinner, but no before bed snack. I had two months of pre-op dieting. I live out of state, so I couldn't go back two weeks ahead of time. I worked on it diligently and really developed some good habits. Oh, and I cut out caf. coffee, I don't know if that made a difference, but the doc wanted me off of it two weeks before hand, so I just slowly tapered off starting two months out. I would have hated doing the two week pre-op two Protein drinks a day thing, that would have been hard...I did do one a day though, and finally found something I could drink. That is also something I cut out, cold Cereal. I guess carbs were cut way down! He wanted me to lose 15 - 20 and I lost 23. I'm sure some of it had to be Water, but certainly not all of it.
  12. Ok, I just went and looked, my protein bullets are 180 calories that I have NOT been counting. Ooops, and my Bariatric Advantage Calcium citrate are 80 calories per day. ( for all 4 ) I have a hard time counting four pills! Anyway, I drink some where between one half to a full protein bullet...but am getting a lot of protein from eggs, cottage cheese, 2% cheese, seafood, I.E. tuna, shrimp, Cod etc. I start each day and end each day with 8 oz of skim milk. The bullets pack 42 grams of protein, so I fill in with whatever I need....plus some! I have a lot of energy. Go figure, but I do need to up my calories, so I'm working on that, although, now I guess I will count the bullet! Thanks! :001_smile:
  13. NtvTxn

    looking for DFW area members

    I was sleeved June 11th by Dr. Davidson at Forest Park....we currently live out of state, but our house is up for sale and we are moving home. Would love to meet up with y'all if you've got a group together...I know this thread is a little older, but it looks like some people are still posting; I think there's still some interest!!
  14. I'm averaging 4 lbs per week. Although I've been "stuck" for days at a time, but then it will kick in again. I think my body holds on because I'm taking in between 350 and 600 calories per day and it thinks it's starving!! Last week I finally figured out - UP THE PROTEIN and I kicked it into overdrive. I'm not taking in between 65 and 90 grams per day. I lost 4 lbs in 5 days last week! It works!! I've lost 25 lbs since surgery on June 11th.
  15. NtvTxn

    I need a mentor

    Hi Jackie - I was sleeved six weeks ago and had a GREAT experience. I love my sleeve. I currently live out of state. We will be moving back to Texas (Dallas) as soon as our home sells, but I had my surgery in Dallas at Forest Park. Who is doing your surgery? Ask me anything. I can tell you that I had basically NO pain after surgery, all the things that I read about, I didn't experience. The gas, burping etc. I had none of that. I have been very lucky. I do have 'gurgling' when I eat, it's in my throat/upper stomach, but if I take a gas X strip before I eat, it takes care of it. I have not been hungry at all since I had surgery. Apparently some are, but I have not been. I eat becaue it tastes good and I know I need to. I feel like my day revolves around taking Vitamins and drinking...oh, and getting in protein! I gave up on Protein drinks except Atkins, their good. The others take too long. I got the 'bullets' from GNC, 42 grams each, and they're only 3.4 oz. I open on and just take a few sips. Not something you'd order when out to eat, but it doesn't make me gag. I rinse my mouth out and will do it again later. Since I'm eating more now, I drink a half one a day, earlier I needed to drink a full one unless I drank an Atkins too. Oh....a heating pad right after surgery is essential, felt wonderful. Walk, sip and get the protein in. Don't freak out when you don't lose weight for five or six days. All of a sudden you'll wake up and be down three lbs! It's the best decision I've ever made! Good luck and like I said, ask me anything!
  16. During my 'soft' food diet, week 3 - 6...I guess that is what others refer to as their mushy diet. I was allowed shaved deli meat, thin sliced, tuna in water with a little lite mayo...canned chicken. Crispy, thin, diet toast. I never could figure out how this was 'soft' but it went down well and I loved a little 2% cheddar on it after I toasted it, I pop it under the broiler for a sec. Ground beef and ground turkey....which means I could have the inside of an enchilada!! :biggrin0: So, this is just what MY 'bariatric Bible' says, in addition to mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, oatmeal etc. Hope this helps a little! Refried beans with some cheese was one of my favorties! :svengo:
  17. I've had NO problems. No pain, I have had NO hunger since surgery. I have not been sick one time and I have been able to eat any food I've introduced back into my diet. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I wish sleeve surgery had been around as a stand alone surgery ten years ago and I'd known about it!! I love, love my sleeve! I feel great!
  18. I may be eating a little more than you, but are you ever hungry? I'm not. It is so weird. I had surgery the day after you. I've had the easiest time ever. I'm just working to get in my protein. I started out today with a half cup of cottage cheese, a staple with me now days, I have some every night with dinner. High in protein. I had an egg and an egg white for lunch and sprinkled a little bit of 2% cheese on them. I drank about a third of a protein bullet and I've been drinking decaf iced tea all day, I'm on my second 16 oz glass, I have about half of it down. I spend my days drinking it seems! I never have room for more than a few green Beans or a couple of bites of mashed potatoes or black eyed peas. I don't snack at all, never any fruit, I had a small, LF small cheese stick one time just because it was 7 grams of protein. I eat because it tastes good, to eat with my husband and because I know I need to. How about you?
  19. Carbonation is a NO NO with my doctor and with every doctor I considered....I'm not even suppose to let one sit out and go flat.
  20. I don't see why not. Just not very thick. I 'LICKED' my husband's bar-b-q'd chicken and shrimp.....seriously, just to taste it!!! I wasn't even hungry, he really just wanted me to taste it, it was new seasoning and sauce he was trying out, we were hanging out in Galveston while I was recovering!
  21. NtvTxn

    Straws? Can anyone shed some light for me?

    Sonic should pay for advertising here! Looks like we aren't the only ones who love them! I haven't EATEN there in years, and I'm not even a soft drink person, but three weeks before surgery my husband and i shared a vanilla coke....still, my favorite part was the ice!! ha ha It was great when I could finally take a 'real' drink. It's much easier to get in all the liquid I need to get in every day. I am an iced tea addict....decaf is my favorite, I sweeten it with Stivia.
  22. NtvTxn

    Straws? Can anyone shed some light for me?

    Sonic has THE best ice!!! I started using a straw about 10 days out and have never had a problem! I also drink more using a straw. I'm five weeks out and I guess at about four weeks I noticed that I don't have to "sip" any longer, I can't just gulp but I am taking a more normal drink.
  23. NtvTxn

    2% vs 1%/Skim Milk

    That's funny, you did it exactly how my family and I did it years ago. From whole to 2%, then 1% before we went to skim. By then, even our girls didn't complain. Now, I'm like you, it feels like a coating of fat in my mouth. Really rich.
  24. I am five weeks out. I am just now able to eat an entire egg for breakfast, or an entire slice of thin sliced diet toast. For lunch I ate 2 oz of tuna today. Normally I eat a couple of TB of tuna, made with lite mayo, a couple of TB of cottage cheese and 2 water crackers. For dinner I make sure it is protein. I always have a couple of TB of cottage cheese (1%), tonight I made spaghetti sauce with ground beef, and had a fourth cup of it and about an eighth cup of cottage cheese. I also made some crowder peas, but only ate about six or seven of those. I was full, but I am never really hungry, so what is full??!!!
  25. I started eggs, "fried" in a non-stick pan but usually I scramble it. At first I did good to get half of it down, but all of a sudden about four days ago, I can eat the entire egg. Yay, more protein! Friday was five weeks since I had surgery, and I guess it was the day before that when I first ate the entire egg. Just all of a sudden I can eat more, I ate 2 oz of tuna salad today. Tuna, a little lite mayo and I add a little of those mini dill pickles for some flavor. Today was the first day I could eat that much tuna!

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