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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. Today is two months! I've lost 26 lbs. since surgery, 49 total. I "think" this is good, but I am always fighting a lb or two. Is this normal? For five or six days I will have a lb or two and will go up and down. I'll do this for days, literally before I will keep it off. I am wondering if I am not getting enough calories (I get 450 - 650 per day). I know I am getting enough protein, 65 - 90 grams a day. Maybe I'm eating potatoes too often. I have baked potatoes or mashed several times a week, but when I say this, keep in mind, a 'serving' is a TB or maybe a TB and a half at the MOST. Little if any marg., and my sour cream is a a creation of my own. I buy an 8 oz container of FF and an 8 oz container of light and mix the two. I use this instead of marg. on the baked potato. I've eaten pasta twice, eating mosting meat sauce, a third of a cup and adding a fourth cup of penne pasta. I have added 1% milk occasionally so I can up my calories, is this bad??! I am not sure if I am doing anything wrong of if I'm ON TRACK. Is this a mind game I'm playing with myself?? Any opinions would be appreciated!!
  2. NtvTxn

    2 Months - 26 lbs

    Oh, congrats, a loss is a loss!! I track my calories on fitday.com - it makes it pretty easy for me. I don't know how you do yours, if you have a better way, let me know! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one with veggie issues. I have vowed to cut back on the 'taters a little. I was talking to my husband last night. I'm going to call my dietitian today or tomorrow and talk it over with her. I'm not doing badly with weight loss I guess, so I may be over reacting, but I still think cutting back on the potatoes might be a good thing. Maybe she can give me some hints on HOW to up my calories in a "GOOD" way. I don't know HOW to do it. I'm not going to just eat bread or something like that....I've totally eliminated that from my diet other than an English muffin once in a while, a HALF of one....and I do keep thin sliced 45 calorie bread around and in two months have had a half slice three times. I just don't eat bread now. (So now my sweet hubby is eating the 45 calorie bread....he likes it too!!!) I was craving watermelon a couple of weeks ago and got some from the salad bar at the grocery store. It was wonderful. I can have fruit two or three times a week, so I should make an effort to fit it in somewhere! You're doing great, if you have any thoughts on how to up our caloric intake, tell me!!! We're doing good though, we're on the road to success!! 2 months and counting!! Have a good day!!
  3. yes!!!! In a heartbeat!!
  4. NtvTxn

    2 Months - 26 lbs

    I KNOW you're right, my dietitian was hinting that I should be closer to around 800 calories....and they say skim or 1% so I went and bought some organic 1% just so I could up my calories a little. To me that's crazy, I've been drinking skim for 15 years!! I eat so little, and some of what I eat, like an egg, or steamed shrimp....stuff like that, has so few calories, it's just had to get them to 'add up'. I am going to have to give her a call and see what she says. I feel good and I'm eating healthy....I do need to cut the potatoes out a little I think. Who'd have ever thought we'd have to worry about getting MORE calories into our diet??!!! Bizarre! :biggrin0:
  5. NtvTxn

    2 Months - 26 lbs

    Hey girl - it's good to see you, I need to exercise more, and this past week, we must be thinking alike. I started riding my bike several days ago just around the block, I actually did it twice and have committed to doing it three times next week, and going further. It's been hot, at least hot for here and I had a migraine twice this week for some reason, a high pressure system hanging around I think!! That's my excuse anyway!! I am going to back off the potatoes a little, even though it seems like so few, a tablespoon, but for us now, that may be a lot! I too concentrate on Protein first and foremost, I get in 2 - 2.5 oz of meat at night and 2 oz at lunch, either tuna or deli lunchmeat, or I steam 2 oz of shrimp. If I don't do meat at lunch, I'll have a half cup of cottage cheese. I fear I'm not getting enough veggies, do you? I seldom if EVER have fruit, I just don't have room! I'm having Beans as a side, just a TB for extra protein, do you ever eat them and I love fat free refried beans, but I'm a Native Texan, so I can't help it!! :biggrin0: I can't believe it's been two months, I went to a support group meeting today, I love going to them and meeting the 'newbies' who are pre-op and also listening to people who are further out than us!! Time has flown by!! I go for my 3 month check up next month!! Good hearing from you!!!
  6. NtvTxn

    2 Months - 26 lbs

    Thank you, I think this is such a mind game we, or at least I play with myself! It seems to take a while for our minds to catch up with what the doctors did to our tummies! I feel certain that I am doing anything to undermine what I need to do to reach my goal. I have set certain boundaries, there are things that I will not even think about putting in my mouth at this time, and things that I loved before don't even sound good now, thank goodness....but still, I doubt myself when it comes to things like the potatoes!! I read on one of the threads where this guy eats absolutely NO Pasta and will once in a while take a bite of a potato and that got me to thinking....'is this what I should be doing?' I wanted to see if this is what the majority of other do at the beginning. I know different things work for different people. Thanks for your input! I feel great AND healthy! Have a great day!
  7. I'll tell you some of my 'regular' staples in my diet. I have a scrambled egg, and some times mix in some grated 2% cheddar cheese. I do this three or four days a week. If I'm feeling lazy, I'll eat a half cup of 1% cottage cheese, that is a quick 12 or 13 grams of protein! Occasionally I'll have a half of a low fat English muffin with 2% cheese melted on it. For lunch I might have something left over from the night before or I'll have 2 oz of tuna made with a little light mayo or 2 oz of lean sliced roast beef from the deli. I haven't had ham or turkey yet, but they'd be just as good. 2 oz is all I can do though. When I have tuna I will eat two or three Water Crackers, they give me that cruch that I like (i cut chips out of my diet months before I had surgery) - they have practically NO fat, calories and I am pretty sure NO saturated fat. Once in a while I will steam 2 oz of frozen shrimp which is good for Protein....protein is always my goal!!! For dinner I make a meat, grill steak, or I'll do something with chicken or we'll grill shrimp. I'll make round steak in 98% fat free cream of mushroom Soup (makes great brown gravy). I can eat 2 oz of meat most of the time. We buy grass-fed bison because it is so lean. Seafood is the easiest for me to eat. I love Cod, blackened, just so nothing is over cooked. I eat about a TB of veggies and if we have mashed or baked potatoes, about a TB of that. Maybe about the same of cottage cheese and that's it! I'm never really hungry but can tell when my tummy is empty. I keep an on line log and my calories range from 475 - 650, and that includes my protein 'bullet'. I start and end each day with 8 oz of skim milk. I don't count my Calcium calories, but they're another 80. I just can't bring myself to count 'meds' as calories! =) I hope this helps!!! Good luck!!!
  8. My surgery was on June 11th - I was wearing a size 18 dress and my shirts were 2x. I had a pair of jeans that were 40x34. I had one pair of capris that were a 16, Tommy Hilfigers, they ran large, I loved them because they were a 16, my smallest item of clothing!! :cool0: Last week I bought 2 pair of Capris, size 12!!! One fit, I'm wearing them now, the other, a different brand is snug, I should be able to wear them in a couple of weeks. A month ago I was wearing a 14. I am buying an XL in the Missy dept....I no longer shop in the "womens" dept. It is so weird!!!! It is amazing how quickly you can start wearing smaller clothing, just wait!!! Good luck!!!
  9. It makes perfect sense to me. I still feel funny in the 'Missy' section, like I don't belong there!! The did surgery on our tummy, but our brains have not caught up!! I still cannot believe the 1x and 2x swallow me, it doesn't seem possible. I've gotten a few things for 'future' and wonder if I've jinxed myself, but I KNOW I'll be there. I had a $10 off at Victoria's Secret and bought M panties. MEDIUM!!! I know they'll fit, and my guess is I'll be able to wear them by Christmas, but it still all seems like a dream! I've gotten rid of so many of my 'big' clothes, but some of my sweatshirts and my sweaters I've hung on to for some reason. By the time it is cold, I will have lost MORE weight, I don't know what I'm thinking. I've taken six bags of clothes to Good Will, I guess maybe I just want to drag it out! Congrats on buying and wearing a medium NOW, isn't it the greatest feeling? I slipped into a pair of size 12 Capris last week....I cannot tell you the last time I wore a size 12!! The day before surgery I was wearing an 18! I have another pair that are a 12 that are a little snug, (different brand) but I got them anyway, they'll fit in a couple of weeks!! I love my sleeve, this surgery was the best thing I've ever done for myself! I feel great! The weight is coming off slow and steady...which is the healthy way to do it!! It's fun sharing these stories with those of you who can understand how exciting this stuff is! Keep me posted on how you're doing, I love hearing about it!! :confused:
  10. We had an inground pool when we lived in Texas and I'm spoiled, I like to be able to see the bottom of whatever I'm in....and I like to know MY husband is taking care of all the chemicals!! LOL Yes, nice and clean. Public pools and spas. Ugh, oh, and waterparks. OMG :w00t: Galveston is our favorite place to go, but I only walk in the surf, love to watch the waves and hear them....you won't catch me any further!!
  11. Is it something we'd get dependent on though? That is what I'm worried about!! I thought Miralax was a laxative, that is what I added to a power drink before a colonoscopy....the entire bottle, but still...that is why I am thinking it is a laxative!! :thumbup: I'm taking Metamucil (sp?) and it isn't helping at all. I didn't not have this problem at all before surgery!!
  12. I couldn't swim or take a tub bath for four weeks. A swimming pool is nasty anyway. Think about it. YUCK!!! :thumbup: I would be leery of getting in one until being healed totally!
  13. I'm soooo with you, if I can feel like this for the rest of my life, I'll be thrilled!! I can feel ribs, hip bones and I love seeing my collar bone!! It makes me grin too....but I still don't think I am seeing the drastic change that others are seeing. My mind has not caught up to what the doctor has done!!! How about you?
  14. We can do this!! I have avoided most social situations really. Since surgery was June 11th, I spent six weeks in the healing stage, and now I pick and choose where we go very carefully. We opted out of my husband's company picknic this week, but honestly, I'm not tempted. I'm not hungry! LOL I just don't want to answer questions from people I don't really know! :cursing:
  15. I know what you mean! Seems to be what most insinuate! I sure hope that is correct! I can eat so little, I can't imagine going back to old habits...plus, I am not hungry. Are you??? I am just now beginning to be able to tell when my stomach is empty...interesting! :001_tongue:
  16. My doctor uses a 32, I had a 3 oz tummy when he got through. When all is said and done, hopefully I will have lost what you want to lose. That is my goal. They said that in approx. 8 - 12 months I will be able to eat about a cup of food. Right now I can eat a half cup of cottage cheese, or 2 oz of shrimp or 2 oz of soft chicken, a fourth cup of tuna salad. It just takes time. I'm on week 8, I started out at maybe an eighth of a cup of soup!! If you come OUT OF SURGERY eating about a cup of food, then it stands to reason a year later you will be able to eat much more. I am not sure I'd want to adjust the normal surgical procedure, you might end up disappointed with the results several years down the road.
  17. We had to attend a seminar....I'm not sure what she was, I think an RN. The doctor did not do it and I never really discussed this with him. There were so many other professionals in his office that patients meet with....individually and in groups....I am not sure that we were ever told that our new little tummies will or will not stretch. I do know they said that the stretchy part is removed and the part that remains is mostly muscle. I know for a fact the lady doing the seminar said we can eat around our "tool". We can re-gain weight. Milk shakes, ice cream, candy, sodas, pastries....those things come to mind. There were others, but those stick out. We all know the bad things. I am very curious about the stretching out though.....any at all??? A definitive answer would be great!!
  18. I've heard of the rose or rosebud surgery for the gastric bypass patients. A friend of mine has gained back some of her weight and mentioned it. She said it is where the go down your throat and kind of tighten everything back up again. I am pretty sure that wouldn't be an option for us since we had a totally different procedure, but I googled it doesn't sound fun to me. Just a vicious cycle. If it happens once, I think it would happen again and again. She has fallen back into some old habits and unless she changes that, in my humble opinion, having everything tightened up again would be a waste. I'd be curious to see what your doctor has to say if you question him further!
  19. I love my sleeve, no regrets, not for one minute. I enjoy eating, just less. No hunger, although I am just now feeling something, maybe I can tell when my tummy is empty. I eat because I need to and because it tastes good. I'd do it again in a heartbeat! No problems, and I haven't tried a food that I can't eat!! I have been taking biotin since before surgery; I'm hoping since weight loss is slow and steady maybe hair loss won't be a problem! What is the AG stuff? I haven't heard of it.
  20. I'm listening to my tummy now, before, not so much. Not until my pants were too tight!! :thumbup:
  21. But "being stuffed" then was uncomfortable and our pants where tight, whereas now, one bite too many, yikes, I can feel it in my throat, uncomfortable is a different feeling, and I really pay attention and am usually successful in avoiding it. My pants are NOT too tight now, which is nice, but the tight feeling in my throat and chest is not pleasant!! It is a deterrent!!
  22. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that worries about this stuff!! What about the slushies, are they sugar free? If not, do you worry about things like that? I even obsess about bar-b-q sauce and things like that, even though there is so little on the things that I've had! I've got to calm down some! :thumbup:
  23. I KNOW you're right, when I look at the almost laughable amount of food I eat now, compared to what I ate or could eat before....it is so little. I mean seriously, six medium sized shrimp! A half cup of cottage cheese for breakfast! OMG I just made such a life altering decision, just as we all did, that I do not want to do anything to mess it up! So, at 3.5 months out, you still feel very restricted? It worries me that when I measure something out, like the cottage cheese, I don't have to eat slowly, I can actually, if in a hurry, can eat it pretty quickly, in about ten or fifteen minutes. Do you think that is BAD or just a bad habit? As far as dragging a meal out for thirty minutes, when I am eating only an oz of chicken and an few bites of baked potato and two broc. florets...HOW can you do that??!!
  24. I know what you're talking about, I can eat ONE oz of chicken, but TWO oz of steamed shrimp and a half cup of cottage cheese! I don't want to do anything to mess this up!! I'm afraid when I have this, "oh, I have taken one bite too much" thing, maybe I've stretched it....in my mind I am pretty certain it is ALL IN MY MIND, but I just want to make sure!
  25. Hey Coach - you on the other side! Congrats, how're you feeling? No hunger, isn't it great? I'm into week 8 and still no hunger, although I'm just beginning to feel is something new, it is strange. I can tell when my new little tummy is empty. Very interesting feeling, not like hunger, but if this is my new hunger, it is ok! It isn't anything that makes me want to go eat though. Good luck to you, when do two a days start, or have they already?!!!

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