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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. Oct. 11th will be four months for me.....and as of this morning I'm down 70.5 lbs!!!! I love my sleeve!! You've done great Swiftflow.....doesn't it feel wonderful?? I'm just 7.5 lbs from my surgeons goal weight, but I'd like to lose an additions 5 - 7 lbs so I'll have that cushion. I'm not sure why, I'm never hungry, but it would just be nice to have it. I need to talk to Tiffikins and find out how to "maintain"!!! Any ideas out there??!!! Have a great weekend!!!
  2. NtvTxn

    NSV shout outs

    I am in the 150's!!!! Yay, I weight LESS than I did when I got married over 30 years ago....and I can share clothes (size 10) with my 28 year old daughter!! Shopping is soooo fun, I can't believe it. I still don't see myself as "thin" but at 5'6" I know I am not toooo overweight, but when I see a picture, I still don't see what others see....WHEN will my head catch up to what the doctor did??!!!!
  3. NtvTxn


    Nancy - two eggs is a lot for two weeks post op. I'll be four months post op on the 11th and just now can eat two eggs. Since I feel no hunger, it's hard for me to tell when I'm full. My new 'hunger' or what I call hunger, is an empty feeling occasionally. I weigh my meat and measure other stuff I.E. cottage cheese, veggies etc. I can eat a half cup of cottage cheese for Breakfast now, but in the beginning I could only eat a fourth of a cup. It is just 'safer' to measure to keep from over eating. Even now, I can only eat on fourth cup of Pasta with meat sauce, along with one eighth of a cup of cottage cheese. The restriction is GREAT. I love my sleeve. I'm down 68 lbs, 23 before surgery, 45 since. Good luck - and measure/weigh - and don't push it, 2 eggs is a lot, I am sure 1 would satisfy you, maybe less than one right now.
  4. Typical 'southern' girl, you were pretty before surgery.....now you KNOW you look amazing!!!!! Congrats, keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!! I know you feel great about yourself!!!!!!!!!! :001_smile:
  5. You look fabulous, wow!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!
  6. NtvTxn

    i cried today!!!

    Congrats Mommyof4 - I'm right there with you!! I had surgery a couple of days after you did. A size 8 has been my goal all along, not really a certain weight. I just bought an only slightly snug pair of white capris two days ago for next spring. I can't imagine that I'll be any smaller than an 8!! My size 10's are 'big' after a day and I need to wash them, but at age 51, I think the 8 is too tight.....ten years ago, I'd have worn them NOW!!! I am having so much fun buying clothes. I hated shopping before, it's been years since I enjoyed buying clothes for myself. I'm sure you feel the same!!! I've given away 7 trash bags full of clothes!! I can't wear anything from 'before'. It is so strange, but a good strange. It's still hard to get use to not going to the "womens" dept. Anyway.....have fun and again, congratulations on the itty bitty size!!!! :mad:
  7. NtvTxn

    Eating spicy food?

    When my forehead sweats, it's spicy enough! :mad:
  8. NtvTxn

    Wisconsin VSGrs?

    Hey there!! Long time since the Brewer's game....surgery went great, I'm headed back to TX for my three month check up and to see family in a couple. I had an easy time....best decision I ever made!!! How are you doing??!!
  9. NtvTxn

    NSV: new clothes!

    Sometimes it is hard to be honest....sometimes it is hard to RECOGNIZE that I've lost 58 lbs unless I look at pictures, before and after! My new clothes size "tells" me I have but when I look in the mirror....I don't see the drastic change that others see. When will my mind catch up to what the doctor did? I love the smaller clothes.....but I LOVE that I have a collar bone! I know, how silly!!! It's the little things, isn't it??!! Congrats, you're doing great!!!!
  10. By week 3 I was able to take a pretty normal drink.....I had surgery June 11th and I can take 2 or 3 drinks in a row now, but I cannot "gulp". I can't down a glass of Water....I don't think I'll ever be able to do that again.
  11. NtvTxn


    I'm going for my first blood work this Wed. (for my 3 month check up) Pre-op they told me that they'll want to see my B12 "off the chart....I don't know why, but I guess he wants it up there! I take a 2500 mg once a week minimum, sometimes I take an extra just for good measure. The bottle says you can take it daily!
  12. Hi Chiderah - since you're a nurse, maybe you can answer my question! I stopped taking my Pepcid AC after six weeks....taking it "as needed". I seldom have indigestion, only after something spicy, but I DO have 'gurgling' in my chest/throat. Since I've quit taking them on a regular basis when I have the gurgling, even when I just drink milk, my breath is bad, is that normal? When I take one, it's not. Any idea what the deal is and how long this goes on??!!!
  13. NtvTxn

    A little about me

    Hi KrisSee - Congrats, you're doing great! I got my sleeve June 11th - like you, I was basically pain free from the beginning!! I felt great. I took a nap in the afternoon for about two weeks, but my doctor recommended "scheduled' rest every day like that! I lost 23 lbs pre-op and as of last Friday I've lost 56 lbs total. I haven't been hungry since surgery, it is soooo weird. About a month ago I started feeling what I call an empty feeling occasionally and I think that is probably my new hunger, but it is NOT hunger at all...nothing where I feel like I need to go eat. I could totally never eat, at least that is what I feel like. I hope it stays like this forever!! Many people experience 'head hunger' - I do not. Things taste and smell good to me...look good to me, but nothing makes me feel hungry or makes me want to eat. I am lucky in that respect. This has been the best decision I've ever made for myself and so far, it's been a breeze. I wish that for you!!! I am NOT exercising like I should, but I am getting on our Airdyne bike a few times a week an riding it a couple of miles. I park out in parking lots waaaay far and walk in...I do not take the easy routes, I figure every step counts! =) Good luck and get in your Protein as soon as you can, and keep hydrated!
  14. My book said call my surgeon if it had an odor or was milky. I called because i had a discharge that was not 'clear' - but it never did have an odor. Was more like pus. Ewwww! They wanted to make sure it didn't get to red around it. Had me put triple antibiotic ointment on it. It took a couple of weeks, but it was ok.
  15. that's pretty cool...NEVER A LEAK? EVER?? that means that ALL his patients must "obey" the rules. now that is amazing!
  16. My guess is that you're just anxious about trying a new food. You didn't eat anything "wrong". There is no explanation. You could call your dietitian and see what she says, but I think you are just anxious about your next step. I haven't found anything that I've had trouble eating. Just one new food at a time, and make sure is on your plan. You'll do fine! Have you tried a nice soft scramble egg or one over medium? Some people have trouble, but it was the easiest thing for me, I added a little grated 2% cheddar cheese for extra Protein. Yum!
  17. Thanks for clearing this up for me. I actually haven't felt hunger since surgery, I was taking Pepcid Complete, but I'd seen others mention this and was wondering about it. I'm starting week ten and am only taking the Pepsid now 'as needed'. I wonder how long I'll need it....I'd say I take one every few days now.
  18. I use fitday.com and I am guessing it is accurate, or at least fairly accurate! From what I have read on the labels, chicken, most beef, tuna and other fish are all about the same, oz per oz. Close anyway. They pack a lot of protein! Thanks for the help!!! I appreciate it!
  19. So 2 oz in weight is HOW MANY grams in Protein when it comes to chicken breast, beef, steamed shrimp?
  20. No, ready to drink are fine, just so the calories and sugar aren't high. I drink the Atkins some times, they were recommended by my dietitian. I know a lot of people talk about the RTD shakes from costco. The powders are YUCKY!!
  21. I've been terribly constipated.....headed out to get something, prunes maybe!! What are you eating Fiber wise?? HELP!!!
  22. Amen!! They are all gross, and I found out that unflavored just mean they aren't choc., vanilla or strawberry!!! I started trying to find something I like months before surgery and thank God I was buying from GNC, with a receipt, they'll allow you to bring it back, and I DID, four different times!! I gave up, I am drinking the GNC Protein bullets, 42 grams of protein, Blue Raspberry is the least disgusting!! It really isn't bad, I'm ordering it on line, for some reason it is a 'new and improved'. It's only 3.4 oz and so I'm not sipping on it for HOURS!! I take a few sips in the morning, then again at noon and then finish it up in the evening and I'm done. With that and the food I'm now eating (I'm nine weeks out), I get in 65 - 90 grams a day!! Good luck....it gets easier....and now I just focus on drinking, my drink of choice is decaf iced tea. I start and end my days with 8 oz of skim milk!!
  23. I'm totally lost!!! So when I weigh 2oz of chicken, it isn't REALLY 2 oz?? OMG, this is difficult!!!!
  24. I can't drink a whole 'protein drink' - it is too much. I am ordering blue raspberry 'bullets' from GNC. They are only 3.4 oz and pack 42 grams of protein. I take a few sips in the morning, mid morning and late evening and I'm done. I rinse my mouth afterwards and it is NOT horrible. I could NOT do any of the powders, not even the unflavored no matter how I tried to mask it!! I start every morning with 8 oz of skim milk and end each day with 8 oz of skim milk. In between I like 1% cottage cheese some times for breakfast or lunch, a half cup is 13 gr of protein. I like to steam shrimp some times for lunch, it's easy. 2 oz is 15 gr of protein. At dinner I get in 2 more oz of meat one way or the other. I lack on veggies or fruit, I just don't have room. I'm never hungry, I eat because it tastes good but mainly because I know I need to. It took me until about week 5 before I got the hang of getting the protein in but I am consistantly getting in 60 - 90 now!! Weight loss is steadier. Keep at it, you can do it!!! It has become routine to me now.
  25. Tiffikins, this isn't the first time I have seen PPI associated with suppressing hunger. Are they suppose to help with that? I'm into week nine and am just taking them as needed. I haven't experienced hunger since surgery, I think I am very lucky in that dept., but if/when it does start to return, should I start back on my PPI? Do you take it before a meal? I was just taking one in the morning and one in the evening. Thank you in advance...as always!

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