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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. NtvTxn

    Let me be honest

    If nothing else, get Atkins, it has 15 grams of protein. SOBE with 0 calories isn't bad, but Gatorade is loaded with sugar, as much as a regular soda. I too hated Protein shakes, I tried for three months pre-op to find one I could drink....I finally just got two cases of protein bullets from GNC, blue raspberry, 42 grams of protein. They're only about 3.5 oz. I could sip a little in the morning, a little at noon and finish it off later in the day. Not the best tasting stuff in the world, but I could drink it and it wasn't a huge Protein Drink....which I would be nursing for 2 hours. Yuck. The bullets worked for me. I actually liked the Atkins. I only had to supplement for 2 months, I get all my protein with food and have been for over 2 months now. I keep Atkins around just in case we are leaving for the day.....and I might need something.
  2. NtvTxn

    Let me be honest

    I could only eat an eighth of a cup of food (maybe!!!) at one sitting at one month out. I can eat triple that now at four months and one week.....so Tiff isn't eating anything close to what she and most of us were pre-op!!! Don't worry!!!
  3. NtvTxn

    How do I get in 1000-1200 Calories?

    Hi there! One, well maybe more than one question...but first of all, why do you want to up your calories? I'm at 4 months/1 week and my caloric intake is between 550 and 750. My protein, totally from food, is between 55 and 65 gram per day. I don't count carbs, but they are quite a bit more than yours. I know this because the on line food log I keep tells me so! I'm just curious. How much protein do you get a day? I don't go to the gym either. I am just a few lbs from goal and I wanted to make sure I got there by doing what I will do forever, not by doing anything that I'll get burned out on in a year! Make sense? I know me, and I know that exercising is NOT something that I'll continue. I ride our stationary bike MAYBE once or twice a week and I have a band that I use several times a week to work on my arms, which, at age 51, is my main concern. I have a ball too, and I have not gotten the hang of it, but it looks like fun, I will do something eventually! An average day for me as far as food starts with a half cup of cottage cheese...the Breakfast of champions! 1% of course, and it packs 13 gr of protein. If not, I will eat a couple of eggs or an egg and a half a piece of whole wheat toast with a smige of marg. on it. I like a fourth cup of solid white tuna for lunch with 1 TB of lite mayo with 8 or 10 Special K crackers...3 oz of deli sliced lunchmeat, maybe a little 2% cheese and a few Special K crackers. I like the crunch. Something leftover from the night before maybe. For dinner 2 or 2.5 oz of meat and eighth cup of cottage cheese and an eighth cup of some veggie. I might have a .25 oz of almonds now that I'm almost at goal. At night I'll have a little SF Jello with SF Cool Whip if I have some made. This changes up if we go out to eat....but this is just to give you an idea. I like to steam some shrimp for lunch some times, it is good for protein! My surgeon's office does not worry about calories unless you are not losing weight, and then they worry about you getting too many! We don't count carbs at all, thank goodness, I couldn't keep up with something else! LOL
  4. Stivia from GNC is the only one I like. It's in 0 calorie SOBE and is good. Try SF Jello with SF Cool Whip. SF Cool Whip tastes just like all the other Cool Whips. Only the Extra Creamy tastes different for some reason. You may just have to develop a taste for it like people say you develop a taste for beer. This is not a diet, it is a new way of life! We cannot fall back into bad habits, our way of thinking has got to totally change.....think positive. Good luck.
  5. I haven't been "hungry" since June 10th - I had surgery June 11th. It's wonderful. My 'new hunger' is an empty feeling that I get once in a while. It started not quite two months ago and is not a daily thing. I hope this lasts forever!
  6. NtvTxn

    wt gain after the sleeve?

    I'm 3.5 lbs from my surgeon's goal and I'd like to go about 5 - 7 lbs below that. MY GOAL is to be like Tiff!!!!!! I want it to be as 'easy' as it is for her. So far it has been, knock on wood. The lower I go, the easier it's been. I'm not hungry either, I get an empty feeling, but it's not real hunger...I could just ignore it, I think it's my new hunger. I hope this never changes! Tiff, you're a big help and always have the answers, or can direct us where to go, or you know where to go to find them for us! Thank you!
  7. NtvTxn

    Wanted to introduce myself

    Best health deciscion I ever made! Good luck!
  8. Everyone has their preferences....I don't like thin men. I like a little meat on their bones. Not fat, but not thin. That's just me.
  9. NtvTxn

    Hubby thinks he is in heaven now!!

    So the pencil D*cked SOB has been banned? That's too bad, I really wanted to say something to him.....oh well, whoever got rid of him. Thanks! What a jerk. Did he really have a girlfriend....if so, the poor girl....did he really call her 'chunky and fat'? Yes, I believe he did. OMG, if my husband ever did that, or if I even suspected he'd thought that....how hurtful. What a mean spirited person hijacking our forum. Glad this jack ass is gone.
  10. I will get to goal much quicker than 'my goal date'. Today is four months since I had surgery and I've lost 72 lbs - I'm six lbs from my surgeons goal....my goal date that I had in my mind was New Years Eve!! I'll be at goal in no time, I've lost six lbs since Oct. 1st. For some reason I am losing quicker the past four to six weeks, or so it seems. I was just reading a post by Mini Me on another thread and she reached her goal and was a little below within 8 months! She had a lower BMI as well. Everyone is different though. My caloric intake is between 550 and 750 per day and I am getting 55 - 70 grams of protein, all food, no supplements. No hair issues either, knock on wood!!
  11. NtvTxn

    How much can you eat

    I don't feel hungry and in the beginning especially I didn't feel full.....I find it much easier to weigh or measure my food!!! I can eat, at four months out, 2 - 2.5 oz of meat and a little .125 cup of cottage cheese and just a couple of florets of broc. You get the picture. This is for dinner. For breakfast, a half cup of cottage cheese or two eggs....just now two eggs! I AM feeling full now, but I have to still measure the food etc. The full feeling kind of just comes! If I over do it, it is that Thanksgiving full that people speak of! Early on, I could eat a fourth of a cup of cottage cheese for breakfast.....maybe, most of an egg, maybe! Protein!! Cottage cheese, 1% of course - the breakfast of champions!
  12. The sleeve is 'relatively' new as a stand alone surgery. Tiffikins is the expert on just about anything you need to know! I think from what a nurse in my surgeon's office has said, sleeve surgery has been perfected now, like most things after a little while. Reassuring, isn't it? Although bypass is still more popular and that is what insurance covers! The nurse I'm referring to had a revision five years ago, and her sleeve is larger - she has considered going back and having it redone. The most common size now is a 32 I think, she said any smaller and there are some times problems and larger ones have a bigger percentage of regaining, like Tiff said. (which she has experienced to some degree) Mine is a 32 and the restriction is perfect. My BMI was 36, I had no health issues and was a cash pay patient. I had my surgery done in Dallas, I was not as brave as you are, I didn't consider going out of the country. If you do, I think Dr. A is better than going anywhere near Juarez, which is a war zone, no place for anyone to be unless you are a drug dealer....just my personal opinion. (I am a Native Texan and my mom was raised in El Paso) Just google it!!! I had the easiest time and I think that those of us with lower BMI's and no health issues have an easier time with the surgery....I lost 23 lbs before surgery (June 11th) - today is 4 months and I've lost a total of 72 lbs. I'm just 6 lbs from my surgeons goal for me. I'll lose a little below that, but I feel great, I have NEVER had "buyers" remorse!!! Go for it!!!!! Like you, I'd done many things....Weight Watchers, phen/phen, seen a nutritionist, Optifast.....I've lost and regained 50 lbs twice and lost and regained 30 lbs on several occasions over the years!!! This is great! Do it, it is wonderful!!!! Good luck!
  13. I tried for MONTHS BEFORE surgery to find a protein shake that I could drink....I took three different ones BACK to GNC....they will take their stuff back with a receipt within a certain amount of time, thank goodness!!! I struck out, I was desperate.....I know not everyone agrees, most think the Protein powder crap is the best, but not if they're so bad you aren't drinking them....so I found a bullet flavor I could stomach and that is what I did until I could get all my protein in with real food. (at about 2.5 months) The ones at GNC are packed with 42 grams of protein and are a little less than 3 and a half oz. I'd open one in the morning, take a few sips. Take a couple more sips around noon and then finish the thing up later in the day, then I was done with it. None of the nursing a yucky protein shake for two hours gagging it down!!! LOL The grape was very strong, but the Blue Raspberry was not quite as strong, I like it the best. It's worth it to buy the gold card, you get 20% discount the first seven days of the month. If you order on line, you can buy one case, which is 24 bullets and get a second for half price. (at the first of the month) I am four months out, take Biotin and this is THE ONLY protein I used after surgery.....I haven't had any hair issues. I hope this helps!
  14. NtvTxn

    1 year after being sleeved!!!

    Hey Charity! A year out? Wow, that seems so far away to me, but time flies! I have a few questions. I am four months out tomorrow and am almost at goal....7.5 lbs from my surgeons goal and I'd like to lose another 7 - 10 below that just for a cushion! What size is your tummy, do you know? Mine is a 32. I'm just curious, you said you can eat more that some folks on here....how much can you eat at a year out? I know my doctor said he doesn't want his patients to ever eat more than a cup of food at a time. Is that ever possible? Will our stomachs stretch? What do you eat to maintain? You may not be losing any more weight, but like you said, you are not gaining either! There is something to be said for that!! You've lost 90 lbs, that is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations!! Do you think you just need to up your Protein again? I feel like all I eat is eggs, cottage cheese and meat! ha ha I'd love to hear from you and any advice you have would be appreciated! Yes, Tiffikins is an inspiration to all of us, isn't she?? Have a great week!
  15. NtvTxn

    Sleever done April 2010

    Hi Gloria - you started out about where I was....are you at goal or close??!! Isn't the sleeve great??!! If you are at goal, how are YOU maintaining? I'll be there soon and am curious.
  16. NtvTxn

    Top 10 reasons to have VSG surgery

    Sex is better than it's EVER been! Shopping for clothes is fun, fun, fun for the first time in my life I think!! Obviously my priorities are in order. Sex and vanity rule! food is now an afterthought except I eat because it tastes good and I know I must. I LOVE that! There is NOT ONE DOWNSIDE to this surgery...I'm 51 and just wish I'd have known about it sooner!
  17. Amen Tiff - You're a great cheerleader. We need to enjoy the ride. Thanks for the reminder!
  18. NtvTxn

    My closet in empty

    We should FOR SURE give all the old, big clothes.....I've kept TWO things just for 'show and tell' at the once a year show and tell support group meeting. A size 20 dress and size 40x34 pair of Levi's. Ugh, it's horrible to even type!!! This very minute I am wearing a size 8 capri and M top!! Surgery was June 11th!! I believe it was Dr. Oz who said people who lose weight should get rid of all their large size clothing or else we are expecting failure. I agree.....ditch 'em!! I donated my winter clothes BEFORE I had surgery because I knew I wouldn't be wearing them this winter!!! Thank goodness I didn't change my mind! LOL
  19. NtvTxn

    Near goal

    I have 7.5 lbs to lose and I'm eating on ave. 600 calories a day! How do you eat 1800 calories??!! What are you eating? I was told at the seminar that I attended before surgery that after I reached goal I should be eating approx. 1000 - 1200 calories to maintain. The calories you are talking about are for a person with a normal sized stomach, have you talked to your surgeon?
  20. NtvTxn

    who did you tell?

    I told my family, in-laws and close friends. I feel guilty when not so close friends go on and on about how wonderful I look and I'm telling them that I'm doing a high protein diet (which technically I am) and a migraine food elimination diet (which I currently am) - and three of them desperately want to lose weight....I do NOT want to sound at all like all you have to do is cut out chips, bread...blah, blah, blah.....I mean seriously!!!! I KNOW, I've been there time and time again over a life time. I feel like a fraud!!! I don't know why I don't just tell everyone!!!
  21. NtvTxn

    where are the heavyweights?

    Tiff - I've never been called petite because I'm 5.6 and a half, but in the past week I've been called SKINNY or LITTLE three times!!!!!! I weigh 157.5 as of this morning!!! I've NEVER in my life been called either. I really don't know how to take this....it's really neat, but at the same time, I don't know how to respond, and when I look at myself, that is NOT what I see. This is all new to me. It's definitely a NSV I guess!! Congrats to you.....you are for sure, petite and tiny!!
  22. NtvTxn

    70# lost is there more to go?

    I am a big believer in logging what I eat.....I use fitday.com and log everything daily. I want to know the calories and the protein....but it also gives me the carbs and fat of what I eat every day. Some might say I'm a bit "obsessive" about it. LOL I am also obsessive about what I PUT IN MY MOUTH.....Hey, we've gone through a lot, right? It isn't like we're going to weekly weight watchers meetings....when I made the decision to do this....I made it in Dec '09 and researched it and followed these forums for months before surgery in June. I was self pay, so I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing. I want the best outcome and I know it is a tool, not a magic bullet, although, after four months, dang, it sure feels like one some times! I love my sleeve!
  23. NtvTxn

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    Dee Dee - 12 below target!!!??? Wow, congrats, you look wonderful. I have followed your progress for months now. I had surgery June 11th....and am 7.5 lb away from my surgeons goal....I want to lose another 5- 10 lbs so I'll have a "pad". You know what I mean? Tell me how to maintain? Did you add calories back into your diet? I am wondering how to STOP losing weight!! I am NOT hungry. I do get an empty feeling, but not a hunger like pre-surgery!! I don't want to add things I should not.....I need some "sound advice". Thanks!
  24. NtvTxn

    36 BMI

    Fran - I think the lower BMIs patients have a higher success rate - or this is MY experience! I had surgery on June 11th and my BMI was 36.8. That was four months ago!! I'm just 7.5 lbs away from my surgeons goal!!! I'd like to lose a little more, maybe 5 - 7 lbs, but I can wear a size 8!!! I was wearing a size 18 - 20!! It was THE best decision I've ever made, I didn't have any health issues, one knee bothered me a little, it has since high school and it's better now....but I considered this preventive maintenence...and vainity. It was worth it 100% - I'm having so much fun shopping for the first time, probably in my entire life!!! I weigh several lbs less than i did when I got married and now I have MONEY to buy fun clothes!! Go for it....don't hesitate...and I am convinced that because of the lower BMI and good health, that I why I had such an easy time with surgery...no problems at all. Good luck!!!
  25. I loved Forest Park and Dr. Davidson...the entire staff was great, starting with the lady the day before surgery that did the pre registration. The nurse, Sandy, that works for several of the doctors is THE best!! Anyone that is going there will not be disappointed, it's like a medical hotel!!

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